Chapter 33

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Delia's POV-

We were soon running in the woods towards where the Whomping Willow is while dragging Buckbeak behind us, "Come on." "This way."

We were leading Buckbeak through with dead ferret's in mine or Hermione's hands, "This way now," Harry said, when we stopped finally.

Hermione threw her ferret in the air with Buckbeak catching it. I stood up taking in deep breaths when I felt Buckbeak take the ferret from my hand.

"Now what?" Harry asked us. "We save Sirius," Hermione and me said as if it was obvious. "How?" He asked. "No idea," me and her said as we ran up the bank to a spot where we had a perfect view of the Whomping Willow.

"Look it's Lupin," Hermione said and indeed there was Uncle Remus walking to the tree. "Immobulus," he said and the tree froze just like the pixies did last year when Hermione used it to freeze them.

Remus walked in, when I saw Snape coming as if he was following Remus this whole time and most likely he was, "And Snape's coming," I said as he also went inside the hole and down the path to the Shrieking Shack and to us.

"And now we wait," Harry said. "And now we wait," Hermione and me said. I sat down on the ground and was joined by Harry on my left and Hermione on my right.

It was already pitch black, the moon being the only real light, when I heard squeaking noise's and soon bats were flying above us and we had to duck down so none of them got attached to us. "At least someone's enjoying himself," Hermione said.

I turned around and saw Buckbeak eating the bats as they flew around him, "Yeah," Harry said beside me.

"Hermione, Delia," Harry said. "Yeah?" We said looking at him. "Before, down by the lake, when I was with Sirius, I did see someone," he said, "That someone made the dementors go away." "With a Patronus," Hermione said, "I heard Snape telling Dumbledore, according to him only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it."

I looked over at Harry and saw him smiling, but it only made me feel bad, "It was my dad," he said, "It was my dad who conjured the Patronus."

"Harry," I said, "Your dad's........" "Dead, I know," he said cutting me off and his smile left and made me feel even worse, "I'm just telling you both what I saw."

It was silent between all of us now when Hermione, "Here we come," she said and I looked over and saw us leaving the Whomping Willow. I stood up at the same time they did and watched us, "You see Sirius talking to me there?" Harry said and pointed to them.

We nodded, "He's asking me to come live with him," he said and I smiled at him, "That's great," me and Hermione said. "When we free him, I'll never have to go back to the Dursleys'," he said smiling and I beamed at that, feeling relief wash over me at how he won't have to spend another day with those horrible muggles and I could actually go over and see him once school ends, "It'll just be me and him," Harry said.

He turned to us, "We could live in the country," he said smiling, "someplace you can see the sky, I think he'll like that after all those years in Azkaban."

Soon the clouds moved and the moon was beaming down on us, "Harry," other me and Hermione said. "Run!" We heard Sirius yell and I saw Remus attacking Harry, Ron, Hermione, Snape and me but how we moved back and wasn't hit and it was actually terrifying to watch. I can't even imagine what mum felt when she had seen him change and use a spell so he wouldn't come near her or harm her, at how he attacked the dome around her, I would have been absolutely scared.

I then saw Sirius attack Remus, "Let's go," Harry said and we ran forward and stopped once we saw Harry throw that rock at Remus and me pulling him back, when I remembered the howl. I put my hands around my mouth and howled as did Hermione and Harry came over and put his hands over our mouths, "What are you doing?" He asked us. "Saving our life's," I said then we both went back howling again.

"Thanks," Harry said when Remus came running this way. "Great now he's coming for us," Harry said. "Yeah I didn't think about that," we said, "Run!"

We turned around and ran into the woods hearing Remus following us. We ran over tree root's and around trees and up small hills when Harry tripped. Me and Hermione went over and helped him up then continued running when we hid behind a tree.

I could see Remus right there looking around at where we were. I felt someone grab my hand and we went around to the other side of the tree out of his view and just in time as he came down and right in view of where we once were.

I heard him sniffing around and we walked around the tree quietly, our hands holding onto one another, when I heard a noise behind us, 'Oh no,' I thought and we slowly turned around and there was Uncle Remus growling at us.

Harry got behind us and hugged our backs putting himself behind us, when I heard another noise and I looked up and saw Buckbeak in front of us on his hind legs, his wings opened wide. I saw him hit Remus and he growled at him put Buckbeak swatted his legs in the air and flapped his wings and soon Remus ran off.

Buckbeak made one last noise then turned to us, "That was so scary," Hermione said. "Poor Professor Lupin's having a really tough night," Harry said.

The Diggory Sister(Part 3) A Harry Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now