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"And finally the last battle of the day Kabo, Lucy Heartfeila of Sabertooth and Jura Neekis from Lamiar scale" Mato announced and Lucy smirked as she jumped down leaving Luna and Suna in Rufus's care and arms.
"Lucy-dono" Jura greeted his hands in his sleeves and Lucy nodded her head to him as well.
"You may be one of the few I trust Jura but I will not hold back, I promise you that" Lucy warned as she got ready to fight and Jura grinned.
"I wouldn't forgive you if you did, let's both do our best and have a good fight" Jura smiled and Lucy nodded her head and they got ready.
"Start" Mato called and Jura started by sending earth toward Lucy but she jumped up out of the range of the attack.
"This is going to be fun huh Jura?" Lucy asked as she took another leap and was dodging the attacks though to the spectators it looked like she was doing a calm and relaxing dance.
"You are better than last time we spared Lucy-dono," Jura said.
"Of course I am and you have gotten better as well, Fairy Rock" Lucy chanted as she slammed her hands into the floor and rocks raised up and threw themselves toward Jura who blocked with a rock wall. The battle went on, each dodging and sometimes getting hit by the attacks, Lucy kept using earth magic as Jura only had earth magic he used that as well.
"Well Jura I'm afraid we only have five minutes left so I will have to end this but it has been fun" Lucy smirked.
"Demon ice glacia" Lucy said as she threw her hands out and Jura was frozen into the blocked ice with no escape.
"Winner Sabertooth from knockout" Mato called, making the crowds cheer. After her victory was announced Lucy let the ice melt and Jura was unconscious as he was carried off and Lucy turned walking to the Sabertooth stands smirking, she had a date to go on now.
"You sure you are ok to look after them Rouge? I don't trust the other two guys with Suna and Luna, they are much like kids themselves" Lucy said and Rouge nodded.
"I will look after them don't worry Lucy, you and Rufus go out and have fun but make sure you stay sober, don't get into any fights and Rufus you are not to take advantage of Lucy you hear me? You are to treat her like a princess if you don't do that then so help me, I will let Minerva know" Rouge warned as he looked at Rufus who gulped and nodded.
"Ok, ok Dad come on Rufus," Lucy teased making Rouge scowl but nodded as he left the hotel and Lucy and Rufus headed to a restaurant. 

"Hello my name is Lisa I will be your waitress tonight. What can I get you guys to drink?" the waitress smiled but battered her eyelashes at Rufus making Lucy glare at her.
"I would like a glass of coke. What do you want, love?" Rufus asked purposely so that the waitress would get the point.
"I would like a strawberry milkshake sweetheart" Lucy said, playing along, watching as Lisa sighed before plastering on a fake smile and nodding as she left and Lucy shook her head.
"Hey don't worry you are the only one that has my eyes" Rufus reassured and Lucy nodded, relaxing a little.
"Hmm lets see what we should eat?" Lucy questioned looking at the menu.
"I have heard the fish special is good from here" Rufus said.
"Here are you go, your drinks. Are you ready to order or would you like some more time?" Lisa asked, sitting the drinks down fake, smiling still.
"Yes I'll have the fish special" Lucy ordered. "Make that two" Rufus corrected and Lisa nodded before walking off.
"So what is your favourite colour?" Lucy enquired.
"I quite like the colour red as you can probably tell and I think your favourite colour is black and gold?" Rufus asked and Lucy smiled a tiny bit but nodded. Over the course of their meals they swapped different questions at each other or simply talking about themselves to get to know each other.
"I can pay my own bill" Lucy scowled.
"No I won't let you, this is a date I took you on so don't ruin it. Let me be a gentleman and pay the bill" Rufus grinned and while Lucy was trying to think of a comeback up, he snuck and paid the bill making Lucy scowl when she realised.
"Come on I have something to show you" Rufus said as he dragged Lucy out and Lucy smiled a little at him happily as she followed him.
"Where are we going?" Lucy asked as she looked at Rufus who smiled.
"Just close your eyes I promise you will like it" Rufus smiled and Lucy huffed but did as she was told and closed her eyes as he led her around by the hand. 

"Ok open them up" Rufus said and Lucy opened them only to gasp in surprise as she looked at the view.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" Rufus smiled.
"Of course how....." Lucy said trailing off. In front of them were the city lights that looked like twinkling stars but what made it more beautiful was the moon shining down and really bringing the city to life but what Lucy was looking at was the clear sky. They were far enough away from the city to see all the stars so Lucy started to connect them making the constellations of her spirit friends before turning and smiling at Rufus happily, not a half smile but a full smile making him beam happily.
"This is amazing how did you find this place?" Lucy questioned as she looked at him before she gasped and realised he had a bouquet of white and black roses for her.
"I got them while you were distracted looking at the little cheerleader outfits and hid them in my memory and as for this place. My mother used to bring me here when I was little, she told me once I found someone beautiful I would understand true beauty and she was right. You are more beautiful than five of these views put together" Rufus flirted and Lucy blush a little.
"I remember when I became emotionless because of that guild but now you and Sabertooth are melting me making me show emotion again bit by bit, I am glad" Lucy said as she hugged Rufus and he wrapped his hands around her hugging him tightly.
"I am glad, just like you are being helped you have been helping the guild more than you know" Rufus smiled as he lifted Lucy's face up by the chin and they both gently lent in and sealed their lips together in a kiss of pure bliss.
"Well, well, well what do we have here?" a voice asked and both of them broke the kiss and swung around.

How long has she been hurting (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now