Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I pack all my essentials for the log trip I have ahead. I don't really want to go back to the capitol knowing that that is the place that held me against my own will to fight and kill 22 innocent children.

I give my okay to Prim and my mother that they are also allowed to come along to the capitol just to give me some reassurance. I know that when I get back into the capitol I am going to be sick to my stomach having memoires of why I was here.

As they were both packing some stuff to take with them I went over to Peeta's house. At the moment Peeta was the only one who could make me feel safe and secure being in the capitol because he went through the same think I did not to long ago. I would probably take Haymitch along because I know that Effie will be on this train and I also know he likes her.

I knocked on Peeta's door. "Peeta It's me open up!" I yelled through the letter box. I knew this wasn't as bad as I sounded. I was just scared that I would have to go to my biggest nightmare alone.

"Katniss?" A voice sad from behind me. I swung around to see Peeta walking to wards his house. "Is everything okay?" He asked a little confused because me and him aren't really close and I just showed up on his door step unannounced.

"I've been asked to go back to the capitol." I took a deep breathe. "By snow." I finished.

"Okay..." He said not really sure where I was going with this.

"I want you to come with me." The look on his face showed that he wasn't sure if he wanted to. "I need you to come with me Peeta, I don't know if I'm strong enough to go alone after the games. Please." I pleaded.

"Of course Katniss. If you want me there, I'll be there." He said gently before bringing me into a tight bear hug.

"Thank you"I mumbled against him/"You have no idea how much this means to me." I added. Having Peeta come with me is probably the best thing that is going to happen on this trip. Over the next few days, I'm going to be reminded that I was once here killing innocent children who had been force to except their fate of all dying only one surviving.I think about how little Rue was only twelve the same age as Prim.

I walk back to my house being accompanied my Peeta, he was going to tell his father that we were going to the capitol and ask if he wanted to come. I knew what his plan was. He wanted to get my Mother and his father together so they can both be happier my fathers death was hard on my Mom and his father was a handful and he was like a doormat being walked all over by his own wife and two eldest boys.

"I'll meet you at the train station in an hour Katniss, remember. No-one is going to hurt you on this trip." He gave a reassuring smile and squeezed my hand before letting go and walking towards the bakery.

I walked into our house to see mother fussing over Prim.

"Mom, what are you doing?" I asked her sitting on the couch opposite the luggage.

"I'm just making sure Prim has everything and not remember when we're minutes away from the capitol. You know what she's like." Mother replied. I nodded.

"Okay well don;t stress over it. I've been to see Peeta and he's happy to come and he's bringing his father with him." I explained where I had been.

"Wait Marshall agreed to come?"She asked shocked. Marshall Mellark had never left the merchant area let alone the district.

"Yeah, I think he said something about him still being in love with him.


"Yeah little duck?" I responded turning towards her from the kitchen entrance to see her holding three cups of hot chocolate.

"What will president snow do to us?" There was a moment of silence as I thought about her question and took note of the tremble in her voice.

"Listen prim." I sighed walking up to her taking two cups of the warm substance before guiding her to the couch I was previously on."President Snow will not touch you. He can't because you are not a citizen of the capitol. Peeta Haymitch and I on the other hand could be in some serious trouble. Now I'm not saying we are but don't be frightened if he punishes us for something we did." I explained

I didn't want her to get to the capitol only to find out its because Peeta Haymitch and I are in huge trouble with an uprising in the lower districts.

Effie calls and tells us to go to the capitol. I take prim mother Haymitch Peeta His father and two bothers.

The three of us needed to go to the bakery to meet Peeta and his Father before going and meeting Haymitch at the train station. But of course Peeta being Peeta didn't let us step out the door and get to the bakery because he was in front of me as soon as the door swung open and grabbed our bags as well as his own. Mom Prim and I tried to protest but he was being stubborn. I guess that's how I am every day they just put up with it.

"So Katniss, how are you liking Victors Village? I know we haven't really got the chance to know each other or talk." Mr Mellark said stepping in foot with me.

"I don't know, I like t because it's cosy but our other house has memories.But I suppose we can make new memories in this house and make a fresh start for our selves." I said and looked out the corner of my eye to see Peeta Smiling.

"Yeah, when we're on the train can I talk to you alone?" He whispered. I wondered what it was about. We've not really talked that much so what is there to talk about. I nodded and said a soft Okay.

He left me to walk in front with Prim and my Mom, Peeta slowed down and fell in step with me. "What was that about?" He asked.

"He wants to talk to me alone on the train do you know anything bout that?" I asked. I was curious and wanted to see if Peeta had said anything.

"Oh About that..." He looked at me sheepishly.

"Peeta?" I said in a warning tone.

"I might have said something about the other night..." He trailed off. I stopped in my tracks and stared wide eyes ahead of me watching the figures in front get smaller and smaller.

"You what!" I screeched. The others stopped and turn to look at us.

"Katniss are you okay?" Prim asked as I went storming towards them.

"I'm fine Prim.Peeta being a dick." I scowled.

"Katniss Language!" My Mom scolded. I just waved her off.

I carried on towards the train ignoring any sort of communication with Peeta. He shouldn't had said to his father. I mean, I wouldn't tell my Mom that I lost my virginity. I would feel uncomfortable.

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