Chapter 15

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Me and Ruta have been arguing lately but, it's okay cause we were arguing about who's gonna watch Caleb and Jakob while Eryn went dress shopping for her wedding in about 6 months and Aj and Lolo and Beyoncé are going with her. Beyoncé is Keduses girlfriend. Keduse, Beyoncé, Delmon, and abel all moved in yesterday.

I decided that I'll watch Jakob and Ruta will watch Caleb so right now me and Jakob are watching monsters inc. "uncle Miley I'm gonna go get a juice box" he says. "Okay" I reply. We have a little spot for the twins to go and get a little juice or a snack for when there Hungry so they don't have to ask.

Jakob hasn't come back for a couple of minutes so I go check on him. I wish I wouldn't of let him come in here alone cause...he had a knife in his hand. "Look uncle Miley I'm daddy" he says. "Jakob thomas hood if you don't give me that knife right now I'm sending you to the corner" I say. "But uncle Mickey I thought you wanted me and Caleb to grow up like daddy" he says. "Jakob come here and put the knife down" I say. I pick him up and carry him to the couch and sit him on my lap it's time to have a little talk. "Jakob you don't need to do that to be like daddy, daddy did that cause someone told him to or they were gonna take you, Caleb, and mommy away. So you have no reason to do that and if I see or hear of you doing that again I'm gonna tell mommy and daddy" I say. "Yes uncle Mikey can we play Fifa now?" He asks. "Sure kiddo why not" I say.


I'm currently out dress shopping for my wedding that's in 6 months with AJ, Lolo, and Beyoncé. I just met Beyoncé yesterday but she's already like my best friend.

We walk into a dress store and start looking for dresses.

*after dress shopping*

We just got done shopping and I got white dress that is poofy at the bottom but tight around my waist but is very sparkly. We get back home and we walk in but AJ had to get calum out of our room and away from me so he doesn't see the dress. As soon as he's with AJ I walk upstairs and into our room and hide the dress in the back of our closet.

"Hey guys wanna go to a party?" Michael asks. "Sure but why?" I ask. "Cause we haven't been to a party together cause you have Jakob and Caleb but Lolo if you go you can't drink and you have to stay with one of us cause your excepting" Michael says. She nods. "Alright sure" Luke says. "But calum call joy and ask if the boys can sleep over at her house" I say. "Okay" he says. "And guys go get ready the party is in an hour" Michael says. We all get up and go upstairs to our room. I go to my closet and find a blue dress that is poofy at the bottom and goes right above my knee. I go to the bathroom and check the time 15 minutes till we need to go to the party. I curl my hair and do a natural look for makeup. I walk downstairs and everyone else is ready when I get to the bottom Calums mouth drops. "Eryn you look amazing" he says. "Thanks babe" I say and kiss him. We all walk out the door and got in the car.

*at the party*

We just arrived at the party and me and calum went to the bar straight away. Then after we get a little drunk we go and dance and do all that normal stuff people do at party's.

It was like 3am and we decided to go home. I told calum to wait by the gate and I was gonna go find lolo. I found lolo and went to the gate but calum wasn't there. So me and lolo looked around for him and finally found him and I saw something I didn't want to see. Calum was making out with another girl. "Calum?" I ask. Starting to cry. He looks at me. "Eryn I-" he started. "SAVE IT" I say. "I'm sorry babe" he says. "CALUM I TELL YOU TO WAIT LIKE 3 MINUTES SO I COULD GO FIND SOMEONE AND I COME BACK TO SEE YOU MAKING OUT WITH ANOTHER GIRL" I yell. I just start running for the car. I finally get to the car and lolo was following. "Go" I say crying. "Eryn what's wrong?" They all ask. "Calum was shoving his tounge down another girls throat." Lolo says. "Wait Calum hurt her?" Michael asks with his face Turning very red. "Can we please just go home?" I ask. "Yeah we will let him walk" Michael says.

We finally get home and I run upstairs and take off the dress and change into my pajamas and just lay down and fall asleep.

-next day-

It's the next day and I got up and had a huge hangover. I walk downstairs to go get some pain killers. I see Calum sleeping on the house. That son of a bitch. I see him slowly open his eyes and he sees me. "Goodmorning Eryn" he says. "Calum don't act like you don't know what happened last night" I snap. "I said I'm sorry" he says. "CALUM SAYING IM FUCKING SORRY DOESNT SOLVE ANYTHING YOU WANT TO FUCKING MARRY ME AND YOU GO MAKE OUT WITH ANOTHER GIRL" I yell. "Eryn I was drunk" he says. "Yeah barely" I snap. I must have yelled pretty loudly cause everyone came downstairs. As soon as Michael comes down and stairs him right in the eyes. "CALUM I FUCKING TRUSTED YOU AND YOU BROKE THAT TRUST AFTER EVERYTHING SHE HAS DONE FOR YOU SHE HAD THOSE KIDS AND SHE SAID YES TO MARRY YOU AND THIS IS WHAT YOU GIVE IN RETURN" Michael yells. "Guys I was drunk" he says. "But Calum I even trusted you I gave you my everything and this is what you give me in return but I mean you were really drunk" I say. Should I forgive him? I don't know. He was drunk and she looked like a slut. Fine I'll forgive him only cause I'll have no one to cuddle with at night. "Fine Calum I forgive you but we are never going to a party again." I say. "Yayy" Calum says. "Everyone else are we cool?" Calum asks. "Yeah" everyone says but Michael. "Michael give him one more chance" I say. "fine whatever but only cause I want more little Jakob and calebs around here" he says giggling.


Everyone had a good day all we did was watch movies. I was in the bathroom changing into one of calums nirvana shirts and I had a pair of shorts. I brushed my teeth,and combed out my hair. The kids are still at joys cause we didn't want them to see us arguing. I walk out and Calum is already laying on the bed. I go lay next to him and put my head on his bare chest and he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer as usual. He kisses my forehead and we don't say anything cause we are both tired and we slowly drift to sleep.

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