Chapter 3: Lucy finds out her Grandma is...

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Someone's pov
Time to show them who I am and check on my sweet little granddaughter Lucy. I wonder what her reac ion is gonna be finding out her grandma is me. Teehee, this'll be fun.
Lucy's pov
"Gomen, mina, I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just...urge. It just isn't fair to me not remembering and to you guys when I snapped at you," I said. "So you are trying to remember huh, well I can help you with that, huhu," we turn to look at someone earing a black cloak and then they take off the cloak turning out to be
Mavis Vermillion, the first master of Fairy Tail and the founder
"Well, my dear granddaughter aren't you going to give your grandma a hug?" Said Mavis
Everyone's pov
"Whaaaaaaaaaatttttt!?" We all said

Lucy the celestial God slayer/Demi GodWhere stories live. Discover now