Chapter 3

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Everyday the boys and I plan to meet at the café at 11:45 am. It gives us time to sleep in and get ready, but I decided to take an early morning ride to the sandlot to see if Hailey was there.
I got to the sandlot and saw just what I needed to see. Hailey made Johnny clean the whole field, probably because "it's too dirty", of coarse it's gonna be dirty it's a baseball field. THEY EVEN REDECORATED THE DUGOUT! I have to admit it was nice, but too fancy to be a dugout. But the whole time Johnny was tidying up the field, Hailey was practicing softball with Penny and Jenny. I used to play softball with them but I didn't like it so I switched to baseball.
I took a look at my phone and it was almost 11:40. I didn't feel like going to the café just to ride my bike back so I texted David, "I'm already at the sandlot so you don't have to wait for me." He replied with "ok."
The boys got here and saw exactly what I saw and they were madder than me. Johnny immediately ran into Hailey's backyard.
"They turned the dugout into a doll house," Mac said deviated.
"Is that legal?" Tarquell asked.
"Is what legal?" Saul responded.
"Girls, on a baseball diamond?" said Tarquell.
"Tarquell, I've been on this diamond ever since I could play and I'm a girl," I said.
"Yeah but them," Tarquell said pointing to Hailey, Penny and Jenny, "They aren't even playing baseball."
"It's softball, the girls' alternative," I said.
"What are you doing here?" Mac asked Hailey.
"You said that yesterday, is that all you know how to say? Besides, none of your beeswax," Hailey said with an attitude.
"Your not allowed to be here," David said.
"If Michelle can play here then why can't we play here," Queen Bitch said.
"Play what?" David asked.
"Baseball," Hailey said holding up the softball.
I wasn't surprised being the stupid bossy princess she is. She always thought she was as good as the guys, but she doesn't even know the difference between a softball and a baseball.
"Are you stupid? That's a softball not a baseball," I said, "idiot," under my breath.
"what's the difference?" Penny asked.
"A baseball is 9 inches and a softball is 12. Does that look like 9 inches? Because if it does then I suggests you go to lens crafters and buy yourself some glasses," I said. The boys laughed at what I said.
" Yeah! That ball is so big that my 3 year old sister could hit that grape fruit," we laughed at what Mac said, " with a souvenir Dodger's bat. And if you pitched it 60 miles per hour." We laughed at that too.
" I bet you couldn't hit it," Hailey said to Mac mocking our laughs.
" Say what?" Tarquell asked shocked. And we were all shocked at what Hailey said, except for me, I knew what was coming.
" I don't bet trash, I burn it," Mac said with confidence not knowing what he just got himself into.
" what did you say?" David asked.
" I'll bet I can strike him out in three pitches, if I do we stay you leave, if I don't you stay we'll leave." Hailey said in her southern accent.
"your serious?" asked Mac. Now he seemed scared.
"like Gloria Steinem," Hailey said all cocky.
"you're on doll face," Mac said tossing the ball to Hailey.
"Tark, get my bat and my helmet," Mac said to Tarquell. Tarquell went to get Mac's bat and helmet while the rest of us went to talk to Mac about how much of an idiot he is.
"Mac, what're you doing?" David asked.
"getting rid of them," Mac said confidently.
"you just can't take bet like that on your own Mac, we all gets say," Saul said.
"And...," Mac said exaggerating.
"And my mom reads Miss Magazine," Tarquell says kind of shyly.
"what does that have to do with any thing," I say to Tarquell.
"Gloria Steinem, writes that magazine, it's serious woman's liberation stuff," Tarquell says.
"thanks Tark that totally helps," I say sarcastically.
" I'm just saying what if the impossible happens, like somehow she threw three pitches and you didn't like hit one," Tarquell said.
"are you cracked? she's a girl, this is baseball I'm a man," Mac said.
I chuckle," in your dreams."
"listen she'll toss me a ball, I'll tag up four blocks, they'll go home and all this junk will be over," Mac said.
"okay? okay? okay?" Mac said turning to us.
I looked over at Hailey and she shrugged her shoulders in a 'well' kind of way and gave me what was supposed to be a dirty intimidating look. David and I looked at each other and both have a nod to Mac.
" now you're talkin' " Mac said as he got his bat and helmet from Tarquell. every one got in position.
"bring it on skirt," Mac said trying to sound so cocky and intimidating.
I could tell that Mac wasn't going to hit it. we'd be here all day.
Hailey pitched the ball and it went right past Mac. All the boys were shocked, I wasn't because I knew how Hailey was going to pitch.
"come on pitch it already," Mac said.
Jenny put up the ball to show Mac and then threw it back to Hailey.
" I call time. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT! COME ON THAT WAS TOTALLY ILLEGAL! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Mac yelled at the girls. They did their handshakes and a little butt-tssssss thing, and I rolled my eyes at how stupid they are.
" you didn't even swing," Tarquell calmly said.
"um I kinda blinked," Mac said shyly," just tell me what happened."
"she smoked you meathead," Saul said pointing to Hailey, Penny, and Jenny.
" you didn't even swing," Tarquell repeated.
" I heard you the first time Tarquell," Mac said.
"swing? he didn't even see it," Saul said.
" oh like you've never took a strike before," Mac said
"not like that,I've never seen anything like that before" Saul said.
the girls turned around to show the words Diamond Diggers in the back of their shirts.
" how was I supposed to know they were on a professional softball team," Mac asked.
" are you blind too? they are literally wearing matching socks, shirts, and socks and you didn't expect them to be on a professional softball team?" I said to Mac
" I thought they just wore similar colors," Mac said.
"man if you go back up there she'll mow you down like a summer daisy," Tarquell said.
" first magazines now poetry, wow Tarquell I never knew you were into literature," I said sarcastically.
Fingers signaled to Saul,"Sam's pretty sure it's against the rules to pitch underhand."
"it's not," I told them.
" how would you know?" David asked surprised.
"because I've played softball before," I told them.
"and you never told us?" Mac asked.
"no one asked," I told them.
"we are officially screwed," Mac said disappointingly.
" no we're not," I said grabbing the bat from Mac, walking to home plate.
" I see you're going back to softball are you Michelle?" Hailey asked.
"nope" I told her.
" then what are you doing?" penny asked.
" pinch hitting," I said.
"you can't do that," Hailey said.
"yeah I can," I told them stand at the plate.
Hailey scoffed,"don't worry guys I got it go ahead." the girls got to their positions.
Hailey pitched the ball and I hit it, but it was a foul ball, and that went on for the rest of the day. we had to stop because A.) this would've gone on forever, B.) Hailey and I both got calls from our parents to go home, and C.) it was getting dark.
I don't know what happened, I guess I got used to baseball so much that I was always hitting foul balls.


Does anyone know which one is Penny and which one is Jenny? I think Penny is the blonde and Jenny is the brunette, but if you think I'm wrong then please let me know. I will be referring to the blonde one as Penny and the brunette one as Jenny until then. And thanks for reading my book, I'll try to update as often as I can.

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