Chapter 6

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I was so mad at Singleton I felt like punching him square in the face. But instead we all went to the carnival that was in town for the week. David knows that cotton candy and a good ride always calms me down and puts a smile on my face.

There was this big Alien, Mars kind of attraction that you could go in and see different things about aliens and Mars. I didn't go in because I don't believe in that Alien crap and that just creeps me out. David stayed outside with me. Instead of  waiting for the group and doing nothing, we took the opportunity to go explore the carnival.
There were so many rides that I would've had to stay all night to go on all of them. But we didn't go on any rides, David and I just talked. Talking with David is the best times I spend with him. You might think it's playing on the sandlot with him but it's actually just talking with him. Sure it's fun playing on he sandlot with David, but that doesn't beat talking to him, baseball's second place.
David and I walked around the whole carnival, it was pretty fun. We met up with the group at the milk bottle game. Hailey walked right next to David when we met up and that wiped the smile right off my face and put one on David's. That one act ruined my night.

From the carnival we all rode our bikes our separate ways. David offered to bring Hailey home, and since David and I are neighbors, I guess that meant that I had to go too because if I didn't then David would've known something was up.
"how was the alien exhibit?" David asked Hailey.
"it was... interesting. everything looked futuristic and creepy looking," Hailey said.
"uh, I wish I could've gone but I didn't want to leave Mel behind." What David just said made me smile a bit on the inside, but I don't think David noticed because him and Hailey were riding side by side in front of me.
"I'm sure she would've been fine on her own." This made me want to run Hailey over. And when she said this it made David stop.
"no she wouldn't have been," David said.
Hailey was shocked.
"listen, Michelle is my friend and I would do anything to make sure she's happy and safe. and if you can't see that then I guess you can just ride home by yourself."
Hailey looked sad, but I was jumping for joy on the inside.
"are you really going to leave me and let me ride alone, in the dark?" Hailey asked with a sad, sassy attitude.
"you'll be fine," David said mocking Hailey's tone.
And with that David and I turned around and drove home together.

"would you really do anything to make sure I was happy?" I asked David.
"yeah. I mean you're my best friend, how could I just leave you to be sad and possibly mad at me?"
We were silent for the rest of the ride home.
"hey Mel."
I turned and looked at David,"yeah"
"good night"
David doesn't usually say good night to me before I go into the house, "good night David."

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