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A few weeks later 

"Lucy, would you like to join the great dragon slayer Duo? We could become a trio just for you" Sting said.
"No I won't join any team, I hold no trust yet for Sabertooth so I will not go on missions where it's life or death and expect you to have my back" Lucy stated and they looked at her shocked. They had realised just how bad Fairy tail had hurt her until now.
"We aren't that bad" Sting pouted.
"Nor was Fairy Tail to start off with, how do I know you won't turn on me like they did?" Lucy demanded with a raised eyebrow.
"You won't know unless you give us a little trust so that we can earn your full trust," Rouge replied.
"Fine I will give you a bit of trust, I will go on a single mission with you but I will not be on your team" Lucy sighed knowing that they weren't going to give up until she agreed.
"If that's as good as I get I'll take it" Sting beamed.
"We have decided Lucy will be known as Queen of Sabertooth" Minerva announced and the guild cheered and nodded, after all there is no one that can defeat her.
"Yea she can be out Hime-sama" the guild cheered, making Lucy blush inside but show no emotion. The necklace around her neck with a star on it turned from its normal white to red. 
"Why is your necklace red?" Rouge questioned, noticing the change.
"Mama can't show emotion much anymore so the spirits put a necklace together to show her emotions. Red means she is feeling embarrassed" Suna smirked.
"Yep, yellow is happy, blue is sad, green is sick and black is angry and all that stuff" Luna explained.
"Thank you girls, but come on now we have to go home, Sting, Rouge pick a mission and meet us at the train station tomorrow at 10" Lucy said and they nodded as she walked out.
"She seems so closed off, what are we going to do? I mean she is even worse than you Rouge" Sting sighed. They weren't trying to hurt Lucy but they really wanted to be her friend or even be able to hang out with her.
"I don't know but maybe she will open up given time and what do you mean worse than me?" Rouge snapped with a glare making Sting sweat before running away from his partner screaming apologies. 

"Can I really let them in, girls?" Lucy questioned as she looked at body in the mirror, only wearing a bra and underwear as she looked at the scars on her body.
"Maybe they will be trustworthy Mama, how about we test them tomorrow?" Suna offered.
"I know the perfect thing" Luna grinned. The two twins put their heads together and started to whisper, not letting Lucy hear what they were saying.
"Off to bed now girls, I will be in there in a second" Lucy said and Luna and Suna nodded heading to their beds that were in the same room as Lucy's.
"Will they manage to finally heal me? Or will they try to break me even more than I am?" Lucy whispered tracing the scars on her stomach and hand that Fairy Tail had given her on that day. 

The next morning Lucy woke to Luna and Suna in exceed form curled into her sides making her eyes have a little glimmer of happiness in them before it vanished once again. The two exceeds helped open up a lot more than she had since the accident.
"Sweet hearts time to get up" Lucy whispered as the two girls yawned stretching.
"We are up Mama, you can get ready, we will cook breakfast" Luna smiled and Suna walked into the kitchen taking human form again.
"Ok" Lucy said heading to the bathroom. When Lucy came out she was wearing what she normally wore but with a leather jacket and a cloak on. 
"Let's get going Luna, Suna" Lucy called by the time they finished breakfast it was nine. When they got to the train station they saw Rouge and Sting waiting there with Lector and Frosch. 
"Hey Lucy, are you ready?" Sting greeted.
"Sure whatever" Lucy sighed as they got on the train. 
"Hey we aren't getting sick" Sting grinned.
"Because when I healed you the other day I healed it once and for all, you won't get motion sickness again for as long as you live" Lucy explained.
"Thanks then Lucy, you saved us" Sting thanked while Rouge nodded his head in thanks.
"Whatever, it's not like I care, I just didn't want you being sick on me," Lucy snapped.
"Hey Mr. Sting, Mr. Rouge, want to see a trick?" Suna questioned Luna nodded. 
"Sure, just be careful," said Sting. Instantly the girls took exceed form and threw themselves in the air and out the window. 

"Suna, Luna!" Lucy screamed horror written all over her face but Sting and Rouge had jumped out of the train after the girls, catching them making their own bodies hit the floor. 
"Suna, Luna are you ok?" Lucy asked, running towards them, after getting off the train along with Frosch and Lector. 
"We are fine Mama told you they could be trusted" Luna smiled.
"Thank you thank you so much" said Lucy tears running down her face hugging Suna and Luna to her chest as they took human form again.
"You two are in a lot of trouble when we get home. Now bow your heads and thank them" Lucy glared making the girls chuckle nervously and thank the two dragon slayers.
"I'm just glad they didn't get hurt," Sting smiled.
"Exactly" Rouge agreed, looking at the girls worried, afraid they had missed an injury.
"I'll join your team if you still want me," Lucy said, looking away from them.
"I thought you didn't trust us?" Rouge asked.
"I'm sure if you can jump out of a moving train for someone else's child you can be trusted" Lucy said looking at them.
"Yea now we are the dragon slayer trio" Sting grinned happily.
"Idiot" Lucy sighed but her necklace glowed a bright yellow.

How long has she been hurting (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now