Chapter 13

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Parker's P.O.V
"You just left her there in the hallway?!" Hayden yelled in my face.

"Would you rather I had punched her like I wanted to?" I yelled back. 

"Well neither are the smartest things to do!"

"Hayden shut up!" I screamed finally. I knew I was acting like a spoiled brat, but Bree not caring that Rage is always an ass to her pissed me off. 

"Where were you guys walking. I'm going to go see where she is, she should have been back by now." Hayden asked/ told in a mono-tone. 

I sighed, "We were on this floor, by room 315 or something." Hayden nodded his head and walked out of the room. I walked over to the kitchen to find something to drink. 

The were only three things in our little fridge, Dr. Pepper, Rum coolers, and Vodka coolers. I sighed, I really don't like liquor too much but today was going to be the exception. 

I grabbed the rum cooler and twisted the top off and took a big swig. It tasted really good! It was pineapple flavored. 

After that drink, I quickly finished the bottle, and then finished the next, and the next, and the next one. Eventually I lost count.

'I'm in trouble
I'm an addict
I'm addicted to this girl
She's got my heart tied in a knot
And my stomach in a whirl'

"Silly Phone, stop ringing!" I laughed as it sang one of my favorite songs. It stopped ringing after a few seconds.

'I'm in trouble
I'm an addict
I'm addicted to this girl
She's got my heart tied in a knot
And my stomach in a whirl'

"I thought I told you to be quiet!" I giggled at my phone. it continued to ring, so I decided it must want to be talked to really badly.

"Hiya!" I giggled into the phone.

"Parker! Get down here now!" Hayden yelled at me through the phone. This boy and his yelling.

"But why! I'm having a great time here!" I giggled.

"Parker are you drunk?" 

"Nope!" I giggled popping the 'p'.

"Just get Rage to come to room 315." 

"Okay! Bye bye Lovey!" I giggled, again! I like booze.

"Bye." Hayden said and hung up. Well he's no fun. I walked, sorta, towards the bedroom. After finally opening the door, I saw Rage sitting on his bed, listening to music.

"Raaaaage! Kyle wants you at room 315, ASAP!" I pulled out his head phones. 

"Parker, were you drinking? Your words are slurred." Rage didn't look happy, people really need to lighten up around here.

"Maybe I had a few." I giggled.

"No more. Go to sleep." He ordered.

"But Rage!" I whined.

"No. Bed." He pointed at my bed. 

"Fine, meany." I mumbled the last bit as I stripped to my undies and crawled into bed. I quickly fell asleep giggling.

Third Person P.O.V (maybe its more like Narrator's p.o.v I'm not sure) 

tears slid down Hayden's face as he held Bree's body close to his. She had been out cold when he found her, and she still hadn't moved. He tried everything to wake her up, but nothing.

Hayden had called Parker, who was a giggling drunk ,and asked him to send down Rage for help.   

As Hayden whispered words of encouragement to the out cold Bree, he could hear footsteps coming in his direction. Whether they were friend, teacher, or enemy he didn't know. 

Soon enough a very worried looking Rage was kneeling at his side, calling an ambulance to come to Dr. Reids Reformative school. 

The boys both had tears in there eyes as their younger sister lay, seemingly lifeless, in their arms. Rage and Hayden alike had learned to love Bree as a little sister they never had. Even Rage, who had a few feelings for Bree, loved her more as a sister.

As the paramedics took Bree out of the school, the boys followed. They went to the hospital with her, holding her hands as a sign of comfort, not only for her, but for them as well.

When the questions were asked by the paramedics, Rage and Hayden couldn't answer. Not only because of the pain they were feeling, but because they really didn't know. One second Bree is asking Parker to go for a walk, then next she is lying on the ground unconscious.

Nobody wanted to be in this situation, honestly who would? A honorary sibling sitting in the hospital unconscious? It's almost everyone worse nightmare. 

Bree's worst nightmare. Obviously Shane Tyler had stuck to his word and had become her worst nightmare. Little does Shane know, he has become everyone else's worse nightmare as well.

Jacob's P.O.V
I can't believe what my sister told all of us. She couldn't have killed that bastard, but then again, he did abuse her for years. And now she his stupid son after her? What is that?! Honestly, if only she would let me deal with him. I guess I wouldn't want my little brother to fight my battles but still....

'Shorty wanna thug
Bottles in the club
Shorty wanna hump
You know I like to touch
Your lovely lady lumps'

 It was Kyles ring tone.

"Hey Kyle man, whats up?"

"Jacob!... Bree... hospital.... Unconscious!" Kyle was crying hysterically.

"BREE'S IN THE HOSPITAL UNCONSCIOUS?! WHO THE FUCK- WHAT THE- I'M COMING TO YOUR ROOM NOW!" I yelled and hung up the phone. I grabbed a random sweater that was on the floor and sprinted off towards Kyles dorm.

I was there in around 20 seconds flat, which is amazing considering we are on different floors.

"Kyle open up!" I yelled hammering on the door. The door was instantly open to reveal a bawling Kyle. 

"Let's go, we are taking your car to the hospital now." I ordered dragging him towards the parking lot.

He never said anything just let me drag him through the corridors, and across the pavement.

I found his car and then hoped into the driver seat. I know I'm to young to drive, but I have done it many times before so it isn't an issue.

The drive was quiet other than Kyle's sobs, which were really unnerving because I was trying to keep my cool. I couldn't drive erratic, or above the speed limit because that would attack the attention of cops, and that was the last thing I wanted.


"What room is Breanne Shayler in?" Kyle asked frantically as we ran into the hospital.

"Family or Friend?" The receptionist asked.

"We are family. What room is our sister in?!" I practically yelled. The lady scowled at us and then at the computer in front of her.

"To your left, and then down that hallway. Room 101" 

Me and kyle looked at each other and then sprinted down the hallway she pointed us in. 

"Thank-you!" I yelled over my shoulder, remembering my manners.

We ran until we stopped at the room the lady said. Me and Kyle both took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. 

My ears were met by sounds of sobbing, I hadn't looked up yet, because I was scared of what I would see, so i assumed the sobs were Parkers.

"Hayden, I've never seen you cry before." Kyle's voice said. My head snapped up to see, to my confusion, Hayden with tears streaming down his face. My eyes trailed from Hayden's tear filled ones, to my sisters pale face.

I rushed to the side of the bed and genitally caressed her face with my hand.

"Why did this to you?" I whispered, tears dropping on her face. Rage quickly wiped them off.

Kyle had walked up beside me and was holding her hand, whispering 'how could someone do this to you?'.

"We think it was the bastards son." Rage whispered from beside Hayden.

"Of course." I whispered angrily. I was scared that if I talked loudly, Bree wouldn't wake up.

"Guys, where is Parker?" Kyle asked in a quiet, sad, voice. 

"When I first found Bree, I called him to come help me, but he was drunk out of his mind." Hayden whispered, when he said my sisters name fresh tears appeared.

"Drunk out of his mind?" I questioned. That really didn't sound like the Parker I knew.

"Yeah, I don't know what got into him." Rage shook his head. "I made sure he was going to bed when I left." 

Nobody said anything after that. We were all just too upset. Everyone of us loves Bree through and through, especially now that she is taking down the barriers and letting us in.

"Sorry guys, but visiting hours are over. Your going to have to leave." A nurse said. We all nodded. Each one of us kissed her forehead and walked out of the room, our heads hung.

"I have my car, we can all pile in there." Kyle muttered kicking the sidewalk. Everyone said something along of 'okay' and followed Kyle.

Long story short, it was a very worrisome, depressing night.

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