Chapter 19

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"Jane you have guests." My mom yells up the stairs

"Mom leave me alone." I yell back stuffing my head back into my unicorn pillow pet, that Spencer got me for my seventh birthday.

"Jane we can't leave you alone." I hear someone say at my doorway. I look up and see Tiffany and Lisa. I groan and drop my head back onto the pillow

"We know you are upset about the game so we came as soon as it ended." Says Lisa

"I'm not upset, I'm tired" I muffle into the unicorn.

"Oh come one Jane we all know that's not true. " Says tiffany. I feel a dip at the end of my bed and tilt my head to see Lisa and Tiffany there.

"What are you guys here for?" I mumble into the pillow.

"Well first of all the guys played like shit with out you, and second we are going out and you are coming with us." Lisa says excitedly. She jostles my bed a little while she tries tugging my blanket

I tilt my head to look at her and raise a eyebrow.

"Since when do you swear?"

"I can fucking swear." She says "People just don't give a shit and I don't have to swear like you guys all the time."

"I don't swear all the time." I say rolling my eyes

"Yes you do." Says another voice from the hallway followed by Spencer entering the my room.

"What are you doing here Spencer?" I say sighing irritatedly.

"Well Janey I missed you too and I'm good how are you?" He says smirking his signature smirk that make ladies just drop their panties.

And trust me it works on cougars' too. But I've known Spencer long enough that I know all the embarrassing and gross things about him that would make girls run and hide from him, so I'm immune to him.

"What do you want Spencer? " I say a little more irritated

" Come on Janey. " He says "I know you want to go to this party tonight."

"No I don't." I say closing my eyes "I hate parties"

"Yes you do," Says Spencer. "And hate is a strong word Janey. Come for me?"

I can hear the pouty face in his voice so I turn over to face the wall even though my eyes are closed

"No." I say curling into a tighter ball.

"You look like you have cramps." I hear Spencer mutter making me sit up quickly and glare at him

"I do not have cramps." I growl making him jump.

"Well it sure sounds and looks like you do." He says.

"Spencer I'm not in the mood to fight so stop if you want to sleep soundly tonight."

"Okay that's enough" says Tiffany standing up "You guys are fighting like a old married couple."

"Ew I would never get married to Spencer." I say pulling a disgusted face. Spencer mimics me and I stick my tongue out at him. Which he does back.

"Okay maybe you guys are more like two kindergarteners who are fighting over a toy." say Lisa grabbing Spencer's arm, taking him in shock and pushing him out of my room.

"Hey-" Spencer starts before Lisa drags him out and Tiffany slams the door.

"Okay two things," says Tiffany putting her hands on her hips "One, Why the hell is you best friend so fucking hot?"

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