Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter 24

The after party was a success, the whole of the Capitol was there even if they weren't well known or important. I was dancing the night away with the other victors who#s appearance was mandatory. I had met them -prior to this occasion. I was exceptionally close with Johanna Mason the Victor from district 7. I think it was because we were so much alike. We were strong and stood by what we believed it. We didn't let anything get in our way except if it was to protect our loved ones. However, she didn't have any loved ones left. Snow killed them all off. A slow song came on ad Peeta asked me to dance while other couples were linking arms slowly swaying left to right talking quietly or kissing. Peeta asked me to dance with him and I knew with that Capitol Citizens watching I couldn't say no. I knew that we would try and speak to me but I wouldn't give him any detail and he knew tat.

Everyone who wasn't dancing had their eyes on the two of us. We started moving slowly on the dance floor while talking quietly so no one could hear us over the loudness of the music.

"Why ave you been ignoring me the whole day?" He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I shrugged "Don't give me that Katniss. You can tell me the truth. I am your husband and if this marriage is going t work. You are going to have to trust me."He aid getting a little frustrated and you could tell my the tone of his voice going from soft and gentle to growing louder and stronger.

"I'm trying to give you space." I started deciding I couldn't keep it from him otherwise this marriage would be over before it even started. "I don't want you to think I'm too clingy and get sick of me wanting a divorce in a few months." I confessed.

"I'll never get sick of you Katniss, you are my heart and soul. I love you." He kissed my ear before meeting my mouth with small pecks. I felt a series of little tugs at the bottom of my dress. It was a little by who looked like Peeta with Blonde hair and Blue eyes. Obviously, the little boy was better fed ten he was at that age. By looking at him I think he was about 3 or 4. I looked down not letting go of Peeta. He raised his arms as if he wanted to be picked up. The crowed awwed once again. I picked him p and continued dancing with Peeta until the end of the song when everyone went back to their own business. The other victors gathered around us but the little boy wouldn't let go of me.

"Hey buddy, wheres your Mommy or Daddy?"Peeta asked. The boy shrugged.

"I don't know I haven't seen them in days. I've been in the house all lone but I remembered Mommy telling me about this and I thought she would be here. So I came on my own and tried to find her but I couldn't and I wanted to give you a hug." He said. I was just about to ask where they went when they didn't come back, but I didn't have to. "They went to see Mr President and they didn't come back." He finished. The victors exchanged looks. He must have killed them. They wouldn't have left him other wise. They don't do that here in the Capitol like they don't do it in 12 but do it in 1 and 2.

"Okay, do you want to stay with me and Katniss?" Peeta asked again. I looked at Peeta with wide eyes. He knew what I wanted tonight but I wasn't going to get it if there was a little boy with us. He nodded vigorously. He must really look up to the pair of us. "Okay but you need to stay with Johanna tonight because I have a surprise for Katniss." He said with a smirk. Obviously the boy was too young to understand the real meaning but he started to laugh like a maniac and the other victors started to laugh making snarky comments quietly through their own laughter.

That evening, Peeta and I went back to our room which was two doors down from Johannas and next to Finnick's and Annies room. They kept making Jokes about how they would place a noise complaint if it gets too loud. I learnt within minutes of Meeting Finnick he was the joker of the group and the most dirty minded being the youngest and all. Well, the youngest until Peeta and I became victors.

Peeta and I started stripping as soon as the door clicked shut. And lets just say, our night was very eventful.

The next morning we were woken up by a ringing in our ear. "Turn it off Peeta," I moaned digging my head into my pillow. Peeta's chest. He answered the phone and left the room. I was beginning to fall back to sleep when Peeta walked back in.

"That was snow secretary, Snow died in his sleep last night. He went peacefully and now as the new president it is up to us if we want a funeral for the former president." He explained. I shook my head instantly.

" I don't want a funeral for the man who killed innocent people for years on end getting excitement out of it." I said. He nodded. "Let's get ready talk to the others and get to little boy off Johanna." I nodded and got up to get ready for the day. We didn't even know the boys name yet. But we know where he lives and later on today, we're going to scope the place out. I need to get him some close from there before we go back to District 12 for a few days to get all our stuff before moving into the presidential palace.

The most exciting news today, is that we are away from snow. Finally Free.

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