Chapter 19

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Delia's POV-

I had got dressed for Hogsmeade, "We need to go," Hermione said. I nodded my head and grabbed the letter I wrote to mum.

"I hate that Harry can't come," I said walking down with Ron and Hermione. "I know," they said. "Last call for Hogsmeade," Filch said.

"Are you two not coming?" I asked Fred and George and saw them building a snowman. "No," they said, "We're going to finish our snowman," Fred said.

"Then we might prank Percy and your Prefect brother," George said smiling. I laughed, "Well you have fun," I said and ran to catch up with Ron and Hermione, "What were you doing?" Hermione asked.

"I was talking to Fred and George," I said and they nodded. We got to Hogsmeade and walked around some, "Want to go to the Shrieking Shack?" Hermione asked. "Sure," me and Ron said.

"I'm going to go send this letter to my mum I'll meet you guys there," I said. "Ok," they said and we walked our seperate ways.

The line was forever to send a letter, 'Most likely about Sirius,' I thought when I was finally able to send my letter and I ran out and to the Shrieking Shack where I saw Ron and Hermione talking.

I ran over, "Hey guys," I said. "Hey," they said. "Did you send your letter?" Hermione asked. "Yea," I said, "So what were you guys talking about?"

"The Shrieking Shack," Hermione said, "Do you guys want to move closer?" "Sure," I said. "Actually I'm fine here," Ron said.

"Well, well look who's here," an annoying voice said and I turned and saw Draco Malfoy. "What do you want?" I asked. He smirked then looked at Ron and Hermione, "You two shopping for your new dream home?" Malfoy asked, "Bit grand fo you, isn't it, Weasle-Bee? Don't your family sleep in one room?"

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy," Ron said looking at the ground. "Not very friendly," Malfoy said, "boys I think it's time we teach Weasle-Bee how to respect his superiors."

Me and Hermione laughed, "hope you don't mean yourself," Hermione said getting in front of Ron. "How dare you talk to me," Malfoy sneered, "you filthy mudblood."

I got in front her and raised my hand to slap him when he grabbed my wrist and tightened his grip and it hurt so bad, "get off me," I said and his grip loosened some and I pulled my arm away.

Hermione and Ron moved me back beside them when a snowball came and hit Malfoy in the back of the head.

We turned and Malfoy looked terrified, "Who is there?" He asked, when another one came and hit him and then another one.

"Don't stand there! Do something," Malfoy shrieked to Crabbe. "What?" Crabbe asked, when suddenly his pants went down and his friend's hat went over his eyes.

Crabbe tried pulling his pants up when he fell down and went face first into the snow. His friend moved his hat from in front of his eyes, when he was spun around by his scarf and he was screaming while Malfoy looked scared to death, when he tripped over Crabbe.

His friend fell and Malfoy was dragged towards the Shrieking Shack by his feet. "What's up Malfoy? Lost your skis?" Ron asked and me and Hermione laughed.

The person stopped dragging Malfoy and he got up and ran away pushing Crabbe down, "get out the way," he said running up the hill.

"Malfoy! Wait! Wait," Crabbe and his friend yelled running after Malfoy. Me, Hermione and Ron were laughing.

I thought on who would do this and my thought's went straight to one person, Harry. Ron's strings on his hat were moving up and down and Hermione's hair moved.

I felt someone grab my hand and kiss it and I smiled, "Harry," me and Hermione said smiling. Harry came out from under the cloak laughing.

"Bloody hell, Harry," Ron said, "that wasn't funny." We smiled at him, but he couldn't keep a straight face and we all laughed.

We walked down to Hogsmeade while Harry told us about The Marauders Map, something Fred and George gave him. "Those weasel's!" Ron said, "Never told me about any Marauders Map."

"Harry's not going to keep it," Hermione said, "He's going to turn it over to Professor McGonagall, aren't you?"

"Sure," Ron said sarcastically, "along with his invisiblity cloak." I just laughed and shook my head, when I heard hammering and looked and saw Madam Rosemerta.

"Oh look who it is, Madam Rosmerta," I said looking at Ron and smiling. "Ron fancies her," Hermione said. "That's not true," Ron said.

We didn't say anything else because, "Professor McGonagall," Cornelius Fudge said. "Cornlieus," McGongall said walking over.

"Allow me Minister," Hagrid said and opened the door or more like ripped it off. "Oh Hagrid," Fudge said. "Sorry about that," Hagrid said.

"Rosmerta, my dear I hope business is good," Fudge said getting down and walking to her. I had this odd feeling I knew why he was here. "It'd be a lot better if the Ministry wasn't sending dementors into my pub every other night," she said walking to him and shaking that hammer.

"We have," Fudge said, "We have a killer on the loose." "Sirius Black in Hogsmeade," she said, "and what would bring him here?"

Fudge walked over and whispered something and Rosmerta turned to him and said rather loudly, "Harry Potter?" "Shh," Fudge and McGonagall said and they all walked into Rosmerta's pub.

'Oh lord,' I thought, 'Harry Potter and Sirius Black in the same conversation isn't good especially with Harry beside me.' I looked beside me and didn't see Harry.

I looked forward and saw footsteps, and looked at Ron and Hermione, "Harry," we said and ran after him. We opened the pub door, "No underage wizards allowed in today," one of the heads hanging by the door said. "Shut the damn door," another said.

"So rude," Hermione said and I looked at the steps. "Thick heads," Ron said and we closed the door and I could hear the heads, "Who are they calling thick heads?" "Young whippersnappers," another said.

We stood there for a while, "Come on," Hermione said and we walked from in front of the door and sat down. 'He's going to figure out Sirius is his godfather, no he doesn't need to know right now,' I thought.

I looked down and saw footprints with no body, "Guys look," I said pointing them out and we got up and ran after him and through the fallen carolers.

"Sorry excuse me," I said and ran after Harry. "Merry Christmas," I heard Ron say. I followed him to a spot on the outskirts of Hogsmeade's.

I heard sobs and I looked at Ron and Hermione then walked forward some and kneeled down in front of a rock where I heard the sobs perfectly.

I held my hand out and grabbed the cloak and pulled it off and saw Harry was crying, "Harry what happened?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.

"He was their friend and he betrayed them," he said. He looked up at us, "HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!" Harry yelled making me jump and I could tell he was beyond mad, "I hope he finds me, because when he does, I'm going to be ready! When he does I'm gonna kill him!"

To be honest I was scared to be around Harry, he was mad and sounding like a mad man and I was utterly worried about him and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't.


Guys I'm so sorry for the long wait, I really am, don't hate me.

I'm going to have another chapter up tommorow and I promise.

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