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When Lucy looked around she yawned a little and looked around as she sat up to see Rufus' head was laying on the bed while he was sitting in a chair and he looked exhausted.
"Rufus?" Lucy asked as he gently shook the memory-make mage and he instantly jumped up.
"Oh thank god you are ok I didn't know what I would have done if I lost you" Rufus whispered as he saw Lucy and pulled her into a tight hug and smiled lightly as he felt and saw Lucy was awake again.
"S-S-Sorry for worrying you some much what happened though? I mean after I passed out?" I questioned and Rufus smiled happily.
"We done the elimination round, Luna transformed into her human form and took your place. We got first place so you didn't miss out of much but what happened to you?" Rufus enquired wanting to know what happened to make her pass out. Lucy looked down clenching her fists but she sighed and nodded.
"You have a right to know....The amount of power I have, sometimes it gets out of control after I release too much like yesterday morning when I destroyed RavenTail. When that power gets out of hand it normally destroys everything within its path but since I am in earth land now, the Dragons, spirits, fairies and all that made this necklace. Yes it shows my emotions but it is also a limiter when I start to lose control it sends an electrical shock through my neck therefore knocking me out for a while just until my rage and magic are back under control" Lucy explained and he nodded understanding.
"Lucy I....There is something-" Rufus started blushing red and Lucy looked at him a little confused.
"Oi, is Lucy awake yet?" Olga asked, bursting into the door, making Rufus and Lucy fling apart turning bright red, both of them and her necklace was crimson red as well.
"You great big olf! You interrupted a moment! Ignore them and just keep going" Rouge yelled as he grabbed Olga and pushed him out and shut the door making them look shocked but nodded in acceptance. 

"So what is it you wanted?" Lucy asked.
"I was wondering......today after the games....Will you....I mean would you....perhaps you would, oh fine Lucy would you go on a date with me?" Rufus asked, throwing himself straight in the deep end. Lucy looked at him shocked before for the first time in years a real smile spread on her face and she tackled Rufus down.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes I will of course yes" Lucy said happily and Rufus laid there with Lucy on him before he grinned as well happily as he hugged her close and she hugged back.
"Yes now we have a father" Suna and Luna grinned together doing a little dancing making Lucy giggle a little.
"About time, what took you so long memory-boy?" Sting smirked.
"Remember now Rufus if you hurt Lucy it won't just be us you have to answer but Minerva, Makarov, Laxus, Freed, Bixlow, Evergreen, Elfman, Happy, Lilly, Charla and Wendy. You know what Wendy did to that guy when he groped her don't you? Imagine what she would do to someone that hurt her older sister" Rouge smirked darkly making Rufus pale drastically and looking ready to pass out. He had a feeling that if he ever hurt Lucy, Rouge would be the first one to kill him and no one would ever find the body.
"Don't worry they would have to get through me first and rule number one is to never show your students everything you keep one move to yourself" Lucy said and Rufus nodded as he kissed her head sweetly making those in the room even Rouge to coo before teasing the two on the bed.
"So what are the games for today?" Lucy enquired as she dressed behind a screen before they headed to the arena.
"We don't know, it randomizes each year and everything is different each year" Olga said and Lucy nodded as they got to their area in time for them to call their name. 

"In first place the guild we have been waiting for it's SABERTOOTH KABO," Mato, the pumpkin man who was the announcer, yelled.
"In this team we have Sting Eucliffe the holy dragon slayer, one of his partners Rouge Cherny the shadow dragon slayer, Rufus Lore a memory maker mage, Olga Nagar and what is this?" Mato announced.
"It is Lucille Heartfeila aka Lucy the SABERTOOTH QUEEN!" Mato yelled and Lucy nodded her head emotionless again as she glared around seeing Blue pegasus, Mermaid heel, Lamair Scale, Fairy Tail, Fairy Tail team two, Quatro Cerberus and a fairly new guild Flame Blossom as well as Sabertooth that made eight guilds, each day another guild would be eliminated until finally they had two guilds left.
"With that let the first game begin, Hide and seek" Mato said.
"Rufus you go, you know what to do? You have to win no matter what" Lucy said and he nodded as he walked over and took his hat off and bowed, acting the part.
"Hai Hime-sama" Rufus said before Lucy gently grabbed him and kissed his lips before winking.
"A good luck charm good luck Rufus-kun" Lucy said and Rufus nodded grinning as he jumped down. Lucy watched the games and fights bored but she watched enough to make sure they were winning and the sabertooth members weren't getting hurt too much.
"And finally the last battle of the day Kabo, Lucy Heartfeila of Sabertooth and Jura Neeks from Lamiar scale" Mato announced and Lucy smirked as she jumped down leaving Luna and Suna in Rufus's care and arms.

How long has she been hurting (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now