Chapter 25

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Aaliyah POV:

I've been home for a week or so now and I've been going to school, and Wesley has gone back to how things used to be, he's hardly home again and I miss him lots. He's always doing radio interviews, interviews, back to the studio for long nights. Today he's got a radio interview and during that time I have class and I'm kind of upset that I don't get to hear it.

"So I hear you are getting married to Wesley Stromberg."

"Yeah we've been engaged for six months now. Our wedding is next weekend."

"Congrats! Am I invited?"

"Of course you are! I thought you would've gotten one by now."

"Don't worry I'll be there."

I didn't get out of class until 4:30 and drove home. I pulled into the driveway and see a car I don't know. That's weird I wasn't expecting anyone to be here. I walk in and see that a girl is there, she's sitting on our couch and glares at me. It's one of Wesleys old crushes,  What the fuck. I walk in and walk out slamming the door running to my car. I hear the door slam on the other side, and hear  footsteps coming my way.

"What is she doing here?" I say turning my head to face him.

"Her and I were just talking about something. I didn't think I had to tell you."

"You didn't think you had to tell me?"

"Why can't you trust me?"

"Were getting married in 1 week, and right now I don't think I can trust you, bye Wesley."

I say as I get in my car and blast the music, and try so hard to hold back the tears.

two days later.

I'm out at the mall with Emily, shopping trying to get Wesley out of my mind, but everytime I look at my phone all my notifications are from him.

"Ugh he won't stop calling and texting me."

"Who? Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay. Wesley won't stop blowing up my phone."

"What happened? I thought you two were getting married in 1 week."

"I don't think that's happening anymore. I came home the other day, and I see a girl in our house alone with Wes."

"Wow I'm sorry. Maybe you should talk to him about it."

"I don't want to."

"You should still try to talk to him, and see whats really going on."

"I'm still upset, and want to get over him." 

I got back to the house late that night, and put away all the new clothes I bought away. I decide to go and talk to Wes, but see that he's downstairs on the couch on his phone.

"Hey Wes." I said plainly, and I sat down next to him, but he just gave me a mean look, and went back to looking at his phone. "I wanted to talk to you."

"Oh. You want to talk? Talk about how you almost ruined everything for us?" He said putting his phone away.

"I didn't mean to."

"That's what you did pretty much."

"I thought you were gonna leave me."

"Why does it always come to you thinking that? I would never do that, she knows I love you so much, and she would never do anything to try and ruin what you and I have."

"Okay. "

"It's the truth Aaliyah! She's going to the party tomorrow to apologize to you, even though she shouldn't have to. 


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