6:47pm - Seo & Juun

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⠀⠀His laughter was so contagious that the people at the next table, while looking at the pair nastily, mumbled chuckles under their very breaths. Seore couldn't but cover his mouth with both hands, trying to stop his bubbling shoulders so that the growing pain at his stomach would, as well.
⠀⠀His companion stopped laughing before he himself could, probably because he was the one who had started the turmoil, and gazed at him as if there really wasn't anything else he might look at. Seore's cheeks hurt because of his wide grinning, but soon became a serious rosy color the moment he spotted his lover eyeing him so intently.
⠀⠀"What. . .?" he mumbled almost incoherently, as he stared back into the amber shades he adored so much. "What is it. . .?"
⠀⠀"I love you, Seo." His words came out normally, as if that might not make such a great impact on the other's heart. Every single time it was that the bluenette's heart detained from further motion, when Juun confessed his affections.
⠀⠀"I love you too," replied him, with a somber voice, almost as if he were sad he repeated the words. 'Too' sounded forced, as if he were obliged to return the gentle words. "I love you more," he corrected, and immediately did the other's lips curl noticeably up into a grin.
⠀⠀The waiter placed the check on the table, which had been cleansed of their dirty dishes already, and returned to his spot in the kitchens after attending the other customers. "Come home. . .?" the youngest of the two said, almost as if he were pleading against Juun replying on the negative.

⠀⠀His fingers played with my unnaturally colored hair, twirling strands around his index as I scrolled through the available channels, looking for something worthwhile.
⠀⠀See, this wasn't too much of a problem, since the only thing worthwhile that had ever come across my existence was lying beside me, staring at my cyan tresses as if they were a marvelous thing.
⠀⠀"Ah? Hm?" He was brought to attention by my voice, which had cooed in soft tones. Too soft.
⠀⠀"Why. . ." I hesitated, "Never mind that." What had I been thinking? My mind was blank, not giving me any reason as to why I should have called his name before. I turned to him, my eyes flickering from every single feature of his to the next one; they settled on the small scar he displayed just above an eyebrow and laughed softly, pulling him closer with the arm he'd been laying over.
⠀⠀He seemed somewhat confused. "What is it? What did you want to tell me?" New Moon's scenes flew across the television's screen; I changed it.
⠀⠀"Why do you come here. . .? Why do you keep seeing me?"
⠀⠀He rose an unexpected hand and ran it through my hair, with me fluttering my lids closed at contact. My mouth parted slightly, as my heart seemed to want to crawl out through my throat. "What do you mean?" he questioned softly.
⠀⠀I felt myself sigh a very melancholic breath, and gave my pupils a chance at taking in his beauty once again. Juun was smiling at me, quite goofily, and delivered a quick little kiss on my lips, which had been trembling almost unnoticeably.
⠀⠀"I come because I love you, I keep seeing you because you are. . . How should I say it?" He bit his lower lip as he burrowed his nose in between my shoulder and neck. I craned it so I could still watch his mane; Juun had always had so much hair, and still managed to make it smell like pine trees. "You're mine, that's why I come."
⠀⠀I watched as his figure parted slightly from my own, climbing halfway over my chest. He looked down at me with his doe-like eyes, and a caring yet guarded pearly smile. "You are mine, no?"
⠀⠀I felt that his body shook a bit before he settled his lips over mine a second time, letting the kiss linger for some longer seconds. I whined as he parted, my eyes still closed and mouth begging for his sweet taste. The next feeling I received was from him shifting his body; I started as I noticed his frame climbing on top of mine, his legs straddling me as he averted his gaze, trying to conceal the obvious blush atop his marked cheekbones.
⠀⠀"Ju-" My breath felt nonexistent, as his hips began rolling motions atop me. "Juun stop," I voiced, almost too low to be heard. "What. . . Juun; what are you doing?" He stopped his movements, and stared at me with a cherry reddened face.
⠀⠀"I- I thought. . ."
⠀⠀His voice cracked midway, and I couldn't help but flinch as he did so. No human being would be able to understand my pain at seeing him so embarrassed, much more because I knew I had caused the awkwardness that lingered between us after he slid off, retaking his place beside me.
⠀⠀My lover's breath was very quiet, as I attempted not to breathe anymore.
⠀⠀"I'm sorry. . . I just. . ."

I'll Be Your Lover - Robert Pattinson

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