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"Lucy this world is beautiful, just like you" Loke gushed as all the spirits appeared before her, even ones she didn't know or have ownership of.
"You are all welcome to stay here if you wish. After all, this world is a world where everyone can come, they can do anything as long as they follow the rules," Lucy offered and they smiled. One by one they walked up and gave her a key, surprising her.
"We are now in your care Lucy-sama, you have proven yourself worthy to all of us" the water Phoenix, Mizu, smiled.
"Please just call me Lucy or something like that, I'm not your master but your friend. Oh and Virgo could you please send these to Fairy Tail?" Lucy requested and the maid spirit bowed before she disappeared. 
"See you later flat chest" Aquarius smirked and they all went to explore except for Loke. 
"I'm amazed you have a whole world to yourself yet you use it to create a paradise for the spirits of everything" Loke smiled. 
"Why have everything you want when you can give it to those that need you? I need to go and train now so I can get stronger" Lucy said and Loke nodded. 
"Promise me you will be safe" Loke demanded. 
"Don't worry silly I will be fine, I promise" Lucy smiled and Loke nodded smiling back but he was hurting inside. Lucy's smile was broken, Lucy as a whole person was broken. Fairy Tail would pay for what they did, even if he had to kill them they would pay. 

Meanwhile at the guild 

"Hey gramps where is Lucy?" Laxus called as he and his team along with Gildarts had just returned. Everyone froze not wanting to get hit with their magic so they instantly scurried away doing anything they could to get out of the way.
"Laxus, Freed, Evergreen, Bixlow and Gildarts come to my office" Makarov said and they looked at each other shrugging before they walked up then shut the door. 
"It's about Lucy she... She" Makarov tried but the words wouldn't come out. 
"Spit it out" Laxus growled, growing impatient. 
"Lucy, she is gone" Makarov whispered and they looked at him shocked, what did Makarov mean she was gone? Before they could react, Virgo appeared. 
"Hime wishes for you to read this between you 6 of you and no one else" Virgo informed them with a bow and gave Makarov a letter before disappearing. 
"Ok here goes, Dear Makarov, Bixlow, Gildarts, Evergreen, Laxus and Freed, you have heard by now that I am dead. Between us all because you never once hurt me or betrayed me, well not on purpose, I found out that every celestial Mage has there own world that they have a key to but you have to find the key. Well I found my key and I am in my world at the moment recovering and studying different magics. Please don't tell anyone, I want them to think me dead but don't worry I will keep it touch, you are and always will be my true friends and family. Oh and please tell the Exceeds, Love Lucky Lucy" Makarov read tears streaming down his face. 

"What does she mean by thinking of me as dead?" Evergreen demanded.
"The guild they have been attacking her, she sliced her hand open after a brutal attack from the guild to get rid of her guild mark. She was laying on the forest floor and then she started to disappear into golden sparkles, I tried to grab her but, but I" Makarov said before breaking down. 
"It's ok Jiji" Laxus comforted gently, placing his hand on his grandfather's shoulder.
"My own family member nearly died in front of me and I couldn't do anything" Makarov sobbed.
"Hey gramps" Lucy smiled through a lacrima that Freed was holding and Makarov grabbed it and hugged it.
"Me and Lucy traded communication lacrima and I figured that she would have it on her" Freed explained.
"How are you? Are you ok?" Makarov yelled in worry.
"I'm fine Gramps, don't worry about me okay? I will be fine, for now I will be healing and training for at least three years. Then I will come back. I don't know if I will join yet but I will come see you" Lucy waved and they all waved back smiling as she disappeared from view. 
"Happy, Lilly, Carla come here please" Makarov called and the exceeds walked into the room with tears still fresh on their faces. They still hadn't calmed down from when Lucy was declared dead.
"We have news I will let the master tell you" Gildarts grinned.
"What is it?" Lilly questioned.
"Lucy is alive and well but we can't tell anyone" Makarov told them and they looked at him in shock. 
"Here" Makarov said and handed them the letter which Carla read as tears streamed down all their faces again. 
"I'm glad she is happy now" Lilly smiled and the other three nodded. 
"So am I, so am I" Makarov smiled, in fact they were all smiling even Laxus who was happy that Lucy was okay. 

"Now that is finished excuse me for a second" Laxus snarled and they watched him walk out the door. 
"You're not stopping him?" Bixlow enquired.
"Why should they deserve this for hurting Lucy" Freed stated and they nodded watching as Laxus took down the whole guild except Wendy. 
"Please just hit me already" Wendy whimpered and they were shocked.
"Why?" Laxus asked.
"It's my fault if I had stood up for Lucy instead of being scared, she would be here. It was my fault I should have been there" Wendy cried tears dripping down her face. 
"Laxus" a voice called and they saw Lucy on the lacrima. Loke, who had been watching Laxus punish the guild, had told her about Wendy.
"Lucy.....no it can't be you died you died it was my fault, it's not real" Wendy screamed even more tears running down her face.
"Go with Gramps to his office, he will explain and Wendy I forgive you, I am glad you didn't get in the way and get hurt" Lucy told her and Wendy hugged the lacrima as they explained everything. 
"Please let me and Carla join you at your world" Wendy pleaded.
"I'm going too" Happy declared and Lucy smiled a little. 
"I will send Loke to get you, see you soon little sister" Lucy said and Wendy nodded and got ready to leave. Lucy had never hated Wendy because Wendy never hurt her, though she just stayed back and did nothing so she would give her a chance.
"Take care of her you hear" Gildarts ordered.
"I will, I promised," Wendy promised.

How long has she been hurting (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now