What Are The Odds?

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Your POV

We set up for the twins' Youtube video in the backyard. We were doing what are the odds, so we figured we might need a little bit of space. As soon as we finished, we got started right away.

"What's up guys? Today we have a very special guest with us. We need her in order to do this video because you need at least three people. (Y/n)!" Ethan called to me as I came into view of the camera and sat down on a lawn chair. I smiled and waved as if I'd just won an award.

"His girlfriend." Grayson said as Ethan and I intertwined our fingers together and put our hands in the air as if one of us had just won a boxing match.

"You guys might've seen her in some of our vines and our snapchats and already know about her, but yeah. She's mine." He said as he grabbed my shoulders and shook me a little.

"Yeah. I'm stuck with this guy." I nodded and we all laughed.

"So today, were gonna play What Are The Odds." Ethan said exitedly.

We all took turns explaining the game and how its played.

"But we're gonna change it up a little bit. If you back out of any challenge, you have to do an egg roulette. The other player for the egg roulette will be determined by another challenge that the loser gets to choose." Grayson explained.

"So, let the games begin. And may the odds forever be in your favor." Ethan said and we all simultaneously did the three finger solute. We laughed hysterically for a good thirty seconds afterwards and started giving each others odds.

"Okay. Ethan, what are the odds you buy me and (y/n) Starbucks later?" Grayson asked and I high fived from behind Ethan. He looked a little worried.

"One...two...three... One."

"Two." Ethan looked up, relieved.

"Thank cheese and rice." He said as he put his hands on his heart.

We laughed and Ethan looked over to me.

"(Y/n), what are the odds you do a handstand for a minute?" He smirked.

I shook my head and laughed. He knew I wasn't a gymnastics type of girl, so I didn't know if I could pull it off if I had to do it.


"TWO!" We yelled simultaneously. I stomped my feet on the ground and clenched my fists as I laughed into my lap.

"YAY! You gotta do the challenge. If you back out you gotta do the rotten egg roulette." Ethan laughed as he rubbed my back up and down quickly and repeatedly.

We stood up and Grayson grabbed the camera off the tripod. We walked over to an open area with a mat already set up for these kinds of physical challenges.

On three, I went into a handstand and Ethan held my legs for a few seconds. He let go, backed away, and started the timer.

It felt like forever until Ethan and Gray started laughing. I tried looking over to them, but lost my balance and fell,making us all laugh.

"It's okay. You were like, twenty seconds over time anyway." Ethan laughed as he helped me up.

I glared at him. "I'm gonna get you back for that Dolan." I said as we walked back over to the lawn chairs. Grayson put the camera back on the tripod and we continued.

"My turn. Grayson, what are the odds you and Ethan eat five spoonfuls of mayo?" I smirked.

They stared at each other in shock for a few seconds and then back at me.


"ONE!" Grayson and I yelled simultaneously.

"Yes!" I jumped up off the chair and brought my fists in the air, feeling victorious already.

"Paybacks a bish isn't it?" I laughed.

"I'll go get the mayonnaise." Ethan said as he stood up and scratched the back of his head. He jogged to the house and came back with two spoons and a jar of mayonnaise.

"That's so nasty dude." I laughed as Ethan sat down and opened the jar.

They both ate five spoonfuls of mayo as I sat there watching in enjoyment and discust.

After about five more challenges, Ethan and Gray have completed two each and I've done three.

"Ethan, what are the odds you eat three anchovies?" I asked, knowing he'd give in easily.

"No way. No. I'm doing the egg roulette. No." He said as he got up and walked away from the camera. Grayson and I were laughing hysterically. Ethan had his hands over his mouth and was pacing back and forth by the pool.

"Okay so he's a definite loser." Grayson laughed as Ethan sat back down.

"Whatever. The challenge is a race. To and from the house back to me. Go." He said as he laughed and shifted the camera to catch our race.

Grayson and I exchanged glances for a split second before we took off running. I lost to Grayson by a few seconds because he nearly tripped me.

"Ha! I win. Who would be guessed the couple would've lost." Grayson laughed as we both tried to catch our breath.

I had to do the egg roulette with Ethan. Grayson ran over to the shed and got the eggs and a small table. He came back and explained the game. When he finished explaining, he went behind the camera.

"Okay so I'll go first because you're a chump and I did great." I laughed as I chose an egg.

"This is gonna be so nasty." I said as I cracked a rotten egg on top of my head. A greenish colored yolk spewed everywhere in top of my head and a little bit on Ethan.

Ethan chose a hard boiled egg and smiled when it didn't break on top of his head. I pushed him off his chair and he just laughed. He got back up and we continued until Ethan had two hard boiled eggs and two rotten ones and I had three hard boiled eggs and two rotten ones. There were two eggs left and I was about to win or tie.

It was Ethan's turn and I took both eggs before he could pick one and craked them both in his head.

"I win." I said smiling as Graydon and I laughed hysterically.

Ethan looked at me. His eyes said 'run', so I stood up and did just that. He started chasing me around the yard.

"Well that's it for this video. I'm clearly the best there is and, yeah. Peace." I heard Grayson say and I ran back to the camera.

"Peace." I yelled as I ran past the camera and felt two strong arms grip around my waist from behind me and lift me up.

"Peace!" Ethan yelled as Grayson grabbed the camera and turned it towards Ethan. He plunged into the pool with me still in his arms.

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