3:49pm - Pet & Nile

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⠀⠀"Thank you, Caris, I won't be long."
⠀⠀"Yes, Sir. Remember your 4:30pm appointment?"
⠀⠀"Of course, of course."
⠀⠀The man walked out of the office and into a bigger yet office. Everything seemed like an office to him, as of today.
⠀⠀He sighed lightly, waltzing over to one of the million doors that decorated the walls of the building, and kept his grinning to himself, as he turned the unlocked knob and greeted the man inside.
⠀⠀"Petronillo, it's been too long and boring without you," came his cooing voice.
⠀⠀"Every single time;"  he cursed "how many times until you stop calling me that?" The male turned in his chair, the beginnings of a cocky smile drifting to curl his lips. "You had me abandoned, love."
⠀⠀Nile laughed under his breath and approached the seated one, all the while eyeing the half-bare body. "Were you expecting someone, Pet?" He straddled the other, his figure slipping into custom with the other's.
⠀⠀"Just you," said the tan with a mischievous grin. "Have any ideas, for today?"
⠀⠀"Oh, just a few," Nile whispered as he kissed below his earlobe. "Nothing too drastic."
⠀⠀He began rolling motions over his employee's crotch, making his own rub pleasantly against it and eliciting a soft murmured moan from Petronillo. His lips drew into a widening smile, as he nibbled on the soft skin of his neck.
⠀⠀"You're quite eager, today," said the ginger, leaning back into his office chair.
⠀⠀Nile bit on his collarbone, nipping it continuously. "I have a meeting."
⠀⠀The ginger's hands traveled alongside the other's hips, intensifying the movements and friction. He gasped in his low voice as he felt the erection already pressing impatiently against him. "I see." His fingers delved in, as he squeezed his superior's plump behind and pulled him closer.
⠀⠀"What about?" Pet asked, as Nile worked his tongue in a vertical line from his jawline to his nipple, until he finally began suckling on the sensitive rosy bud. "Hnn. . . Never mind. . ." He felt his length pressing uncomfortably against his underwear, and pushed against Nile's own with it, rubbing on it as he felt the growing moistness.
⠀⠀"A-ah. . ." The brunet arched his back, pressing further into him. "Hhn. . . I'd missed you," he said, rolling his hips in a set rhythm that increased within seconds.
⠀⠀"Oh I didn't, not a bit." His fingers fumbled with the straddling male's zipper. He lowered the clothing until Nile was exposed and flushing, with an exasperated look to his face as his body grew warm - rather hot - in response to this sexual contact.
⠀⠀Petronillo's hands began pumping his length, from hilt to tip, as its owner half gasped half moaned in pleasure and increased his speed, making Pet's own member react by standing fully erected and letting a soft red course through his ears.
⠀⠀"Nile," he called softly, while his face distorted with the accomplished yet containing grin he had on it.
⠀⠀"Y- Ahhhh! . . . Yeah?" His member was visibly dripping, pre-cum foaming at the slit and dripping alongside its length.
⠀⠀"You'll get yourself dirty," Pet said with a halfhearted laugh, as he himself prevented from staining his perfectly cleansed clothes.
⠀⠀Nile came at him with a passion ridden kiss, tongue slithering in and out of the other's mouth repeatedly and without hesitation. He licked both upper and lower lips, biting down on the latter before withdrawing due to the ecstasy that coursed through his system. "Think I care, Pet?"
⠀⠀The hands that had been working on his erection began motions that were quick and relentless, and Nile could not keep his moans in any further.
⠀⠀"Let them hear - let the whole fucking building hear."

Knee Socks - Arctic Monkeys

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