The Spider of Death

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"I'm telling you, he just told me to put my name on it."

"Did he look mad?"

"No, he showed no emotion! I was going to treat him to coffee but he just walked away."

"Anyone would've if they had you as a partner."

"I hate you."

"Have fun riding the bus for the last week of school. Byeeeee"


"I'm hanging up now, sweet dreams young one."

Chanyeol hung up on me, I hope he wasn't serious. If I had to ride that bus one more time I think i'll just drop out of school and become a stripper. I told him about the whole Sehun situation, feeling guilty that I didn't help him complete the work. If we were assigned a week to do it then it must've been a lot of work to do alone. I still don't know why i don't remember being assigned the work or given a partner.

"You don't pay attention in school." My subconscious said.

I never talked to him before until today. He was one of those quiet kids who just kept to themselves, the first one to get to class and the last one to leave. I laid sprawled out on my floor, looking up at the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to my ceiling. I heard loud music coming from the bedroom next door. I got up quietly and tip toed to the door, placing my ear gently on the wood to listen. I heard moaning and groaning.

"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM KAI BROUGHT A GIRL HOME AGAIN." The door swung open to reveal my flustered shirtless brother.

"You're literally so annoying, i'm going to kill you." He slammed the door in my face. I laughed to myself. Kai brought a different girl home every week, I was surprised that my snitching hasn't moved him out yet.

"THE WHOLE TURNING UP THE MUSIC REALLY LOUD TO DROWN OUT THE SOUNDS YOU TWO ARE MAKING THING IS VERY OBVIOUS." I yelled while skipping down the stairs. I marched into the kitchen to find something to eat, all this guilt is making me hungry.

"Minah stop snitching on your brother." My mom said from the sink, she was cutting up fish. God i hate fish.

"Why? Aren't I doing a good thing?"

"If Kai wants to get an STD then let him do it, it's not like he listens to us." I laughed while proceeding to open the fridge. I heard foot steps running down the stairs. I turned around to see a girl with bright purple hair running towards the front door, covering her face.

"Don't come back!" Mom shouted.

After standing in front of the cool fridge for what seemed like years, I decided on some yogurt. I brought it upstairs with me to my room. I sat down at my desk, opening my laptop. I went online to check if Professor Oh graded the project since she grades things as fast as I can blink. We got a 100, i mean Sehun got a 100, but technically we both got a 100. I felt really really guilty now, I have made it a priority to make it up to him. I shall bake him a cake, that was such a good idea I wanted to high five myself, so I did. A knock came from my door,

"Come in" I said, still staring at my perfect grade.

"I wanted to tell you how much I love you." I turned to look at Kai with fear on my face. Usually when he says something like that, bad things were about to happen. I got up quickly, carefully making my way around him, keeping watch of his every move. I was about to run to the door but he beat me to it, I was now trapped in my own room. A room that was supposed to be my safe haven, a room that was now infested with Kai's overpowering cologne.

"I'll call 112."

"No you won't."

"I'm sorry let me live."

"I will after I give you the gift I've prepared." and before I could even register what he was saying, a huge spider was being thrown my way. I screamed and screamed and even cried until Kai was done with his revenge. It moved so fast as if it was possessed, I stayed in an awkward defense position in the corner. He laughed while picking it up and flushing it down the toilet, I still couldn't stop sobbing. Mom was standing in the doorway watching her kid's foolishness. They soon both went on to do their own things, leaving me to calm down from my phobia of bugs. I got up from fetus position and walked to my bathroom, preparing to shower and cleanse myself of today. I looked in the mirror, my face was red and puffy.

"Chocolate or Vanilla?" I asked myself before proceeding to strip off my clothes.

(Song of the chapter: Black Hole x Shinee)


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