Chapter 5

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We were all in the dugout eating cookies and drinking orang juice, but not talking because it was wired and there was really nothing to talk about.
"Sam said the cookies are great," Saul said to Hailey.
"Thank you," Hailey said all perky.
"Can we have the recipe?" Saul asked Hailey.
I rolled my eyes and I could tell David did too.
"Sure I'll write it down for you," Hailey said all nice.
David and I couldn't satnd being in the dugout another minute.
"The dugout's very tastefully done," Saul said.
Penny and Jenny looked at each other and said thanks in unison.
"Saul," I angrily whispered to him and gave him a 'what are you doing' kind of look.
"What?" He said back shrugging.
"Shut up," I whispered to him.
"Orange is my favorite color," Tarquell mentioned.
"Mine too," Hailey said all surprised.
David kicked Tarquell in the leg and rolled his eyes shaking his head. Hailey gave us a weird look, confused at why we were so mean to Saul and Tarquell.
"Is this freshly squeezed?" Mac asked Hailey.
David and I have Mac a 'what the hell are you doing? Have you not learned what will hapen to you from Tarquell's and saul's mistakes?' kind of look.
"Mac?" Both David and I said at the same time.
"What?" Mac whispered.
"Shut it," David whispered to Mac.
"Any way, this is Jenny and this is penny, and I'm-"
"Hailey Goodfairer, we know," Tarquell, Mac, and Saul said interrupting Hailey before she got to finish.
"This is Tarquell, Mac, Saul and his brother Sam, we call him fingers, he's deaf, just look at him when you talk to him, he can read lips. And this is David," I said to Hailey.
"Okay. Hi," Hailey said and whispered to Fingers acting all sweet.
"Let's reconouier these turkeys," Mac said.
We all got up and walked to the little league field where singleton was playing.

When we got there, we stood at the fence in right field.
Singleton saw us standing there and walked over to us causing his whole team to follow.
"Look guys it's the sandlot retards," the jerk called singleton said as he jogged over to us.
His coach was yelling at him to get back to practicing, but he didn't listen.
"Hey sweetheart, bring some friends to watch some real baseball," singleton said to me in a flirtation way.
"Shut up singleton," David said in a mad way. That honestly made me smile inside knowing David would stand up for me.
"No, they actually wanted to come here to see how idiots play baseball," I said to singleton.
"They could've just watched you guys play," singleton said.
"Coming from a guy who only cares about his hair. You know if the umpire forgets his brush, he could just use your head to wipe home plate," I fired back at singleton.
"He can wipe home plate once I'm doing getting around the bases from my home run," said singleton.
"Okay, call me up in 30 years when it happens," I told him.
"Why call when I can just tell you in person while you're making me breakfast," singleton said.
"YOU KNOW WHAT SINGLETON-" I was cut off by everyone trying to calm me down. I was about to climb the fence to get him but someone grabbed me and put me back down on the ground. I knew exactly who it was just by the shape and size of their hands, it was David. Of course everybody else tried to pull me back but I could only feel David trying to calm me down.
"Speaking of sweeping up, you girls keeping our practice diamond all tidied up for us," singleton asked.
"Watch your mouth singleton," Mac said. He was always getting himself into touble.
"Shut up porky," singleton said.
"Your momma wears granny panties"
"Your momma a so ugly, when you were born they slapped her," we all laughed.
"Goamer pile"
"Shut up porky"
"You all ready said that idiot"
"Yeah well you're still fat moron"
"You're a fart sniffing, road Apple chewing, scab licking female dog"
Singleton was about to talk but Mac said, " I ain't done yet. You're ugly. You're mamma dresses you funny. You stink like toe fungus. And you ride the short school bus."
"Yeah well you play ball like a girl!"
All the guys stepped back and gasped. Hailey, penny and Jenny were shocked. I just stood there the way I was standing.
"And that supposed to be bad?" I said to singleton with and attitude.
"Yeah, it's supposed to mean he's terrible. Girls wouldn't understand," singleton said.
"No I don't think you understand: A.) because your talking to a girl who's better at playing baseball than you, and B.) because this is 2016 not 1960." The boys all 'oh'ed at what I said to singleton.
"Well those people have their numbers wrong because clearly I should be in the top 5," singleton said acting all cocky.
"Friday, the sandlot. Be there man bun," I said angrily to singleton.
"Count on it tomboy," he said back.
And at that we walked away.

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