Chapter 2

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At lunch I enter the cafeteria with Tiffany. People gape and stare at me like I were some sort of freak, hesitant to believe that I was actually real. I give most of them death glares, trying to scare them off. Normally it would work but considering how new I am to the school, they must not understand that I'm not one to be messed with. Getting in line for ever fearsome school lunch, everyone is still staring at me.

I lean over to the level of Tiffany's ear, lowering my voice level to a whisper. "How can I get them to stop staring?"

"You can't" She shrugs, voice just as quiet as mine. I take another glance around only to still find eyes on me, some of my observers being polite enough to at least and try to be covert about it.

"Hey there pretty lady" A husky voice says, confidence dripping from every word. Romeo.

"Hey Jackass." I say in a fake-perky voice, cocking my head to the side and flashing him a giant, fake smile. I must look like a demented clown with a smile this big.

"So you wanna hang out tonight." He raises a single eyebrow suggestively and takes a step closer to me. "My parents are out of town so it'd be just us tonight."

"Oh yeah of course! I'd love to hang out with you." I respond, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Really?" He says, a little surprised. He quickly covers up his exposed emotion with a carefully crafted smirk as he steps closer to me.

"No Jackass, you really think I'd waste my time with a tool like you?" I ask, completely disgusted with the guy in front of me. I shove him hard in the chest and he stumbles back, surprised by my sudden burst of aggression.

"And here I thought I actually had you there." He asks sarcastically, acting all hurt and upset at my actions.

"Whatever." I say, turning towards the moving lunch line. I pick up a ham sandwich and water, ignoring the rest of the other items that are ups for grabs.

"That's all you're getting?" Tiffany says in shock. For someone so small, you would have assumed she was a college football player with all the food that was stacked onto her tray. She has two huge slices of pizza, a salad, an apple, a slice of cake and a blueberry smoothie all precariously balanced on a pristine white tray. "We are in a school with gourmet cooking and all you're getting is a sandwich and water?" She pulls another slice of cake out of the fridge and puts it on my tray, marching on the pay for her food.

"Uhm, what are you doing?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at my ridiculous friends behavior.

"I'm giving you a taste of Kentwood Prep." She says with a smirk.

"Whatever." I shrug. "I have nothing against a good piece of cake."

We walk to the cashier with our food and just as I'm about to pull out some cash, someone puts a twenty in front of me. I look over my shoulder and see one of the most attractive guys I've ever encountered in my entire life. I know, I must sound extremely dramatic and I'm not usually interested in guys at my schools. My best guess is that my female sex drive's picked up the slack from it's five years of dormancy and kicked into overdrive. He's got dirty blond hair that's messily ruffle and hazel eyes that have little flakes of gold in them. His lips look so incredibly inviting and is placed into a very attractive smirk. Then of course I suddenly remember where I am and how long I must have been checking him out.

"I um..." I stutter. I have never stuttered over a guy before. I pull myself together before continuing. "It's okay I can pay for my own lunch."

"No, I insist." He says, flashing me a pearly white smile that i was blinded for a moment.

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