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-3 weeks later-

Wesley POV:

Thank god I'm coming home this week! I'm just so ready to just relax and get ready for my wedding! I mean I love playing for my fans and everything, but I just need to be at home in my own bed and house. At least I got the love of my life with me and I didn't miss her too much, we've spent so much time with eachother that I think it made up for the lost times in our relationship. We've got her mom to stop talking to us and thank god for that, because that was a disaster and to be honest, if her mom kept calling her I don't think the wedding would've ever happened and Aaliyah and I are kind of worried still that she's still going to show up someway somehow at our wedding and ruin it, and I'm trying to tell her it's not going to happen.  Tonight is our last night of this tour, and I really want Aaliyah to be there, but she's been in a weird mood all day.   "Are you going to the show tonight?" I said looking at the clock. "It's 4:15." I heard her make a sigh, and mumble the word no.  "Why don't you want to come? It's our last show." "I don't feel like going anywhere, I just want to be home." "Were going home in the morning, don't you want to see the fans they love you." "It's not about them, I just don't feel like going anywhere tonight. You can tell me about it when you get back." "Okay I'll leave you alone and I will. I'm going to get ready to go." I'm really suprised she didn't want to go tonight, normally she wants to be there and is enthusiastic about it. I understand about her wanting to be home, I do too. It's been a long 6 months without her seeing her friends, and all. Or maybe the fans are really bugging her and she doesn't want to be around all of that during the shows.  At 4:30 Aaliyah was sleeping on the bed, so I tried not to wake her up, I left with Drew and Keaton, and sent her a quick text so when she wakes up she'll see what I sent her.  "Wheres Aaliyah?" Keaton asked me.  "Oh she didn't feel like coming tonight."  "Why not?" Drew asked.  "She's just ready to go home and relax. I tried making her come but she didn't want to." "Aww the fans are gonna miss her."  "That's what I said, but she still wanted to stay back." We got to the venue, and did soundcheck and it all seemed like 5 minutes and the show started. We played a couple songs, and the whole time it just wasn't the same without her in the audience. I've been used to seeing her there and meeting with the fans, but tonight just wasn't the same. As we finished I talked to everyone and left, and as I was leaving I kept hearing questions and people in my face about Aaliyah, that made me miss her even more I didn't even answer and kept on walking. "What's wrong man?" Drew asked me as we were leaving to go back to the hotel. "Tonight wasn't the same without Aaliyah you know?"  "I'm sorry I thought tonight was great, but until the ending of it and knowing this is our last performance for a while." "Yeah that's whats making it worse." "Aren't you excited to go back home in the morning and get married to her? You are lucky to have found someone to stick by your side this whole time, so what she missed a concert and the last one, theres going to be more of them and she'll be right there like she always is." Woah Drew is right.. I don't need to be this upset, over her missing this one concert, I think my behavior tonight ruined the whole expierence for me, and the fans. I really shouldn't have acted the way I was. I mean Aaliyah is here with me, just down the road. "Yeah you are right, thanks." We both got to the hotel and I changed out of the clothes I was in and watched a little TV hoping not to wake up Aaliyah, cause we do have a early morning again. ugh. The night went by, and she still didn't wake up and I went to sleep at 1AM.  The next morning I got up at 5:30 to get ready to go back to California, I packed everything in 15 minutes and then we went over to Dennys for a quick breakfast before leaving to the airport. We got there around 9AM and our flight left an hour later.  "So are you excited to get married when we get back?"  She looked at me with a big smile on her face before answering.  "Yes of course I am! That day can't come any faster!"  "Did you have a fun time with me on tour?" "Yes I did it was so much better than being at home. I can't wait to see your family when we get back."  "They can't wait to see you either." We got home to our house around 6 that night, and decided to get drive thru for dinner and cuddle on the couch.   

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