Chapter 1

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It was just another summer day for the two best friends: Tin and Sam. School's out for almost three weeks so, they busied themselves by going to the beach, Football practices or shopping.

"Let's go somewhere. Somewhere far, you know?" I said.

"You know what, I'm thinking the same way too! We really are best friends. But the question is where?" Tin replied.

"I'll ask Mom if she has a nice suggestion on where we can spend our summer at." I said and stormed out the door and went downstairs.

"Mom?" I called.

There was no answer.

"MOM!!" I shouted.

"Yes honey? I'm just fixing your food and I'll bring it upstairs. Is Tin hungry already?" Mommy L replied.

"It's not it. I was just gonna ask if you know places where Tin and I can spend our summer. Somewhere quiet and a place where we can relax." I started.

"Still stressed about your school and football training?"

"Yeah. But where???????" doing my puppy dog eyes.

"Where particularly? Beach or city? "

"Beach with a city!" I replied excitedly.

"Oh. You can go to Hawaii! Their beaches there are nice and you know, you can meet cool people out there."

I went running upstairs to find Tin comfortably lying on my bed watching one of the episodes of Vampire Diaries.

Tin Del Rosario: my best friend. My closest friend.She's more like a sister to me since I'm the only child in the family. She is tall, 5'6 and has nice body features. She has dark hair that perfectly hangs on her shoulders. She's blue-eyed and has perfectly-shaped lips. That's why many guys are crazy over her. But she remains single, we are both. She's a pretty nice person with a big heart. She's also the striker in our football team.

"Mom told me that we can go to Hawaii. Spend a few days there and meet cool people." I said.

"Totally! Yeah yeah, let's go. Mom will definitely allow me if I will be with you."

"Okkay." I took my laptop that is resting on the table. I fired up Google and searched for tickets.

"Could you call your mom and confirm because I'll book us a flight in less than 20 minutes."

She replied "Okkay" then took her phone out and called her Mom.

After 5 minutes of talking to the phone she gave me a thumbs up that meant she's coming with me.

This is gonna be so cool!


We are both excited for our trip. It will only be the two of us for this trip because our friends have other plans.

It's Saturday and we will be leaving on Monday night straight to Hawaii.

"Have you packed yet?" Tin asked over the phone.

"I just started. Lol!" We both laughed.

"Okay so I’m gonna hang up right now because Mom called me to do something. Better not forget your credit card for this trip or I'll kill you." she threatened and hung up.

I scanned my closet for the things I will need to bring. My closet is damn big and I have a lot of clothes to choose from. I took out my luggage under the cabinet and started fishing out decent yet fashionable clothes.

I'm Sam Martinez.. I know it's a guy's name but I assure you, I'm a girl. Im 5'3 in height, tanned, and has dark blonde hair. I have brown eyes and have perfectly-shaped lips like Tin. I'm not that skinny but enough to wear a bikini. I'm also the goalkeeper of our football team that reached nationals and undefeated champions for four straight years.

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