Chapter 6

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"What the hell are you doing here?" I say shocked.

"I'm going to school." Says matt cooly with a smirk.

"you were suspended." I say still shocked.

"well you cant get rid of me that quickly kitten" he says stepping forward towards me.

"I repeat, you were suspended." I say "and you are here, on school grounds."

"Not anymore." He shrugs "They had no reason too."

"You punched me in the face." I yell motioning the dark purple patch on my face.

"No need to yell." He says smirking

"yes, I fucking do." I yell " you got your little cousin to publish this on the front cover of the newspaper, what are you? Fucking 7 years old?"I shove the paper at his chest.

"Nope, I'm 17." He says smirking

"Matt you really have serious problems." I say stalking out of the room full of gawking nerds.

By the time I get to my classroom, I slouch down in my seat and pull out my phone and check if I have any texts, which I don't because I don't have a phone plan yet. Which means no texts or 3G.

"So how did it go with Jeremy?" says Tiffany sliding into the seat next to me.

"Well I found out, he's matts cousin, Matt has been unsuspended and a major dick." I say rolling my eyes.

"Wait, Matt's back?" she says a little shocked

" yep" I say popping the p.

"Well that explains why my dad was pissed off this morning." She mumbles turning foreword as Ms. Krakow comes in.


At the period before lunch, I have Chemistry. Tiffany Lisa and Ben aren't in my class.

I sit down at the back table and take off my blazer and hang it on the back of the seat. I pull out my notebook and start to doodle, or more like draw out lacrosse plays.

Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look up to see a really cute guy. my heart literally skips a beat which is probably a sign that my stupid hormone levels are going higher then usual.

This guy has dark brown hair with hazel eyes and a small scar next to his left eyebrow.

"Hey." he says with a smile.

"Um hi." I say biting my lip.

"Your in my seat." he says with a smirk.

"Too bad." I say giving him an innocent smile and turning back to my drawings

He drapes his arm around my shoulders and leans down to my ear level. This position would usually make girls just melt but for me just cringe.

"That means find another seat." he whispers into my ear, which sends shivers down my spine.

I turn to look at him, which was a bad idea because he was in kissing zone. I shrug off his arm and turn back to my doodling.

Suddenly I feel my chair being pulled backwards. I ignore it and grip the table top.

Then I feel someone sitting next to me. I look beside me and see the guy with a smirk.

"Hey," he says leaning foreword

"Um do you need something?" I say leaning backwards

"What's your name?" He says

"Well you probably heard of me from the morning gossip." I say I a exaggerated 'popular girl' voice, flipping my ponytail. "if you haven't you have been living under a rock."

"Oh so your the chick who gave Lands a good beating." he says with a smirk, and may I add a hot smirk.

"You know I have a name." I say rolling me eyes. I watch him bend down and pull out a notebook from his bag exposing his Calvin Klein underwear. It's not like I'm a perv or anything, my eyes just kinda catch them. I don't get why guys have their pants so low all it does is show what brand of underwear you wear. The cheap kind from the dollar store or the expensive ones from Hugo Boss for a hundred dollars each.

"I know." he says sitting back up throwing his book covered in "manly" logo stickers

"in the locker room we call you 'hot stuff' or ass-tastic or the sexy babe or my favorite-" he continues but I cut him off

"okay I get the point, guys are as shallow as girls."

"Nope, the point is that you have a nice ass." he says turning to the front because a old looking teacher comes in.

Before I can say anything,the teacher starts lecturing us on some shit I don't know and I don't care about.


I grab a chicken salad sandwich a orange Gatorade and an apple. As I turn towards the cashier, I see Liam coming over to me from the end of the line.

"Hey Liam," I smile trying to show as much teeth as I can that it hurts my cheeks and squints my eyes up. " Are you here to pay for my lunch and my friends lunches?" I say innocently

"Nope sorry." he says smirking "maybe next time."

"Aww." I say sarcastically.

"So I was wondering," he say shoving one of his hands in his pocket and rubbing his neck with the other.

"Nope sorry." I cut him off walking towards the cashier.

"Wait, jane." he calls after me.

I fish out a twenty from one of my blazer pockets that was meant for yesterday's lunch and place it on a counter.

"Jane you didn't even know what I was going to say." says Liam coming in front of me and picking up the twenty and pulling out his wallet.

"Uh ya I do." I say a little aggressively, grabbing my twenty from him and placing it back on the counter.

"No you don't," he says putting his twenty down and picking mine up again.

Did he think he was doing me a favor to pay for my lunch?

"You were going to ask me out." I say looking at him and picking up my twenty, I might as well take advantage of this.

"No I wasn't." He says crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"Ya you were." I say picking up my food.

"No I was wondering if you could save me a seat for history," he says from behind me before I disappear into the crowd of social outcasts.

"Ya sure whatever." I call back walking away towards Lisa, Ben and Tiffany at their table.

"Hey guys." I say plopping down

"You really need to eat more at lunch." says Tiffany eyeing my lunch.

"Ya well at least I'm eating something" I say stabbing a piece of lettuce and putting it in my mouth.

I look up at Ben sitting across from me. He's staring at me with a wired expression. Like I have something on my face. I glance over at Lisa, who is sitting next to him. She looks at him for a minute then her gaze flickers towards me. I just shrug and continue eating.


Hey guys

How are u? I'm on a beach in Thailand writing this because I thought to myself, "hey why not" anyways, this is on my phone so that's why it's short. anyways hope u like it anyways.

Also thank's to the 100+ votes and the 1K reads, so thank you thank you thank you thank you (x100000000) for helping me get here.

And this chapter is dedicated to @GallivantGold

She has some amazing books, like tough love, I just started reading it and it's pretty good

Anyways thx for the support and I'll update soon :)




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