NaLu Gruvia GaLe Jerza LaMira Moment- 10

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(Just a warning guys I'm not really good with all the romance and kissing stuff but I'll try my best, kay guys. Also I couldn't get my photo app to work so I just added them onto pages and took a photo then just cropped it. Also the theme song snow fairy just play it when u want to.)
5. LaMira-
As soon as Lisanna left to run away from the guild Mira fell down on her knees on the rough dirt and everyone was looking at her with pity for her and Elf an just looked down in shame. All of a sudden Mira was scooped up in the arms of... Laxus, her secret crush and Mira was Laxus's crush too, and carried away from the scene and he walked them into the infirmary/sick bay to hide them away from prying eyes of the other guild members. "Mira?" He spoke softly, "Are you okay?" Mira shook her head for a no, as she couldn't trust her voice to speak because of the tears welling up in her eyes because of the betrayal of her sister, Lisanna. He turned Mira around to face him and shook her shoulders roughly but gently to snap her back to him, as he needed her attention for the things he was about to say and it worked because she looked up at him with her beautiful doe like eyes at him for his attention. "Mira, i know this isn't the right time for this but I think you need to here this. I love you and I'm not saying this like I love you as guild member but I love you as a person and also a woman because of your personality. You as kind, beautiful, respectful and although you are a she-devil you care about your family and your OTPS. These are the things I love about you." As he was speaking his words were filled with all the sincerity and love in all the world. "I love you too Laxus I always have. I just never thought you would ever have the same feelings as me, but the things you said I know that the things you just said is all true" Her voice was laced with sincerity and love just as Laxus. The two were leaning slowly but surely and as their lips met sparks flew through the room and it was as if nothing else on the world mattered, just them and their kiss. As soon as they finished they leaned their foreheads together and just listened to their breathing and beating hearts for one another.

4. Jerza-
Jellal looked sadly at Erza as Erza was looking anywhere but him, he soon became fed up with it and soon grabbed Erza's shoulder roughly but tenderly as to not bruise it. They came to the guilds janitor closet so they could talk privately away from the prying eyes of the guild members. "What is with you Ez?" He spoke softly to her as if she were a child about to cry. "You betrayed me Jellie. You never told me your sister was Lucy... And that hurt me the most because it looked like you couldn't trust me with that secret. I thought we were childhood friends." She spoke softly trying to hide the hurt in her voice as pools of tears were welling up in her eyes ready to fall. "I'm sorry, really I am but Lucy isn't my only sister... Levy and Juvia are also my sisters but they took different last names to us as to not cause suspicion to our family and to protect Lucy. I wanted to tell you I really did but we all swore not to tell anyone until Lucy regained all her memories because it could put her in danger and we didn't want that for her." He explained with sincerity laced in his voice. Erza couldn't take it she grabbed him by his collar and brought his lips down to hers were sparks flew around the room in their heated kiss where all their emotions, love, betrayal and etc were put into it. As they pulled back Jellal spoke softly as to not ruin the mood,"I always wanted to do that but I never thought you would feel the same about me as I do about you, Erza I love you." He looked into her eyes that were swelling with love as he peered down at her shyly. "I always thought I was the only one who had those emotions. Jellal I love you and I always will." She said with the most sincerity laced in her voice with love swelling in her eyes as tears were falling.

(I was going to stop here but I'll continue for my loyal readers for the romantic moments)

3. GaLe-
As the guild members noticed Laxus, Mira, Jellal and Erza were missing and so they looked for them and that gave Gajeel the perfect time to grab Levy and race behind the trees in the woods near the guild. "Listen shrimp, ok I'm only going to say this once I love you and you are mine and mine alone. Understand?" He asked gruffly but there was love and sincerity in his voice. Levy just rolled her eyes, grabbed him by the collar stood on her tippy toes and kissed him with so much love and passion you would think they were lovers when they first met. "Gajeel I'll only say this once I love you too and you are mine and mine alone. Understand?" She said mockingly but seriously with emotions swirling in her eyes. As soon as they check around their area they soon returned to their heated make out session.

2. Gruvia-
Juvia left the guild as soon as the guild went looking for the others. As she was walking someone said "Juvia-sama! Wait up for your true love!" Yelled Lyon-Sama!as he was about to grab her Juvia turned around and said, "This isn't a good time Lyon, will you please leave me alone." She growled out annoyed at everyone, because Lyon fights for Juvia and she doesn't want it and Gray just ignores her and she's tired of it, if he keeps doing it to her she will give up and just go for someone else. "Woah, cool your jets Juvia I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out with me because Gray doesn't understand you but I do so just give up on that loser and be with me." He said cockily as he was full of himself, Juvia just turned and walked away from him to angry, hurt and sad about what he said. Until she heard another voice that stopped her dead in her tracks "Juvia? Why is Lyon all red in the face and steam coming out of his ears?" Gray asked cluelessly. Juvia just growled out in reply, "I told him to leave me alone and when he asked me out I just turned away and walked until you came along. Now since I answered your question can I leave now, I'm not in the mood to be all love sick and jealous ok?" "No." He simply replied. As she was about to turn around he kissed her hard with passion and love that she blushed a crimson red an kissed back with the same intensity and love. "I have trouble telling others my feelings but you are mine and I love you. You're the first person I've ever told that to." As he spoke he flushed a crimson red and she replied, "I love you too, now shut up and kiss me again cause I love them kisses and I love you." She mumbled against his lips before he captured her lips once again.

1. NaLu (the one we've been waiting for)-
As soon as Lisanna left along with the others Lucy stayed back to reverse the damage caused by her attacks, she noticed Natsu stayed behind but she didn't know but she thought that maybe he'd yell at her about Lisanna and run after her and forget about Lucy. "Luce, you do know you don't need to do that right?" He said softly as he gazed at her with longing that he hoped would turn to love by her. She nodded at him answering his question as she finished and looked down to the ground. He wanted to cheer her up, he really did he just didn't know how to do that. Like they said 'Easier said than done' and he really wanted to do just that. "C'omon Luce, it's not your fault... You know that right?" As soon as he finished she fell down to her knew sobbing loudly and crying hysterically and shouting "I COULD'VE SAID NO INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY FIGHTING HER! WHY DID I DO THAT, NOW EVERYONE WILL HATE ME FOR DOING THAT TO LISANNA!" When he heard that he was seeing red, he ran over, crouched down to her level and pulled her into a, hopefully, comforting hug to help her with her sorrows and troubles. He was, succeeding in, calming her down where you could only here sniffling sounded coming from her frame. "Luce no one will think that of you ok, they all know who was picking a fight and who was showing her what she was capable of. Everyone knew that Lisanna was picking a fight and you were defending your power and showing her what she was capable of... How much power were you using on her anyway?" He asked curiously. "The same amount I did on you 0.00000000000000001%" she replied hesitatingly chuckling to him. He just nodded think 'I can't imagine what would make her use her full magic power on someone. That wouldn't be good on their part'. He shook his head tipped Lucy's chin to him and kissed her full of passion and love and instantly replied with the same amount, after the quick make out session he told her,"Lucy I love and I always will. Nothing will get between you and I because I swear it on my heart, life and soul because they all belong to you now." He replied happily and lovingly. "Natsu you may be a dense idiot but your my dense idiot and I will love you forever more because I swear it on my heart, life and soul as they belong to you now and forever more." She replied happily and lovingly.

How was that okay, good or just plain horrible let me know in the comments and I hope you enjoyed this chapter cause it took one whole day to write it. They also went in my fav fairy tail couples/OTPS. Just wait I might put another chapter like this but don't get your hopes up Kay.

Forever yours Girlit17

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