Chapter 11

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{Skipping to Halloween day}

Friday, October 31.

Today was the day of the huge Halloween dance. This school is famous for them. The girls from a school nearby came yesterday to meet with the guys and find dates. Obviously me and Parker are going together.

The funny thing about the dance is there is not supposed to be alcohol, but almost everyone ends up leaving the dance drunk. The teachers don't try to stop it either.

"Your coming with me to the dance tonight, right?" Parker asked for must have been the millionth time.

I sighed. "Yes Parker." He just smirked and got up off the couch he was sitting on and walked away. Silly boy.

Just then the door flung open and in walked Jacob and Kyle.

"Just let yourself in." I said sarcastically from the couch. The boys just shrugged and sat down on either side of me.

"What are you wearing to the dance tonight?" Jacob asked giving me and all knowing look.

"I'm going to be a pirate!" Kyle smiled.

"I was talking to Bree, Kyle." Jacob sighed rolling his eyes.

"I knew that." Kyle smiled sheepishly.

"I'm going to be superwoman." I announced loudly trying to avoid any further arguing.

"Can we see the costume?" they asked at the same time. Jacob still had the all knowing look.

"Okay." I sighed, and walked into the bedroom. I quickly put on my costume and walked back out.

"No! There is no way I'm letting you wear that to the dance tonight.Your showing far to much boob, and I can barely even call that a skirt." Jacob ranted. 

"Sorry little bro, I'm wearing it." I smirked, He was about to protest but I cut him off, "My word's law. So this is final." 

Kyle just laughed as I walked off back to the room, but not without sending a wink in my brother direction.

As i changed I heard Kyle say to Jacob, "This dance is not going to end well."

{Skipping to just before the dance)

"Everyone ready for the dance?" I asked looking at the 5 boys in front of me.

"Arg matey, I am!" Kyle tried to imitate a pirate voice.

"good enough." I said rolling my eyes and heading for the door. An arm wrapped itself around my waist. 

"You make a sexy super woman." Parker whispered in my ear.

"And you make a very hot batman." I whispered back. Parker just held me tighter, which made me happy. He made me happy.

"Parker I swear to God, you break her heart-" Jacob started to threaten him, before he was cut off.

"You will break me. I know, you only tell me everyday." Parker smiled, but his eyes looked different. I shrugged it off as we neared the gym.

"I see my date, later guys!" Hayden smirked as he walked off towards a pretty girl with brunette hair. She didn't look like Hayden's type, but who was I to judge.

"We better go find our dates, come on guys." Jacob said as he got Rage and Kyle to follow him. This left me and Parker alone.

"Want to dance?" Parker asked, nodding his head towards the dance floor. The song was some really annoying rap song.

"Maybe after I've had a bit of liquor." I joked pulling Parker towards the drink table.

"Oh boy..." Parker groaned. He knew what I was like with lot's of liquor; fairly bipolar.

"Come on, lighten up!" I chirped lightly nudging Parker as I poured a glass of punched. It tasted spiked, which was a good thing.

"Fine." Parker gave in and took a glass of punch. He took a sip and then playfully glared at me, "Happy now?"

"yes." I smiled. Just then someone slapped my ass.

"Who the fuck did that." I asked in a normal volume, but the tone was beyond deadly. No one is aloud to touch my ass unless they had my permission.

No one said anything.

I spun around to see only around 10 guys standing behind me, each of them smirking. Parker looked mad, but not as mad as he probably should be at a time like this.

"Which one of you was it?" I asked, glaring daggers at each of them in turn.

No one said anything.

"So no one slapped my ass?" I asked.

No one said anything.

"Fine, I'll let it slide this time only because I don't feel like messing up this awesome costume." I smiled down at it. "No fuck off!" 

They all slowly walked away to who knows where.

"Thanks for the backup boyfriend, you were a really big help." cue to sarcasm!

"I thought you had it handled." He shrugged. Oh he is pissing me off.

"I'm going to go find Kyle, see how his night is going." I snarled and walked stomped off in a random direction. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a a person with green hair sitting in a dark, secluded corner of the decorated gym. I walked over to, the only person with green hair, Rage. He looked sad.

"Hey Rage, what's up man?" I asked sitting down beside him. 

He sighed, "Obviously nothing Breanne." I was a little bit shocked at his words.

"You used my full name." I whispered. He just shrugged his shoulders. This was not a Rage that I knew.

"Tell me what's wrong." I demanded, my voice was still soft.

"Bree, it's nothing. Honestly." He tried to smile, but it faded quickly. His eyes were directed over my shoulder. I turned to see who it was.

"Mystery dude.'' I whispered looking at him. He hadn't dressed up in any costume, just in his usual black t-shirt, and dark skinnies.

As he walked closer he spoke, "I do have a name, Maddison." My eyes got wide, and my jaw dropped a little. I quickly regained my composure and made my face emotionless.

"I don't know who this Maddison person is, obviously I'm Breanne." I replied, my tone almost bored in hopes that he would overlook my little slip up.

"No, your Maddison Claire Shayler. Daughter of the widowed Laura Shayler." Mystery dude smirked. He knew exactly who I was, but he couldn't know that.

"Uh wrong. I'm Breanne Clair Shayler. Laura was my aunt. My mom is Shawna Shayler. Laura's sister." I lied. He could see right through me and I knew it. Rage just sat there confused.

"Would you like to keep lying?" Mystery man smirked. 

"You know what?! Fine, I'm Maddison, I changed my name." I spat at the guy, who was smirking, in front of me.

"Good girl." He smiled evilly. Who the hell is this guy?

"I'm your worst nightmare." He answered my unasked question, all while smiling that evil smile of his.

I laughed at this. "Why are you my worst nightmare!"

Mystery man walked closer to me, so close that my nose was touching his chest. He leaned his head down to my ear and whispered, "Because I know what you did to my father." 

Again my jaw dropped. My mothers dead boyfriend, who I killed, was this guys dad?! This could not be right. The guy had backed up, an evil smirk plastered onto his face.

"As of now, I will make your life a living hell." With one last evil smile, Mr. I'm-going-to-make-your-life-hell walked away.

Oh fuck, this can't be good.

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