9- The fight

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(only put the music on when I tell you too, Kay)
No ones pov
As the guild! Lucy and Lisanna exited the guild building Cana and the guild placed bets on Lucy and Lisanna. But only Lucy had everyone vote on her because no one voted for Lisanna Bitch.
(Lucy=L and Lisanna= LB because it stands for Lisanna Bitch) start the music ( I also don't know Lisanna bitches moves so I will make them up)
LB: Tiger transformation
L: Wolf slayer transformation (someone asked if I could put wolf slayer magic as one of her powers for Lucy, also if u didn't catch what I said before I'll say it again Lucy has every single that has/is existed/existing and that means all powers of slayer magic, may a little something to help jog ur memories)
LB: Tiger claw scratch
L: Wolf elemental roar!!!!
(not much of a fight I know but I had to portray Lisanna as a lying, seeming and etc bitch that doesn't care for any one except for her (Lucys) Natsu)
After that attack from Lucy Lisanna was knocked out and thrown back into the crowd of people when everyone was glaring at Lisanna(Bitch).

Okay sorry for the short chapter but there will be a SPOILER ALERT: NALU MOMENT so look forward to that and also follow me on Spotify at girlit17 were I have gotten the themes from the one and only Fairy Tail!
Peace and sorry for the short chapter.

Lucy the celestial God slayer/Demi GodWhere stories live. Discover now