Chapter 16

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Jack's POV

His eyes were still closed when I opened mine, passion exuding out of all the corners of his body. His eyes slowly peeled open, revealing his emerald eyes. We both pulled away slowly, and he gave me a refreshing yet intriguing mix of a smirk and a grin.

"How was that, Frost?" He whispered, his voice deep and luscious. He chuckled in a sexy sort of way. I went right back in for another kiss, and he came right back at me with a kiss just as passionate as the first.

Hiccup's POV

I was startled, yet extremely pleased by the second kiss. I could feel his delicate yet firm hands securing around my waist and pulling me in. I responded by leaning into him, putting my full heart into it. This time I opened my eyes before him, and this time he was the one to reveal his seaborne eyes to me.

Jack's POV

I opened my eyes to immediately get lost in his, his stunning eyes pulled me in, and I was happy to go. Every part of him, every detail, every imperfection and perfection shone brighter than they ever had before. His eyes were vast and crazed with wild untamed desire. His lips were dashed with intoxicated primal rage-fueled love. His chest was scarred with love and hate, the edges of his chest smooth yet sharp to the touch. He was so flawless, perfection blinding every scar and tear stain. His voice, his raspy yet deep yet chocolate smooth voice was just the finishing touch on him. Excitement pulsed through me every time I was with him. He made me so different, so wild, so risky. He was everything I've ever wanted. He was perfection, down to every last hair. And he was mine.

Hiccup's POV

I couldn't help but love him. Sure, he was a dork, but who cared? He's the one I loved, and that's all I needed to know. I loved everything about him. His platinum hair, his sweet smile, his piercing eyes. They pulled me in and kept me there.

Jack's POV

I caught myself staring into his eyes again, and snapped myself back. "I love you," I said softly. "I love you, I love you, I love you." He smiled and held me in his arms.

"I know." His chest was warm and sturdy. His hands were too. I was always so cold, it was nice to be held in warm arms for once.

"Haddock, Frost, where are you?" Uh-oh! It was Bunnymund!!!

"Quick, Hiccup, put your shirt on! We can't let them know!" He let go of me, which felt horrible, but he had to. He put his shirt back on and opened the door.

Hiccup's POV

"Yes, Sir?" Bunnymund tapped his foot impatiently. His brow was fueled and his ears were down. Not a good sign.

"Come out Haddock. And bring Frost. We have a little surprise for you." He grabbed my left wrist and dragged me out, and I fell to the floor. "Ow! Bunnymund! Ow! This isn't necessary, you know." I pouted at him as I was dragged across the floor.

Jack's POV

Bunnymund started dragging Hiccup, and I couldn't help but laugh at him. It was hilarious to see him being dragged like a little kid! I walked after them, giggling under my breath. I shut the door behind us. I was happy, yet a little afraid of what could come next.

We ended up in the dining hall, and Bunnymund let go of Hiccup, and he stood up in response and dusted himself off. "This better be good, Bunny," he grumbled. We waited for a few seconds, and then...

"SURPRISE!!!" I was so startled that I ran out the door! I peeked in the dining hall, where all of the group had popped out from behind chairs, tables, and couches. Astrid held a cake in her hands that read "Welcome back"! And from the looks of it, it was a vanilla ice-cream cake, which was my favorite cake flavor ever. Hiccup must've told them that that's what I would've liked.

"Come on out Frost! We have cake for you!" Snoutlout said. I opened the door and walked through, warmly greeted by all my friends. Fishlegs gave me a thumbs-up, Snoutlout playfully punched me in the shoulder, and Elsa wrapped me in a huge hug. Astrid cut me a piece of cake and handed it to me. "Nice to have you back, Frost." She gave me a little smirk and continued cutting the cake.

"How's this for a welcome back, eh?" Bunnymund said while smiling.

"Great!" I said, my mouth already full of cake. He laughed, and sat down.

"Sit down, Jackson." I sat down next to him, and eventually everyone followed.

"So... did I miss anything?" I asked.

"I got a pretty bad beating too, but I'm okay now," Elsa said. "Merida actually apologized to me, believe it or not. She felt really bad about it. And Hans apologized to Astrid too."

"Yeah, we actually hang out with them sometimes. Anna and Kristoff from the yellow group have dropped by too. Everyone's becoming better friends in this really weird way."

"Yeah! And you know what else?" Snoutlout said excitedly.


"The police found out what North did to you and Hiccup! He's going to jail for a month!" Wait, and Hiccup?

"Am I supposed to feel happy?"

"Well, he did give you some pretty major injuries, and he-" Bunnymund interrupted.

"What's important is that he's learning what he did was wrong. The red group's being temporarily led by Rapunzel's counselor, Mother Gothel." This whole situation confused me a bit. Everyone becoming friends? North learning his lesson? It seemed too much like a fairy tale.

"And someone new's joining us! Come in!"

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