Character 1

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It was the last day of school and I was still in history class staring at the clock. The guys and I were going to the Sandlot after school to play baseball. David was in front of me during history while the others were scattered around the room. Minutes went by and soon enough the bell rang and David and I rushed out of the room to the bike rack with the other boys trailing behind us. As David and I were getting our bikes he bumped into the Hailey Goodfairer making her drop her books. I never really liked Hailey. I tried being her friend the first two weeks she was here but then she turned on me. I don't know what I did wrong, she never told me and I haven't found out. But she's been my biggest enemy ever since. Hailey's a backstabbing little bitchy princess who only cares about herself and thinks she should be the center of attention. Anyways Hailey dropped her books which wasn't David's fault, if she was watching were she was going then she wouldn't have bumped into David.
"Hailey," I said with hatred in my voice.
"Michelle," Hailey replied back with in the same tone.
David just stood there staring at Hailey.
"Your supposed to say 'I'm sorry.'," H said in a bossy tone.
Still, David stood there.
"Hello, Earth to boy," H said waving her hands in the air.
"Well on behalf of this boy David, my apologies your highness," I say curtsying. "And I am not your slave and neither is David, so why don't you get your books off the ground because David isn't and I most certainly won't."
Hailey finally gives up and picks up her books flipping her hair. Out of the corner of my eye I still see David staring at Hailey, he hasn't looked away from her.
A car horn honks behind us and it's Hailey's mom. THANK GOD! I couldn't stand another minute with this bitch.
David finally snaps out of it.
"I'm guessing I shouldn't go on a date with her," David says.
"GO ON A DATE WITH HER? You shouldn't even look at her," I tell David while we both look at Hailey.
The rest of the guys come over to get their bikes and see us looking at Hailey.
"Did we miss something?" asks Mac.
"No, and if you think we're gonna waste our time just standing here explaining it to you then your wrong. We have to get to the Sandlot or the beginning of our summer will be ruined," I say yelling at the boys.
"Dammit guys, she's right," Mac says.
"Well what are we waiting for, let's go!" David says.

The Sandlot 2: 10 kids, 1 amazing summerWhere stories live. Discover now