Chapter 16

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*2 years later*

Me and Calum have been married for about 1 year now and he already got me pregnant.....again. I'm already 9 months. With a baby girl and her name is Zoe becca hood, and she could be here any day now.

Me and Calum were in our room, and I was having sharp pains but I didn't show it. Then there was one pain that I had to show. "Babe are you okay?" Calum asks. "Not really" I say, still in pain. I get up and run to the bathroom and when i close the door water fell on the floor. My water broke. I walk out of the bathroom, and Calum already had my bag packed. Damn. "Let's go babe now" he says. I nod and run to the car and he starts it and right away we get to the hospital. Calum talked to the lady at the desk and right away they out me in a room. I wanted to push so bad. "Calum it fucking hurts" I say, still wincing in pain. "It's okay baby they say that your only 4 cm dilated" he says. "Why did u have to get me pregnant again?" I ask. "This one is worse then the twins" I also say. "Hey it's your fault for not letting me use a condom" he says, i laugh but then scream in pain. "Shit Calum this feels like I'm giving birth to a fucking knife" I say. He laughs. We wait about 8 hours and it was finally time to push. "Okay mrs.hood push whenever your ready" the doctor says. I pushed and it fucking hurt. "The head is out" the doctor says. "Calum babe I can't do it anymore it hurts and I'm so tired" I say. "Babe it's okay you have done this twice before I love you and I know you can do it" he says. I believed in what he said and gave one more big push and crus from a baby girl fill the room. I start tearing up. "I did it Calum" I say. "I know baby you did it good job" he says, kissing me. They were cleaning off Zoe and gave her to Calum. "She looks like you babe" he says. She does she has my brown hair and blue eyes. "She does" I say. I let Calum hold Zoe and everyone comes in the room, but I just fall asleep I was to fucking tired.

"Babe wake up we  are going home" Calum says. I got up and Zoe was in her car seat and Calum already packed all my stuff. "Okay let's go I want to go home and sleep" I say. "Okay babe lets go I'll carry zoe" he says. "Okay" I say. We walk out of the hospital, and into the car. Calum puts Zoe in the back and I stay back there with her and Calum starts driving.

We arrive at our house and Calum gets Zoe and I unlock the door and joy and the twins run up to me and hug me. Calum comes in with Zoe. "Daddy what's that?" Jakob asks. "This is your new baby sister" he replys. "Aww she looks like you mommy but don't worry daddy I still look like you" Jakob says kissing Zoe's forehead. Me, joy and Calum laugh. Caleb is shy so he just went upstairs to his room. "Don't worry Zoe I will protect you" Jakob says. "Jakob your already to protective over mommy" Calum says. "I know but there my favorite girls" he replys. Everyone starts laughing. "Okay lil kiddo go upstairs and play with Caleb but be quiet I have to put Zoe to sleep in her crib" Calum says. "Okay daddy" Jakob replys.

Joy left and me and Calum are in Zoe's new nursery. He was rocking Zoe to sleep in the rocking chair and singing her a song. He's a perfect father. Once Zoe was asleep he put her in her crib, and walked over to me. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close and kissed me. "What was that for?" I ask. "Cause you made me the most happiest man in the world" he says. "Well I mean you did help make all 3 of them" I say. He laughs. "I did enjoy it too" he says. I laughed at him."I love you" I say. "I love you too baby" he replys.


I am ending the book here I don't Have time to write it anymore I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you read the rest of my story's.

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