School AU - Seo & Juun

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⠀⠀Countless figures danced alongside the white tiles that conformed the totality of which space our feet shuffled upon. My eyes scanned rapidly among the crowd, trying to locate a single person. . .
⠀⠀"Juun," his voice came, a small little whisper at the base of my neck as he kissed it gently. I never could understand how he could be so sweet. . . So cute !
⠀⠀My face turned to see his own, painted with some sort of patterns. I, quite naturally, laughed. "Fighting the indians, hm? I hope you're not having too much fun." I saw a small smile creeping onto his lips even as his treacherous existence attempted at trying to hide something that I would have enjoyed so very much.
⠀⠀"Close enough - people here don't really mind us, do they?" All around us were pairings, singlettes, somewhat in, somewhat out of the deal children, not much more than 17 years each. "I don't think so, no. Why? Were you thinking about doing something people would mind~?" I replied, glancing sideways though remaining my eyes on him, through and through.
⠀⠀"A-ah, Juun, don't be like that-. I was thinking that. . . Maybe, just maybe, you'd stay behind, here, after classes?"
⠀⠀The expression on his cheeks was more than adequate for the scene, and so, with the sum of all apparent factors, I obliged. "I've got just one block left, mind waiting?"
⠀⠀His knee went in between my two legs, parting them slightly as they pressed harshly against my crotch. Seore's lips were always coated in a thin film of cherry chapstick, but as of now, they were some ways rough.
⠀⠀Not that I was complaining, though.
⠀⠀"S-seo, not too hard-" came my weakening voice, urging him forwards although I knew very well we could do very few things, as we were left uncovered in the desolated corridors. In the shadows, I heard keys clinging, a single pair of feet releasing stress by walking around restlessly - I heard him moan my name as if he'd never get bored with how it came along, like a song I'd be willing to listen in repeat for hours on end.
⠀⠀Seore's lips crashed onto mine, as he took a shaky, nervous hold of my hips, and I guided him towards my rear, where he slipped his hand beneath the fabric covering it.
⠀⠀"I love you," I said, and it was so true - I wanted him as badly as he wanted me; more even. "I love you so goddamned much, Seore-"
⠀⠀Three hours of detention - we'd been caught, then, making out in the janitor's 'office' - wasn't nearly as much as I'd be willing to pay for being with the bluenette in those ways. Though I didn't mind, and would do it continuously for ages, he looked sincerely sorry for getting me into trouble, when it had been the other way around.
⠀⠀'Come over?' said a small note he passed.

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