Chapter 20

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Jack's POV

What was it taking so long? I had sent Elsa almost ten minutes ago! I really needed to tell him the plan...


"Hiccup!" I perked up when I saw him. He hugged me and we sat down on the edge of the bed.

"So... what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh! Oh yeah! Elsa has an idea that could change everything. For real."

"Change... everything?"

"Yeah!" I jumped up in excitement, and he jerked back a little from shock. "She could get us out of here! For good! We could live on the road, we could go to some other city and start a new life, whatever we wanted! Doesn't that sound amazing?" I was so excited I could practically burst. He smiled nervously, and rubbed the back of his neck, and I knew bad things were about to happen.

"I talked to Tooth."

"You did what?!"

"I talked to her! Well, she kinda talked to me. She told me this whole story about you, and a Valentine's Day dance..."

"What did she say. What did she say, Hiccup."

"Alright, so first she told me how you were super popular in fifth grade, and she hated you so she annoyed you so much that you moved schools."

Oh, so she did that on purpose to get me to leave, did she? I'm going to have to have a word with her...

"Alright, that sounds accurate."

"But then she said that you were both in the same senior class, and you used her to get some other girl to be jealous so she would date you."

"And you believed it?"

"No! Well, a little..."

"WHAT!!! I never used her! I only went to elementary school with her! We didn't see each other in high school once! Hiccup, I can't believe you... how could you think that?"

Hiccup's POV

My heart shattered into a million little pieces when I saw him start to cry.

"You think... that I would ever do that?" A tear rolled down his cheek as he said it. "You believed it? How? I wouldn't have ever... I don't even like girls... Hiccup... I can't do this anymore!"

He burst out of the room, bawling. I ran after him, my body weak with pain, pain caused by his tears.

"Jack! no! I didn't mean it like that!" I yelled, hoping he would hear and forgive me, at least for one second, but he ran farther and farther away, not looking back at me once. I saw him rush through the door to the outside, and I became so tired that I had to slow down. I stopped in front of the door, and leaned against the wall, and I wondered, how did I screw this up so bad?

How could I? Why did I say I believed her, when I didn't? Not a word that she said was true, and I knew it, but I still blew it. We had a chance to run away, escape all of this, and now it was gone. I wouldn't be able to do anything I wanted to do with him now. I couldn't go out to bars with him, I couldn't go dancing with him, I couldn't stand on a balcony with him and gaze out at the stars, all because of that.

I sat down and a tear escaped my eye. I could still feel him on my lips, I could still smell his crystal hair, and I could still see his sparkling eyes. He lingered on my skin, and my lips, and my mind, and I wanted him. I wanted him again. I could still feel him, I could still hear his breath, and I could still love him. It wasn't too late yet, not to late to grasp onto that lingering feeling and make it real again. It was going to be hard to win him back, but it would be worth it to just hear him say that he loved me one more time. Just one more time.

Jack's POV

I ran outside in tears, wanting to get away. The walls were too high to climb, so I just decided to sit at the base of the cherry blossom tree. I rested my back on ginger-tinted trunk. I filed my head up and tried to exhale, but my breath came out in bursts of pain. I inhaled slowly, and regulated my breathing so that my breath didn't stutter, but it didn't help the tears that were slowly running down my cheeks. How could he do this? How could he believe her? Doesn't he trust me? Does he know how much I care about him? Does he know how much I love him? Does he love me? I looked out beyond the walls at the flowering sunset, and at the delicate blossoms drifting on the light breeze. And as I ran out of tears, I heard the door creak open slowly, and I knew who it was without looking at him.


I saw him sitting at the base of the cheery tree, his face focused on the horizon, yet his head was turned away from me so all I could see was his hair, the ends slightly floating in the breeze with the cherry blossoms. He didn't answer.

"Jack..." He shook his head ever so slightly, and turned away even farther.

"I didn't mean it, I didn't believe her Jack, not a word. Please believe me."

"Go away." Well, at least he said something.

"Jack, you know I didn't believe it! She was lying the whole time and I knew it."

"That's not what I really care about." He still wouldn't turn his head.

"What... what do you mean?" I said, confused.

"I'm not mad that you believed her, well not fully. I'm not even mad. I'm just... disappointed. Sad. I thought we had something, but I guess we don't." His head turned a little so I could still see the side of his face, but he wouldn't give me his eyes. I could see tear-trails on his face, and I could see a tear in his eye still. He rubbed his eye on his hand and buried his face in his hands.

"I-I don't know what to believe anymore... Hiccup, you betrayed me..." I could see tears seeping out through his delicate fingers. "You... you just... I... I..." He burst out sobbing, his hands moving off of his eyes and around his legs. He rested his forehead on his kneecaps, crying into his jeans. I put an arm around his back and he leaned his head onto my shoulder, tears staining my shirt. I stroked his hair and closed my eyes. I whispered to him as he cried, and he nodded slowly. Eventually he stopped, and I opened my eyes. He looked up at me, with his bloodshot blue eyes, with his cherry face, with his perfect cheekbones, and his frost-tipped lips, and I couldn't help but know that we were going to be okay. Not just okay, revolutionary.

"I'm so sorry."

And as those words escaped his lips, he exhaled and sunk his head into my shoulder. I kissed his forehead lightly and whispered,

"Me too."

Jack's POV

I straightened my back so my head would be near his, and pulled him in for a long, deep kiss.

"I know," I exhaled. "I know."

He nodded and closed his eyes, leaning on the trunk of the cherry tree. I could feel the rising and falling of his sturdy chest, his hand still on my back. His face was divinely lit, his cheekbones standing out even more than usual, and his hair was shining in the sundown aura.

"Do you still want to run away with me?" I said, running my hand along his chin, and down his chest.

"Do I have a choice?" He smirked lazily, his eyes fluttering shut.

"I suppose not," I answered. I could feel my eyelids getting heavy. I curled up next to Hiccup, the heat of his body making me sleepy. And that night, as we feel asleep in a cherry blossom breeze to the light of a dying sunset, I was finally happy.

That's the end of Something Different! Luckily, there will be a sequel! Something Wild will be uploaded to this account soon! But if you want to catch up on it now, go to my Instagram; @/my_hijack_life, and read it there! Happy reading, and please comment what you thought!

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