Chapter 4

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I do not own this picture. I found in google images.

Lucas's P.O.V

I love the beach. Theres so much you can do. Mr and Mrs. Matthews have gone to get ice cream and Mr and Mrs. Minkus have taken Auggie, Doy, Emma and Ava to the canoes. I'm with Riley and Farkle in the sea. We are just messing around. Maya is sunbathing. She needs t come in the sea its a lot more fun. I know a way I can get her in the water. Even though she might kill me for it. 

"Filey" I teased Riley and Farkle. They clearly like each other. I'm trying to get them to notice. 

"Who's Filey?" Riley asked me awkwardly. I know she knows. One day I was in her room and a piece of paper fell onto the floor and it clearly said Farkle and Riley = Filey and Riarkle. I decided to keep it and I've got it in my suitcase. Something to tease them about. 

"Doesn't matter talk to you about it later." I replied. Right now I just want to get Maya into the sea. I mean she is wearing her bikini and her ordinary day clothes are right next to her(remember last chapter they put their day clothes above their swim clothes so it will be easier at the beach) and all she is doing in some bathing. She should've kept her normal clothes back on if that was all she was gonna do. We are completely different. I pick up her regular clothes and put them into the sea, still holding them. After I few minutes I put them back next to her. Then I pick Maya up herself and she hasn't even noticed. Then I ran into the sea still holding her. I'm about 9 foot into the sea And then I drop her.

"LLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCAAAAAASSSSSSSS" Maya screamed and wow she actually used my proper name. 

She stood up and pulled me up close(picture above but in the sea) and some how I managed to lock eyes with her. She has beautiful eyes.

"Don't ever do that again" Maya whispered and I felt her breath because of how close she pulled me to her. It smelled like strawberries.

"I'm sorry but I just thought you looked happy on the beach but I thought you would be happier in the sea" I whispered hoping she would feel my breath even though she probably can because of how close are.

"Oh so it was for my benefit. It had nothing to do with you wanting to annoy me" She whispered a bit louder.

"Yes and Yes" I whispered gently. 

"I thought so but let me tell you this never put me in water without my permission is that clear" she whispered very gently maybe to gently and then I nod my head and I started to lean in and the next thing I know a wave came and pushed us together and I managed kissing her cheek and when I did I felt sparks. We was back on shore and Maya kept coughing. A lifeguard came our way looking around 16 and helped Maya. Maya thought he looked cute and got his number. I felt jealous of him. I needed to talk to Maya about the cheek kiss.

"Maya about the cheek kiss" I said quietly hoping nobody could here.

"Its okay. It wasn't you fault. The wave took us down there was nothing you could do to stop it from happening" she replied with a smile. She went through her bag and pulled out a lovely pink dress.

"What you up to" I asked her confused. 

"Well you know that changing room up there what I went in earlier to get changed. I going to get changed again any questions" Maya sounded annoyed. How can you mood change so quick.

"Yes two. The first one is I thought you came in  shorts and top?" I asked her with a smile

"Your answer to that Huckelberry is. I brought this in case the other one got wet and it did" she told me and I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"What?" Maya asked and I knew she was being serious.

"I wet them" I answered back and then she threw sand into my eye .

"Ouch and my second question is why did it take you longer than Riley an the other girls"

"They put their clothes above their costumes and I got changed here" and then she went and got changed.

Awww. Poor Lucas. Who is this lifeguard? Will he get in the way and of Laya? What about Riley and Farkle? 

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