Chapter 12

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Hiccup's POV

It was finally time. We were gathered in the main room on the couch.

"Does everyone remember the plan?" Elsa asked.

"Yes. Snoutlout and Fishlegs distract them, you and Astrid distract Merida, and me and Jack go steal the flag?"

"Good. Here are the radios." Jack took the radio and clipped it to his belt loop. "There they go now." North's group walked past us in the hall, heading towards the doors to the outside.

"Should we go?" Fishlegs asked.

"Now or never!" Jack shouted enthusiastically. "Let's go!"

Jack's POV

We waited until Astrid and Elsa had been gone for five minutes. Still no reply.

"Jack, do you read me?" It was Elsa.

"Yeah, I got you."

"We've spotted them. Both Hans and Merida are by North's chamber. This doesn't look good for us." That was bad news. Hiccup sneered a little when he heard it.

"How much more time do you need?"

"Come now. Quick. We're fighting them." Fighting? That was never the plan!

"What? Fighting?"

"Yes! Come quick! I'm out." Elsa switched her radio off, a crackling sound lingering for a few seconds afterward.

"You heard her. Let's go!" We sprung off the couch and ran. Hiccup was a lot faster than me, I couldn't keep up. His leather jacket and messy hair zipped in front of me before I could even get a chance to say anything. He had left me behind!

Hiccup's POV

I got to the door as quickly as I could to see Astrid and Elsa fighting with Hans and Merida. I could see a lot of bruises on both of their faces, and Elsa was definitely bleeding.

"Pick the lock Hiccup! Do it now!" Elsa screamed as Merida hit her again. I ran to the lock and searched my pockets for a paper clip. Jack would have one, I thought, so I turned my head to ask him for it when I realized he wasn't there! I had left him!

Jack's POV

I ran as fast as my legs could take me. My feet started to blister and I could feel the fire on my heels. I finally reached the door and saw Hiccup there, looking in his pockets frantically.

"Jack! Help me!" Elsa screamed as Merida knocked her out. Merida was coming for me now! Hiccup dashed in front of her, threw a punch at her head, grabbed my arm, and brought me to the door.

"Jack! Give me a paper clip! I need to pick the lock now!" I reached in my pocket and pulled out a paper clip. He snatched it and picked the lock and pulled me inside before I could take a breath. He shut the door with a loud bang, and I could hear Merida scream,

"You bastards! I'll get you! I'll be back to get you! You just wait! I will get my revenge, I swear!" I heard her run away from the door, presumably to get backup.

My breathing slowed down, and the blood that was streaming through my veins at top speed just a minute ago had become calmer. I put my hand on my chest and looked over at Hiccup. He was breathing heavily and loudly, a glimmer of sweat on his forehead. I could see traces of blood on his fingers. He was oddly... attractive... no. Not now. I sighed out of relief, and smiled because I was safe, for now.

Hiccup's POV

I exhaled in relief. That was close. I looked over at Jack, his usually newly combed white hair shocked and messy. I liked it that way. He smiled, and started to laugh. And for some reason, I did too. We were both just laughing madly. Out of nowhere.

Jack's POV

I hadn't actually heard his laugh until today, and I was so glad today was that day. His laugh was manly but boyish at the same time. It was like the wisps of dust that floated in a stream of light in the dark, it was like a happiness that could only be found in a dream. I actually stopped laughing just to hear him. His eyes closed as he was laughing, and the way his lips curled on his face was so attractive it made him almost otherworldly. And that's when I decided that he might just be more than my roommate.

Hiccup's POV

I could hear his laughter filter out from mine, and I looked over to him. He was staring at me, smiling.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He immodestly snapped to attention and shook his head.

"Uh- nothing! Nothing. Heh. Sorry." His face became cherry red, flushing with embarrassment. I smiled at the sight.

"You're faster than you look, Frost." I laughed a little. "You could almost keep up with me."

"I am? I am! Yeah." He smiled in a shy way.

Jack's POV

"Okay, back to stealing that flag," Hiccup said.

"Oh yeah. Thanks Hiccup." We stood up, and he began searching for the safe again. I smiled, that moment lingering in my mind for just a little longer than it should've.

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