Chapter 26

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Delia's POV- (After she ran off)

I couldn't watch Buckbeak die and I was thankful Harry, Ron and Hermione let me go. I didn't realize where I was until I looked up and saw the Whomping Willow.

I was scared, but that went away when I heard a growl behind me. I slowly turned around and I was completly scared out of my mind because I saw a big, black dog or The Grim.

It stopped growling and I backed up until I heard a creaking noise and I looked up and saw the Whomping Willow moving.

I was scared until I heard a growl and I felt complete pain in my arm and I was being dragged underneath the Whomping Willow. I felt like I couldn't scream, like my mouth wouldn't open.

I tried moving my arm to get it free, but that didn't work so I screamed knowing that probably no one could hear me.

The Grim released me and I looked at my arm and saw teeth marks and blood. I was just glad it wasn't my wand arm. I looked around and saw I was in a room that was covered in dust, it had a almost broken bed and I was on a mattress in the floor.

I looked near the bed and saw the Grim. "You saved me," I said remembering it dragging me from getting killed by a tree, but then him bitting my arm, "Well somewhat."

It disappeared and I stood up and walked slowly towards where it was, but backed up against the wall and grabbed my wand and held it up at who came out........Sirius Black.

"I'm not telling you where Harry is," I said, "So if that's why you took me you might as well kill me." He moved towards me, "Why would I kill you?" He asked, "Rose."

I looked at him, "That's my mum," I said, "and don't bring her into this you cold blooded raving lunatic." I held my wand up higher. "I didn't kill Lily and James," he said.

"Yes you did, and you also killed Peter Pettigrew," I said, "They were your friends you don't turn your friends in to You-Know-Who, you sacrifice yourself to keep your friends safe, not turn them in or kill them because one knew what you did."

"Your a lot like your mum, she would have said the same thing," he said sitting down, "I loved her, then she got with Remus, and then she married Diggory."

I lowered my wand to my side, "Rose probably never told you that," he said looking at me, and I shook my head, "I never stopped loving her, and I didn't kill or turn Lily and James into Voldemort, Peter did," he said, "I had talked Lily and James into changing Peter into their Secret Keeper, and not me."

"That was the worst mistake I ever made, I would have rather died than Lily and James dying and Peter the little coward, cut his finger off and faked his death, killed all those Muggles and turned himself into his Animagus, a rat, and I was sent to Azkaban for something he did."

I looked at him and I could tell he was telling the truth, "I can wrap that up for you," he said motioning to my arm, "but I don't have a wand."

I looked at my arm, then him then my wand, and I slowly handed him my wand and the next thing I know my arm is wrapped up, and he handed me my wand back, "Sorry about that though," he said.

"It's fine," I said and he stood up then disappeared and when he came back out he was The Grim, well more like a big, black dog.

He ran out and I was left in a room in what I now know is the Shrieking Shack.

Harry's POV-

"It's the Grim," Ron said. I looked at it when it growled and ran at us, but jumped over me and Hermione and ran right at Ron, grabbing him by the ankle.

It dragged him towards a hole in the Whomping Willow, "Harry." "Ron, Ron, wait," I said running after him, "Harry," he cried, "Help."

"Ron," Hermione yelled. I dropped down and tried grabbing his hand when the Grim dragged him into the hole and beneath the Whomping Willow and now all I could hear were Ron's cry's.

"Ron, Ron," I said. "Ron," Hermione said from beside me. She helped me up, when I felt a hit to my stomach and we both went flying away from the tree.

We got up and the tree might not be a human, but you could tell it's mad. I heard Ron cry again and then that female scream that I knew belonged to Delia.

"Come on!" I said and we ran towards the tree. It slammed a limb down, but we moved away when another was heading straight in between us, "Move," I said and we split up and it hit the ground between us.

We were almost there when another came, "Duck," Hermione said, but I didn't duck in time and went flying away and to make it worse, my glasses came off.

I looked up and barely saw the whole tree coming down and I rolled over just in time. I looked up at the tree and I heard Hermione scream.

I stood up and heard Hermione's screams right near me and I ducked down. I moved around on my hands and knees looking for my glasses when I finally found them.

I stood up and put them on and when I turned around, "Harry," Hermione said coming around and grabbing my shirt. We went around with her holding me by my shirt, when she let go and I went flying into the hole and landed on my stomach.

I was getting up when I was knocked back down by Hermione landing on me. "Oh I'm sorry," she said getting off me. "Don't worry," I said sitting up. "Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione asked helping me up.

"I have a hunch," I said remembering what Fred and George said about the Whomping Willow entrance, "I just hope I'm wrong," I said and I really hoped I was.

The Diggory Sister(Part 3) A Harry Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now