Imagine #1 - Your Choice

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Imagine This

You're at a Jack and Jack concert with your best friend, the both of you are fangirling and screaming along with the crowd as Jack and Jack walk up on stage. Hands fly as the rest of the crowd try to take photos and videos of the two, they greet the fans and introduce themselves.

You scream some more as the two end their introductions and start to perform, you begin to sing along. They perform their new album, Calibraska and in the end, give out a special announcement.

It was a contest. Everyone there was participating and the two winners of the contest would win a full day hang out with Jack and Jack personally.

They began to announce the winners of the contest, listening in awe with your best friend close by your side. You watch as both Jacks reach into the glass jar filled with small folded paper, all that holds one name written inside.

Each Jack held one piece, they dropped their microphones onto the table and unfolded the piece of paper. They took back their microphones and smiled at the crowd before announcing the winners,

"So the winners of our contest here is y/n and y/b/f/n! Whoever you are out there, can you come on stage?"

You stood there in shock, on the verge of tears, but your best friend pulled you out of your thoughts immediately and rushed the two of you up the stage.

Jack and Jack walk over to the two of you and your heart begins to beat so quick you don't know if you can handle them coming any closer.

"Hey, congrats! We'll meet you backstage when we're finished up a few more songs okay?"

You nod still speechless, someone from backstage came up and lead you and your friend into the back where you continued watching the two Jacks perform their songs. You look over to your best friend who had the biggest grin on her face and you couldn't help but smile as well. What a coincidence that you got to share a full day with your two most favourite people with your best friend.

Once the performance was over, Jack and Jack said their thanks and goodbyes to the fans and left for backstage. They grabbed their jackets and left the area with you and your friend.

After a few minutes of sitting in the car deciding where to go, the four of you finally make a decision to go to you and your best friend's favourite place, Starbucks. XD

You then go and get Starbucks and hang out with them, after a few hours of some chatting and laughs, they both invite you to come into their hotel room. (Not for that you dirty minded child, omg I just had to. - m)

When you first arrive you and your friend just stand in awe. There was a huge glass window leading to the lit up night view of all of California and two tables with a candle light dinners.

Jack J/Jack G then grabs your hand and leads you over to a table and invited you to sit down. All night long, you and your best friend share a meal with your one and only Jack and talk for the rest of the night.

Finally, when it gets dark out, you all get ready for bed but both you and your friend trip over something. Not knowing that it was Jack and Jack stepping over your foot, you fall into Jack J/Jack G's arms after the tumble.

You look up into his beautiful blue/hazel eyes and get lost as he leans in and kisses you in front of the lit up city.


Written By: Gurleen
Edited By: Michelle
Posted On: @ImagineJohnson IG acc


Quick Legend
Y/N: Your Name
Y/B/F/N: Your Best Friend's Name


Author's Note
Hey guys! So this is the first imagine that we've posted on our IG acc (@ImagineJohnson), it's a shorter version on there because G couldn't fit all the details in hahaha. XD && Obviously we had to add in both perspectives of the two Jacks aka Johnson and Gilinsky for the girls who are in different lanes, we're both in Johnson's so.. ;)

This is Michelle by the way, for those you who don't know, this is my original Wattpad acc. You should go leave Gurleen's a follow while you're here (@gks521)!

I'm going to continue uploading our imagines on here instead of only on Instagram so more people can maybe enjoy our cheesy little stories teehee.

But anyways! I'm going to stop myself from rambling and just publish this as how it is, okay du bai. Hope you enjoyed Gurleen's imagine! :D
- Michelle

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