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Three months later 

"The dragon trio has come back from training with me and Rufus" Olga yelled as Lucy, Sting, Rouge, Lector, Frosch, Luna and Suna, who were in their exceed form, walked in with Olga and Rufus.
"I see you made it back in time, it's time for the Grand Magic Games, " Minerva smiled.
"That's good I'll show those weak little fairies who they messed with again" Lucy smirked evilly.
"She is scaring me," one of their guild members whispered.
"After what they did to her she deserves to be like that" another said before they went silent since Minerva who was the guild master was going to announce who the people who were entering.
"The members competing in the GMG's are...Sting, Rouge, Olga, Rufus and Sabertooths own Queen, our Sabertooth tiger, LUCY" Minerva announced and the guild all cheered.
"Looks like we should get ready, we are going to be travelling to Crocus tomorrow" Lucy decided and they all grinned before they walked off.
"I will crush fairy tail into pixie dust" Lucy declared as she walked off to pack, Suna and Luna on her shoulders since they didn't want to be in human form at the moment.
"They will pay dearly for what they did to our mother" Suna smirked while Luna chuckled evilly. 

The next day they were arriving in Crocus as another guild was arriving, one that they didn't want to run into.
"Luce" a voice yelled and Lucy scowled.
"Please inform Mr Dragneel he has no right calling me that as well as not to address me at all. I would hate to kill him before we even have a proper match" Lucy said to Sting as she walked ahead of them.
"I wouldn't push you luck, you angered her and almost killed her so she will return the favour except hers won't be almost. She will make sure you dead" Sting snickered as he walked away from them.
"Miss Lucy, would you care for some ice cream?" Rufus enquired.
"You two go ahead we will book in" Olga smirked, grabbing the other two dragon slayers and leaving.
"What was that for?" Rouge hissed.
"Oh please you know Rufus likes Lucy, I just gave him an opening to ask her out" Olga explained as he and Sting high fived.
"Come on Rouge both of them need to relax and not act so uptight so they need to go on a date" Sting said looking at his friend.
"I know but still, now I will have to sign all the forms" Rouge sighed and they laughed while going to sign up for the GMG.
"You are lucky they are my friends as well, I mean look at all this and I have to finish it all myself because you guys are stupid" Rouge mumbled under his breath as he picked up the pile.
"Give me that before you hurt yourself" Lucy said as she grabbed half and Rufus grabbed the other half so when they sat down and started to work on the papers Rouge didn't even get any. They were going to get ice cream together but then they remembered the paperwork they needed to be filled out. Then they also remembered that they had left Rouge with Sting and Olga so they decided to put off getting ice cream and help their friend instead.
"See this is good they do the work, get to talk and work together" Rouge grinned smugly while the other two groaned.
"Looks like my plan to get them to know each other is working better than yours, they aren't stuttering or blushing just normally talking. Is it bad I know more about romance that the great Sting?" Rouge taunted while Sting fumed and Olga laughed at his face.
"Should have known Rouge had a plan up his sleeve" Olga chuckled.
"Of course they are my friends as well, I won't let them deny their feelings forever but I think it is better if that take their own steps" Rouge explained and they nodded admitting defeat.
"Still I think it is better that they have to hurry it up" Sting scowled, not happy that his plan had been derailed.
"They can take their time Sting pushing Lucy....She would break again, do you not remember that at all the pain the distrust they put her through" Olga sneered as he saw Fairy Tail there and approaching them. 

"L-Lucy" Erza stuttered and Lucy turned and sneered as she saw the Fairy tail members.
"What is it you want, Fairy dust?" Lucy sneered and they winced.
"It's Fairy Tail," Lisanna hissed.
"Not once I am done with you come on I am finished I feel sick just being near these....People. Plus Suna, Luna are waiting for me at the hotel" Lucy said and they nodded.
"Who the hell is Suna and Luna?" Natsu demanded and Lucy let out a dry laugh.
"My exceeds of course, they are twins Luna controls the moon and Suna controls the Sun. They are powerful, nothing that compares to my own power though. I will show you this in the games, trust me by the time I am finished with you nothing but Dust will be left" Lucy smirked as she turned and started to walk before she felt the presence of a sword behind her so she turned grabbing it and twirling it thrusting it into the ground so deep no one could get it out.
"Try it again Titania and I will rip you to shreds" Rufus warned as he walked to Lucy slinging an arm over Lucy's shoulder making her blush a little while her necklace was bright red.
"Not to mention what the dragons would do to them," Rouge said.
"Or the Fairies," Sting added.
"And the gods" Olga finished as the Sabertooth team left, the fairy tail gang were frozen in place from shock. 

The next morning Lucy was up at five to do her warm up practice so that no one would be able to see her warming up in the arena and see her when she was the weakest.
"I will keep watch, Lucy-sama don't worry" Rufus offered and Lucy nodded.
"Thank you Rufus and please just Lucy you make me feel like an old woman calling me Sama" Lucy smiled slightly as she sat down and took in a deep breath and started to control the things around her bending them to Lucy's will into anything she wanted. She then pulled them into the shapes they were in before like trees and the water of the river.
"Not many can do that" a voice echoed and Lucy's eyes shot open to see that Raven Tail was there.
"Nor can the guild master be a participant in the GMG's, I am not stupid I see threw your little games old man. If I was you I would beat it because if anyone is going to destroy Fairy Tail it will be me not some laid back stupid son of Makarov that thinks he needs revenge" Lucy hissed and they took a step back.
"No not going? Ok then" Lucy sighed as she put her hand up and started to chant in Latin. Once Lucy was finished all that was left was ashes of the guild Raven Tail.
"No one will get in my way of destroying Fairy Tail, they destroyed me they took everything from me so I will take everything from them" Lucy grinned her eyes flashing red.
"Lucy" Rufus called a little scared and then Lucy shook her head before going back to normal and collapsing onto the floor.
"LUCY!" Rufus yelled as he ran to her.

How long has she been hurting (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now