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When I come back from this trip, I really needed to invest in a car for myself. I'm pretty sure I'm the only girl in the world who sneaks around on foot at midnight just to go visit someone. I put in my earphones and started to run, it was technically Sunday now, my last day to do whatever I needed to do. Under the street light I saw Chanyeol's street coming up, I was about to cross until I heard a horn blaring my way. I turned and saw light beams coming towards me, this was it for me. I closed my eyes and screamed, but before the car could even touch me, it skidded to the side. What reckless driving this person ugh! Once I regained my normal heartbeat pace, I stomped to the driver's seat. I banged fiercely on the black window. I have prepared a very stern and long lecture for this idiot who almost killed me. The door opened, pushing me back.

"Oh my god." I gasped as Sehun got out, he fainted on ground. What the hell is he doing here so late at night??? I poked him and shook him. He wasn't bleeding or hyperventilating, he didn't even crash into anything!

"Sehun, wake up you idiot." His face was turning blue, this is when I really started to panic. I laid him sprawled out on the ground. I thought of all the movies I watched where someone gives CPR and chest compressions and all that medical stuff during car accidents. I started compressing his chest with 5 second intervals between each press, my eyes were tearing up. It wasn't helping, he's going to die in my hands. My eyes darted to his lips, chapped and lifeless as if he was already dead. He may be an ass but he didn't deserve to die.

I'm going to hate myself for this. I thought to myself before opening his mouth. The stench of alcohol can be smelled already. This idiot was intoxicated as hell. Without any other objections, I placed my lips on his, breathing into him. I kept doing this over and over, not even sure if I was doing this right. He coughed repeatedly and opened his eyes for a couple of seconds before he slumped back down lifeless. The color was regaining back on his face and his chest was going up and down. I felt his pulse, it was becoming more steady now. My shaky hand went to my pocket to get my phone.

"Chanyeol I need you to come down the street, you'll see me. I really need your help." I heard keys jingling in the background, he was probably already in his car. I hung up and stared at Sehun who was still on the ground. I looked around to see if anyone saw what happened, no one. I am so pissed right now, what was he thinking???

"Don't drink and drive, you could've gotten yourself hurt." I said to him, knowing he can't hear.


Sehun slept in the guest bedroom in Chanyeol's apartment. He was pretty heavy when I tried to carry him into Chan's car so I was assigned the task of driving Sehun's car instead. When I drove his car to the garage, I found his luggage already packed in the back seats. Was he planning on leaving before me?? My mind tried to let what happened sink in. So many questions I wanted to ask him, but I knew he wasn't going to answer them.

"Why was he speeding? Why was he here in the neighborhood? Why was he drunk?" Chanyeol shot me with a million questions, acting as if i was able to read Sehun's mind. He look at me with concern on his face. As soon as he got Sehun settled into bed, he started to observe me. He checked my arms and legs for bruises, my head for any trauma, etc.

"How would I know? We aren't friends you know." I tied my hair up into a bun. I automatically went to his closet to search for something to wear, I chose a T-shirt with a cat on it. I changed in the bathroom, walking out in my new sleeping dress.

"I think I'm just gonna crash here for the night, too tired to go home." I said, already getting in his bed. Chanyeol stayed sitting on the edge.

"I don't feel safe with you going on that trip with him." I sat up and looked at him, smiling at how caring he was. When I first broke the news to him of my traveling plans, he cried. My tall giant best friend cried.

"It's fine I can handle him, you know I can't pass this opportunity up."

"You're just lucky you got a good partner. Xiumin barely did anything but nag." He was jealous, you could tell. At that point he got up and took off his shoes, preparing to get into bed with me.

"Um what do you think your doing?" I asked.

"Going to bed?"

"I don't think so, you're sleeping on the floor." I used all my strength and kicked him off the bed laughing.



My head was pounding, I woke up to find myself in a bedroom. I only remember fragments of what happened last night, I was wasted. After I left the mall yesterday after half and hour of navigating to find my way back out, I took a nap in my car still parked in the mall's parking lot. I then woke up bored, so I decided to go to the liquor store and get myself some booze. I wanted to experience what my father did on a daily basis, so I drunk a shit load. Never again. I told myself. I felt everything coming back up, so I rushed to the nearest bathroom I could find. After I literally threw up my guts, I went back to the room to find a glass of water and some painkillers left on the table for me. I took it without hesitation, being hungover wasn't as fun as I thought I'd be. The home sounded quiet, I hope I was alone. I think it's Minah's house, right? I started walking to the kitchen, the one floored apartment was pretty big. I heard Minah's voice and someone else's whispering loudly towards one another. I hid behind the corner to eavesdrop. Minah, I remember seeing her hunched over me crying.

"You can't say things like that." I heard her say, she sounded flustered.

"It's your last day, I have to be honest about how I feel." He was stepping closer to her.

"It's not right Chanyeol, stop it." She backed up. Out of reflex I got into position to come rescue her if needed. What happened next took some time for me to react. He grabbed her face and kissed her. My hand automatically touched my lips, I remembered. She pushed him off and slapped him. They both looked at each other, not saying anything. She quickly turned around and left, she was walking towards my way. I knew I couldn't leave in time so when she saw me she just looked at me.

"Your car is in the garage." She walked away, I grabbed her arm. I didn't know why but I felt like I wanted to kill Park Chanyeol. I always saw him eyeing her in class and they were always together, that asshole.

"I'll take you home."I offered giving her no chance to object. We were already out of the door when Chanyeol ran after us. He stopped when he saw my arm around her.

"I'm sorry, please come back!"

I flicked him off, his cheek was red. I felt sad for her, she helped me alot so it would be right to help her back right? I've never helped anyone before, this felt weird, and not the good kind either.

(Song for the chapter: Remember x Apink)

(This chapter is dedicated to DangoGalaxy please make sure to check out her stories they are amazing and they have me hooked!!! Thank you so much for everything. Fighting!!x)

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