1:This has to be a mistake!

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* Picture of Raven Parks*

How would you react if your mate,the one person that was made to love you and you to love back,rejects you? Trust me when I tell you I did not take it well. My reaction included a crowbar and his car meeting.

Me? I'm Raven,Raven Parks. Some people see me as the girl who hardly talks,has no friends or the outcast. But others see me as the badass,the one who brakes the rules,the one who set the princaple's chair on fire. Yep thats me badass/outcast. O yeah did I forget to mention I'm a werewolf,omega to be precice. My pack really knows how to push the right buttons but I never give them the satasfaction of screaming or crying.

And don't forget my dipshit of a mate won't even help me,enfact he joins in on the whole calling names/asbuse. But hey what can you do. I know what I can do but that doesn't mean I will do it. Oneday my revenge will hit them like a wall of bricks. School starts tomorrow,I don't know why I go,I mean all I do is get beaten or get stuck with detension,witch I try to avoid. My Alpha is very very hard to reason with.

Ok lets start the real story(A/N Just so you know she doesnt know who her mate is...not yet)

I'm in my room. On my shitty excuse of a bed listening to my all time fave song. And yes I know its a weird video but a awesome song. Panic at the disco(band),I write sins not tragedies(song). Here I am at Light Dawn pack house,looking at the moon through my window thats right infront of my bed. I look at my phone to see that its already 17:47pm. The pack will be done with dinner soon,so I better get ready for the first night of the year. They give me off on summers. I took my earphones off and stopped my music.

'When will our mate come for us? Its hard to keep going Raven.' My wolf Ava asks me. She really has a hard time trying to not confince me that I should just end it all. I mean I want to,I really want to but I want to see what my mate does,reject or acept. If he rejects me then I'll kill myself but if he accepts me then I will keep living for him.

'I don't know but he wil-' I was cut from answering my wolf to see the Beta of my pack,Axel Dwerwood enter my room. Well here goes nothing.

Later that night

I was lying on my bed in so much pain,but I will not show any emtion. I was staring at the ceiling while listening to my music once again. I looked at my phone,I always at 11pm go to the kitchen to steel some food before I get caught. Its 10:58pm. Two more minutes,thats all,two more minutes.

Once it was 11pm I went down stairs. Once I was in the kitchen I went straight to the fridge. I've been in the kitchen a long time that I forgot that its my birthday today. It's 1:39am in the morning. I was going through the cabinets for a small snack I can sneak back when the most amazing sent that I've smelt in my whole life hit me. Someone cleared their throat from behind me. I whipped around and I swear I should have gotten whiplash.

Turning around which I totally regretted. Right behind me was the one,the only....Alpha Mason! O I'm soo screwed.

"What are you doing?" He asked looking not to happy. For some weird reason I was kind of attracted to him. Am I losing my mind?! And my wolf is going crazy.

"Nothing..." I said in a soft but hearable voice.

Finally I could make out what the hell my wolf Ava was yelling and I was shoked,scared,o yes scared beyond compare.

Mason Rivers,the Mason Rivers! Was my,me out of all the people in the world. He was my...



HEY! Everyone I hope you tell me what you think. I really hope you like it. This is not my first book.
Please tell me if there is something wrong with it.





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