Chapter 9

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Delia's POV-

Hermione and Ginny already went to sleep, but I couldn't I was just too stressed out about everything and scared for Harry, when I heard a monkey come from across the hall.

I knew it was the guys and this candy that makes you sound like animals and other things, but right now was not a good time and was only making me more stressed out.

I then heard an elephant, 'If I hear another animal I'm going to go in there, because none of that was helping my problem.'

I laid down in bed, when I heard a lion, 'That's it,' I thought. I got up and walked to the door and opened it and when I closed it I heard a train.

I walked to the boy's dormitories and walked in, "Delia," they said and I saw them trying to cover themselves, "You have clothes on, no need to do that, and I have a brother so, yea," I said walking over to them.

I held my hand out and Dean slapped it, "Hand them over," I said. "Hand what over?" Seamus asked and moved over some.

"Give me the candy," I said, "Now." They grunted and handed them over, "Thank you," I said and walked over to the window and threw them out, "Hey," they said.

I closed the window and looked at them, "Sorry to ruin your fun, but I need to go to bed," I said, "now goodnight."

I walked towards the door when, "Delia can we ask you something?" Ron asked. I turned around and looked at them, "What?"

"Are you a Veela?" Seamus asked. I looked at them, "Half," I said, "Now if you don't mind I'm going to bed, goodnight." "Goodnight," Harry said.

I turned around then turned back around, "Oh and whoever had a monkey, you called that a monkey you should have got one of the apes," I said, "Oh and nice lion,"  "Why thank you," Ron said. "And whoever had the train you poor unfortunate soul," I said and Harry went red and they laughed and before I closed the door, "Which one's the ape?" I just laughed and walked out and to my room and laid down and was finally able to sleep.


Harry's POV- (Same night)

We all changed and Ron and Seamus had this candy that made you sound like animals and other things.

 "Green that's a monkey," Ron said and threw it to Seamus. He ate it then started sounding like a monkey, "What is that?" I asked. "You call that a monkey?" Ron asked, "Don't give him another one."

"Hey Neville try an elephant," Ron said throwing it to him. Neville caught it and sat up, and ate it then next thing he sounded like an elephant.

"Ron, catch," Seamus said. "I will," Ron said and Seamus threw it to him. Ron caught it and put it in his mouth and when he opened it he sounded like a lion, "I think we have a winner," Dean said.

I took a red one, "Oh don't try one of those," Ron said, but I already put it in, "Oh no." Suddenly my mouth and head felt like it was on fire and I felt steam come from my ears and a train noise, "Look at his face."

Delia walked in and we tried to cover ourselves, "You have clothes on and I have a brother so yea," she said and walked over to us, and she looked mad, tired and stressed out in all.

"Delia," we said. She held her hand out and Dean slapped it, "Hand them over," she said. "Hand what over?" Seamus asked and him and Ron moved over some.

"Give me the candy," She said, "Now." Seamus and Ron grunted but handed them over, "Thank you," Delia said and then went and threw them out the window.

"Hey!" We said. "Sorry to ruin your fun, but I need to go to bed," she said, "now goodnight." She walked towards the door, "Delia can we ask you something?" Ron asked her.

She turned around, "What?" "Are you a Veela?" Seamus asked. "Half," she said and I looked at the guys shocked, "Now if you don't mind I'm going to bed, goodnight." "Goodnight," I said.

She turned around then turned back around, "Oh and whoever had the monkey you call that a monkey you should of had one of the apes," she said and I smiled.

'Here's the Delia I know.' "Oh and nice lion," she said. "Why thank you," Ron said. She laughed and then turned around heading for the door and then turned back around, "and whoever had the train you poor unfortunate soul," she said.

I felt my ears get warm and the guys laughed. She turned around and opened the door, "Which one's the ape?" Seamus asked, but I heard her laugh and then the door closed.

"I knew it," Dean said, "I knew she had to be a Veela." I laughed along with the others and we soon went to bed and before I got in bed, I wondered what was making Delia stressed?

I made a note in my head to ask her tommorow, then got in bed and closed my eyes.

The Diggory Sister(Part 3) A Harry Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now