Chapter 6:

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After a few seconds in which I was just frozen in shock I checked the adress again. Jump Street 12. I was definitly right here. This means......... the person I am dating is also the father of my kids....Well probaly.

or maybe he has a brother he lives together.......

Okay I am just making up excuses. I just cant believe it and I have litteraly nothing to do.

Ross POV

I was kinda surprised to see laura here. I didnt know she knws where I live. "hey beautiful" I said and peked her lips. Laura just seemed to be shock. "Is everything alright?" I asked her.

After a few seconds she quickly replied with a everythings fine but I knew something was up. "Why are you here. Not that I mind but...." "Just uhm wanted to see you. " "I didnt excpect you to know my adress" She looked down for a quick moment then looked back up and murmbled "you told me once"

"Okay...." I said. "oh well I better go then" Laura said and was about to walk off but I quickly grabbed her waist. "Wait came here all the way just to say hi and thats it?Lets go on a date tonight" I suggested. "Its okay I can go home" She stated. "You wanna go eat pizza or something? I mean I didnt plan anything special for a date but as long as I am with you I will have fun" I said making her blush. And its true. My girlfriend is not only very beautiful but also fun to be with. Shes not the boring type of person or perfect but she is dorky and clumsy but in a good way and I love her a lot.

I had girlfriends before but I never married or anything though I am aleady 31 .There just never was a girl I loved enough and that I had a good going serious relationship. The night I met Laura was seriously a happy night for me .

And well now we are dating and I love it.

Laura POV

I still dont know what to think. He is Lillis father....well thats at least what I assume. I am aware I should have told him the moment I opened the door but I just couldnt. I tried everything to not go on a date with him but after he told me sweetly that he has fun as long as he is with me and send me one of his magic smiles AND did his adorable puppy dog eyes I agreed.

We are going to the pizza place. If you wonder wheter I will tell him or not I am not sure. I know I should but I dont know if I can do it.

It would make everything awkward--


So again it took long sorry but I wanted it to be good. I first had her tell him but then I decided for that version. You think she will tell him soon?

How did you like it?


The pic shows laura around the age she got pregnant...

Unknown Father ~ RauraWhere stories live. Discover now