"This is la vie en rose..."

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I was sitting on the tour bus listening to Edith Piaf soaking it all in again.

The bus, the mess, the smell, the company all just how I remembered.

"Hey Sawyer I am glad you decided to come along."

"No problem Frank I think I might have even needed this a bit."


"Yeah an escape...well of sorts. Either way still good."

"Are you really sure you want to stop this? The touring and adventures with us?"

"I think so, its time Frank. Everyone is partnered up, I am the third wheel its time."

"You can never be the third wheel you are more than that. You are like our therapist/sister and a sort member of our band."

"I know but it's not the same anymore. It can't go back to the way it was everything is changing and its good. Things should change, they have to, everyone grows I just don't want to be the only that doesn't change with everything. The one pining over someone who already has someone. Let's be honest Frank I have to move on."

"I know blue. I just don't want you to disappear and we don't see you anymore."

"Oh that won't happen. No matter what I will always be in your life. Plus I am still waiting for you and Jamia to make me an auntie so I have to be around for that."

"whoa whoa there slow down we aren't there yet. Talked about it, love kids just want everything to slow down. We have been at this for a long long time."

"I know with this record you guys are touring the shit out of it."

"That's the idea. You know us we actually like to live life after we get done touring."

"I know Frankenstein. Let's see where my life needs me. I have that meeting with Craig in LA."

"No shit what about?"

"No freaking idea I am gonna try to nap in the back."

"Good luck with that."

"Ha ha shush shortie."

"I will bug you later."

I laid down in the back thinking about my mom, Craig, Adam, Gerard, and a possible new hair color all the choices swirled in my head until he brought me out of my train of thought.


"Huh? Oh hi Gee."

"Hey I wanted to ask you a favor."

"Well depends what it is."

"We are pulling up to the first venue soon, well more like 5 hours."

"Someone is not excited, repeat not excited."

"Shut up just wanted to know if you could possibly meet Lindsay today?"


"Uh that's a really nice thought but maybe you two should get reacquainted again before you introduce the best friend."

"You know what you're right."

"I don't want to see you be super awkward around her. It's kind of sad and then I step in, you need to learn how to fly solo."

"What am I going to say? How do I approach her?"

"Calm down you'll think of something you always do."

5 hours to Washington.

To her.

Part of me wants to meet her now but I would rather stall for as long as I can.

She seems incredible.

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