Chapter 11

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“It’s been a long time. How are you?”

I cannot answer back. What will I say that I’m fine? After I broke up with him, 3 months ago?       

“I’m fine” I told him but there was a little guilt I felt in my heart.

There was a hand that touched my shoulder and when I looked back. It was him. The guy I fell in love with during this god damn trip. Karl Ramirez

Out of the blue, Keith said:

“I know him. We both joined UAAP last year, right?

 “Yeah, Hi Point Guard” Karl Said

This is getting weird.

“We were just leaving. Bye guys!” I said

We all walked towards the car and when I turned around Tin was still with Luke.

That girl!

“Tin. Let’s go!” I shouted and she followed.

The drive home was silent.

“Keith, you really know each other?”

“Didn’t you hear me early?”

“You know, there’s no need to be angry. I was just asking”.

 He didn’t reply.

Pat broke the silence when she said she wants to buy a coffee in the near Starbucks outlet. When we reached the coffee shop, we all went out of the car and get our own coffee. I need that too.

It’s so awkward when Keith sat beside me. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what I will say.

“You know we could still be friends” He said

Friends after a break up? Is that really possible? But who knows,  right?

“Why not? Let’s be friends!” I replied. And there was his smile. The smile I fell in love with before.

But, one thing is clear I’m not in love with him anymore. It’s been 3 months. We both moved on and continue our own lives. We decide before that it’s better to depart ways so that we can search ourselves.

Then after it, Keith drive us home.


It was already past 2AM when we reached the house. Mom was waiting and hugged me when she saw me and said that she missed me. After that cheesy moment with mom, she released me and hugged the girls.

“You should go up stairs and freshen up girls” Mom said

“Yes mom” We all said and laughed

My friends treat my mom like their own mom. We all do. That’s what friends are for, right?

Everybody was in comfortable position in my bed and the extra bed that was put up beside it.

“So tell us about the trip” Vee said

“Not that exciting girls.” *yawns* Tin said

“Let’s stop interrogating these girls. They are tired. Let’s talk about it tomorrow.” Ninia said

She has point.

“Good Night Guys! Tomorrow, we will tell you everything.” I said.

Sorry for the late update guys..


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