Chapter 25

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I don't know how long it has been but my butt feels totally bruised. And my arms even ache from clinging so tight to Romeo's waist. About 20 minutes into the ride I stopped hyperventilating.

I'm not sure where we are but it doesn't look like anywhere I have been in Kentwood.

The trees seem bigger and taller and the buildings seem to be more spread apart and less identical.

We finally slowed down and turned into a parking lot. The parking lot had the same types of bikes just like Romeo's.

He parks close to one of them and shut off the roaring engine.

The building he parks in front of

"You can let go now." He says with a slight chuckle.

I didn't realise I was still clinging onto him for my dear life.

"Oh sorry." I say releasing him from my bone crushing grip.

"Its okay," He smirks helping me take his helmet off. "I could tell you enjoyed that because you were holding me like that."

"You know how else I can hold you?" I say crossing my arms over my chest, raising an eyebrow.

"You could show me," He says leaning his face close to mine. So close that I could smell his breath, which strangely smells like berry mint cough drops.

I roll my eyes before holding him by the neck with one hand and pressing a finger on the little pressure point on the front of his neck.

"Don't talk to me like that ever again," I snap before letting go

He coughs a little before saying " Why are you so violent?"

"Because people don't listen to me if I'm not." I say simply "So are we going to eat or what?"

"Yeah lets go." He nods rubbing his neck as he leads me to the diner.

He opens the door for me and bows with a grand hand gesture. I roll my eyes but I can't help a smile creep onto my lips.

The entrance of the diner has a wooden arc painted in white with a royal blue trimming. It looked like the country club that had a membership fee that was the same amount my parents made in a year.

I was about to tell Romeo that I might be a little underdressed for this type of restaurant, when someone interrupts.

"Romeo!" A rosy cheeked lady emerges from the arc way. Her tightly curled black hair bounced as she approached us.

"Hey AJ." Romeo says with a genuine smile. The one of the first I've seen from him.

It's wasn't like I expected either. It was kinda crooked and it surprised me he used his teeth too. His nose was scrunched up a little and the dimples on his cheeks deepened. Wait he had dimples?

"You brought a girl!" The women says loudly, eyes widening, breaking me out of my daydream.

"AJ this is Jane." Romeo says putting his hand on my lower back dangerously close to my southern hemisphere, making me "accidently" step on his left pinky toe.

"Hi Jane!" She says excitedly, reminding me a little bit of Lisa.

"Jane, this is AJ my godsister."

Before I could even say anything, I was enveloped in tight hug by AJ. The only way I can describe it, is like one of those super down comforters that you only use in the dead of winter, was wrapped around me but not in a suffocating way. More like a comfy marshmellow way.

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