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Five months later~

The soft afternoon light filtered through the large windows of the penthouse, bathing the entire room in a warm golden hue. The air was filled with the faint scent of fresh paint and vanilla-scented candles, giving the cozy space a dreamy atmosphere.

Taehyung padded softly across the room,with now visibly seven months cute baby bumb,  his oversized pastel sweater is draping loosely over his growing belly.

His delicate hands were stained faintly with streaks of blue and yellow paint,he worked quickly as he gathered his brushes and canvases scattered all around the floor.

His fluffy chocolate blonde hair bounced with every little step, and his plush lips were pursed in focus as he softly hummed, completely lost in his own little world.

"Taehyung-ah!" Maria called, following closely behind with a glass of warm milk in hand, her tone was half stern and half fond. "You have to finish this, come on! Doctor said you can't skip meals anymore, remember? And you need to sit down, your feet must be swelling."

But Taehyung just glanced at her with those big, innocent doe eyes and gave her a silent, cheeky grin before returning to his mission of finding his favorite paintbrush that had rolled under the couch.

He bent carefully, one hand was protectively cradling his belly while reaching out to grab it.

Maria huffed and placing the milk down on the nearby table. "Aigoo... you're carrying the most precious baby in this entire world, and here you are running around like a little artist on a deadline." She crossed her arms, shaking her head with a smile she couldn’t hide. "If your alpha finds out you're skipping milk time again, he'll have my head."

Taehyung giggled softly, his shoulders were bouncing as he finally retrieved the brush. He stood up straight and patted his round belly. With a shy little nod, he pointed toward the milk, silently promising her he'd drink it in a minute.

Maria sighed, giving in with a chuckle. "You're lucky you're adorable."

Taehyung waddled over to the table and picked up the glass, taking a few sips under Maria's approving gaze before turning his attention back to the half-finished canvas on his easel—a dreamy, soft-colored landscape he was making for the nursery.

He also painted the whole nursery himself with the little help of his alpha although the alpha helped him less and bullied him more.

A little flashback~

Taehyung was standing barefoot in the middle of the room, sleeves rolled up, tiny smudges of baby blue and lavender paint dusting his cheeks. His anklet chimed softly with each careful step as he examined his work, making sure every brushstroke was perfect.

Jungkook, however, wasn’t making it easy.

“Babe, you missed a spot,” Jungkook teased, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed with a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

Taehyung turned, raising a brow and signing with a pout, “Where?”

“Right there,” Jungkook pointed, walking toward him. But instead of pointing to the wall, his finger landed gently on the tip of Taehyung’s nose, smearing a streak of yellow paint across it.

Taehyung gasped silently, his mouth forming an 'O,' before he glared at Jungkook, who only burst out laughing.

“Oh no, you’re too cute like this. Maybe we should paint you instead of the nursery,” Jungkook joked, pulling Taehyung into his arms, spinning him lightly around despite the omega's mock struggles.

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