Chapter 37

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Delia's POV-

Harry and Cedric have been gone for sometime now and I was beginning to get worried, because, well, this is an over protective brother who doesn't miss anything on how people look at me and well, yeah.

"Delia what's wrong?" Hermione asked me. "Cedric and Harry have been gone for quite some time now," I said looking at the door. "Their fine Delia," Hermione said smiling, "Cedric's not going to go off on Harry and Harry wouldn't dare get Cedric mad."

I smiled at that last thing when I heard several owls hoot. I looked up and saw Sven, Olaf, the family owl and another owl carrying Harry's birthday presents down and then another one was carrying a long package.

They landed in front of me, Hermione and Ron, then a few minutes later the owls flew out. I grabbed the letter on top of Harry's presents and saw my name. I opened and read to myself:


I remember you saying to send them at the last day of school, so I have and I'm surprised they could carry all that weight and you might have noticed the other owl, well don't let Harry know but it is from Sirius, he will probably figure it out when he opens it

Love, Mum.

I smiled and laid it back down when I saw Ron's hand moving towards Harry's birthday presents and I smacked his hand away, "No," I said, "Their Harry's birthday presents, which means their for him to open."

He sighed, "But this one isn't," he said pointing to the other one. "Ron," I said while Hermione said, "Ronald."

Ron opened the present and I saw it was a Firebolt, and of course right then everyone crowded around, "Stand back, I said," Ron said, "Or I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle."

"What you get for opening it," I said to him while drinking some pumpkin juice. "Harry," Neville said running over with Seamus and I leaned back and saw him walking in along with Cedric who went to the Hufflepuff table.

"Wherever did you get it?" He asked him. I smiled and shook my head. "Can I have a go Harry?" Seamus asked him, "After you, of course."

I shook my head again when Cedric walked over, and his eyes went wide once he saw the broom, "Hey Cedric can you take this up to Gryffindor Tower?" I asked him motioning towards the boxes.

He nodded his head and Cedric picked up the boxes and I saw all the girls smile and sigh dreamily as they watched him pick them up.

"He's so strong," they said and I heard Fred and George grunt. I looked at them and smiled some, "What are you talking about?" I heard Harry ask. "Quiet," Ron said, "Let the man through, I didn't mean to open it Harry."

"Sure you didn't," I mumbled and Hermione looked over and laughed and I smiled. "It was badly wrapped, they made me do it," he said pointing to Fred and George, "Did not," they both said. I rolled my eyes and looked at Harry.

He moved the wrapping and there was the broom, "It's a Firebolt." "It's the fastest broom in the world." "For me?" Harry said smiling at it, "But who sent it?"

I smiled, "No one knows," Ron said. "This came with it," Hermione said smiling and holding up one of Buckbeak's feathers. Cedric suddenly came back down, "Couldn't get in," he said and I nodded my head. "It's ok," I said and he laid them back down and I pulled Harry beside me. "Happy Birthday Harry," I said smiling. He smiled and unwrapped them and everyone gasped, "Delia how did you?" Everyone asked me.

"Can't tell," I said smiling. Everyone gazed at the boxes, "What is it?" Harry asked. I smiled at him, "It's the Bulgarian and Irish Qudditch Teams," I said smiling, "The peoples names are on there as well," I said pointing to it, "Then you've got the signed broom by all of them, a signed Quaffle from the Chasers, two bludger bats for the Beaters, and a Snitch signed by the Seeker."

Harry smiled and hugged me, "And neither of the brooms are to be rode," I said, "So they are to stay in the case." He nodded his head and hugged me again, "But you can ride this broom Harry," Ron said pointing to the Firebolt. Harry smiled, "Let's go," he said grabbing it and running outside, all of us following him.

"Go on Harry." "Yeah let's see." "How fast is it Harry?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head at that last one, he hasn't even been on it, how is he supposed to know.

He got onto it, "Hey Delia come here," he said waving me over. I looked at him skeptically, "What for?" I asked him. "Just come here," he said.

I looked at him, when Hermione pushed me forward and Harry caught me and I saw I was sitting on the broom, in front of Harry, my legs hanging off one side.

"Oh no Harry," I said knowing what he was doing but he already had me pinned in by having both his arms holding onto the front.

"Harry James Potter you push off the ground with me on this it's not going to be pretty," I said. He just smiled, when I felt it bend down some, "No, no, NO!" I screamed as we shot into the air and I wrapped my arms around his neck holding on for dear life. "I'm going to kill you Harry James Potter," I yelled as we flew off and were swinging back and forth.

"You don't even know how to control this thing," I said when we went higher up. "Harry," I threatened. He just laughed at me as we flew around the castle. I just looked at him and smiled, "It's a good thing I'm not so much like Cedric," I said loudly since the wind was blowing by fast because this thing was fast.

"I don't believe that," he said smiling, "Your more alike than I know." I just laughed at him and saw him smile, when he took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers.

I felt a huge spark go through me and butterflies flying around, we stayed like that for some time looking into one another eyes when I came back to my senses, "Both hands on the broom," I said. He just laughed and moved his hand from mine and put it back on the broom blocking me in and making me stay close to him.

Every time I breathed in, I smelt a faint smell of dust, vanilla and mint and I couldn't help but smile. I looked up at Harry as he was concentrated on flying us around the castle while people below looked up at us.

I looked into Harry's eyes and something went through me and I thought to myself, 'I think I'm in love with Harry Potter.'

The End

Well this is the end of Book Three and it took forever to finish it.

I know this book is shorter than the other two, by several chapters, but after this chapter I couldn't think of anything.

I hope you guys like this one and how it turned out.

I'll be making the 4th book soon


The Diggory Sister(Part 3) A Harry Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now