Chapter One

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We're back. Back to the place where I belong. Nothings changed in the districts square. Nothing seems to have changed anywhere, except. Except that now, I Katniss Everdeen have a fake relationship with my district partner in the 74th Hunger games. Effie had us stood up tall looking out over the district showing honour to the district.

Unfortunately, I don't feel very proud. Peeta had my hand in his tight grip; the only thing I was dreading was letting go. Letting go meant that I had lost the boy with the bread. He was the one who taught me that there is more to life than protecting your loved ones.

That weakness is a part of life, that I am stronger than I think and I can love someone who isn't Prim or my mother. That person is Peeta.

I know that I told Peeta this whole thing was a lie, that it was an act to stay alive in the games. I am 100% in love with him. I'm just too afraid to admit it.

I never thought I would say it but... But... I can't wait for the victory tour. I can be close to Peeta again. I'm going to miss having him close, to comfort me from my nightmares. To keep me safe. To feel safe in his arms.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, The victors of the 74th Hunger games. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, the star-crossed lovers of District twelve."The mayors voice sounded from the microphone. It was the exact same one from when Effie did the reaping about a month ago.

Deafening cheers and Blinding lights was what we were greeted to. I looked out and searched the sea of people for my sister who was held high above Gales head. I smiled as I locked eyes with her. I didn't know until now how much I really missed her. All I wanted to do was hug her as if my life depended on it.

I looked at Peeta and then to our hands.

"One more time, for the audience." He said shouting above the noise. I nodded. I could've help but let a small tear fall from my face. It showed a sign of weakness and for a Victor

.He wiped away the lone tear with the hand that was not gripping mine. More cheers erupted. We then held out intertwined hands up high as proud in love victors. We showed the capitol we were stronger than they thought now, We had to pay the price.

The screams only got louder when we revealed our hands. We smiled and waved to the crowd as we were escorted off the stage and towards the victor Village with Haymitch staggering behind us. Our families will be along after the Mayor gives a speech.

The walk to the Victors Village was quite a while away. It was at the very edge of the Merchant section to the district. Which unfortunately for me but lucky for Peeta is that it was only a five minute walk from the village to the bakery.

"Are you two going to like living next to your good old mentor?" Haymitch slurred from too much drink. Obviously. I hope that me and Peeta don't turn out like that. I hope that we can still trust each other even after this act and help each other through our lives and nightmares.

"Yeah, it should be fun." Peeta responded with a nod. He's still the same old Peeta. The nice kind and loving boy I have ever met and still even after the girl he has had a crush on for years broke his heart, he is still standing strong for everyone else around him.

"Good," He said and halted in his step and turned to look at us. "Look, I know that I'm a bit of a drunk..."

"A bit?" I cut him off.

"Okay A lot, but I promise that even when I'm in my lowest time, I will always protect you against all odds,against the games, against mentoring and against President snow. I watched you guys in those games and I knew that I would love both of you as if you were children." He said. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. That was the nicest thing Haymitch ever said to us.

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