We've Always Been a Couple (Of Dorks)

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*Ps: Most of the stories are going to be based on Pics I find on Google. XD*

Dan's POV:

My eyes fluttered open and adjusted to my, surprisingly, lit and warm bedroom. Once I could see properly, I grabbed my phone that was lying on my bedside table and checked the time without sitting up. 11:37.

I sighed, realizing that the day was practically wasted. I turned over and almost gasped in surprise when I saw why it was so warm.

Someone was lying next to me in my bed. They had their back to me and all I saw was a mess of beautiful black hair and I caught a slight glance of pale skin. I slowly ran my fingers through the mysterious person's hair. They twitched a bit and turned over in their sleep to where they were facing me. My heart jumped with joy in my chest and a goofy grin appeared on my face when I finally saw who it was.

It was Phil. Phil is my roommate here in the UK. We live together in a beautiful apartment. And what he doesn't know, or I guess didn't know, was that I had a big crush on him. I mean a big crush. And here he was, In my bed.

I looked over Phil's sleeping body to see a pile of clothes on the floor. I quickly looked under the bed sheets and blankets. I immediately put them down. I was completely naked. 

And so was Phil.

My face heated up as I tried to remember what had happened last night.

Today was my birthday. And since Chris, PJ would be out of town today, they and Phil had all decided to surprise me and take me to a club last night, to celebrate early. I'm not one for social events, but I will admit, it had been fun. All I could remember was getting there with them and me immediately dragging Phil to the dance floor. I knew he couldn't dance but it was so cute to watch him try. I then remember Phil and I hitting the bar, vowing to only have One drink. One drink turned to five. Five turned to ten. Ten then turned to 20. I also remembered PJ, who surprisingly wasn't all that wasted, calling us a cab to take us back to our apartment. PJ came home with us to make sure we would be safe. Once we were inside, PJ left us on our own. My memory blurred for a bit and the next thing I remembered was Phil and I making out on the sofa in the lounge. My memory hit a rock again and the next vision was of Phil and me in my bedroom, kissing while quickly removing each other's clothes. My mind then blurred out completely.

I ran my hand across his cheek. He stirred and turned his back to me again. I gently wrapped my arm around him and pressed my chest to his back, tangling our legs together. At first, his body tensed and then relaxed as he let out a happy sigh. I carfully rested my head on his shoulder. I stayed like this for a few minutes before giving his neck a sweet kiss. I got out of bed, careful not to wake the beauty sleeping next to me. I threw on my boxers and made my way to the kitchen and made me a small cup of coffee in the One Direction mug we have in our cabinet full of mugs. I walked to the lounge and sat on the floor, starting up Skyrim. After a few minutes of playing I heard Phil's soft footsteps coming down the hall. I was going to stand and greet him with a tight embrace but I decided that the best thing to do would be to let Phil process what had happened last night since I knew he didn't like me like that. I heard the pouring of coffee. I then heard his soft footsteps again and the sound of his coffee mug being set down on the table behind me.

Just then his cool arms wrap around me tightly and his bare chest presses against my back. I felt his cool, sweet breathing on my neck. It made me shiver slightly but not cringe. I heard his sweet voice whisper in my ear with a mixture of lust, love, and caring. "Morning, birthday boy." My face heated up and I listened to his beautiful voice. "What do you want for your birthday?" He said, gently snapped at my earlobe. A smile crept onto my face as I thought of what I wanted the most. I had to try so hard not to laugh right then and there. The image in my head was just a shirtless Phil with a big red bow around him. I paused the game and turned around in his arms so that I was facing him. I looked up into his sparkling blue eyes. They made my face heat up. Phil used one of his hands to caress my hot cheek. "Why the blushies all of a sudden, Daniel?" I loved the way he said my full name. I wrapped my arms around his bare back and pulled him close to me as I nuzzled into the crook of his neck. He slowly drew circles on my back with his hands.

"Phil, can I ask you a question?"

I could almost feel Phil smile. "Of course you can. Shoot."

I took a deep breath. "What does this make us now, Phil? Are we going to go back to normal and still be just best friends or friends with benefits or ...or... maybe even. . . a couple?"

Phil was still for a second before his adorable laugh filled the silence of the apartment. I pulled back to look him in the eyes. They sparkled their normal bluish greenish yellowish glow. A wide grin was across his face as he looked at me. He must have sensed my confusion. "Daniel, baby boy." A shiver went down my spine when he called me that. He continued. "We've always been a couple."

I looked at him even more confused. We've always been a couple? What the hell did that mean?

"We have?" I asked, tilting my head slightly to the right.

"Yeah, a couple of dorks."

I laughed and playfully slapped his arm. He pulled me a little closer to where our noses were touching. I looked deep into his eyes and all I saw was an ocean of happiness and love with waves that sparkled. "I love you, Phil," I whispered, unable to look away from his eyes. I didn't know where the heck that I love you thing had just came from, but I didn't care. I was telling the truth. It was just something about those eyes that make me physically unable to lie. They brought out nothing but the truth in me.

He chuckled. "I love you too, Dan," he whispered back.

We slowly leaned forward until our lips were touching. It was a sweet, caring kiss. I moved my hands up and playfully tugged at his still messy black hair. I slipped my tongue carefully against his bottom lip, not wanting to rush anything. Phil smiled in the kiss and gratefully opened his mouth up to mine. His warm tongue against mine felt so good. It felt so so good. It felt so . . . right. I pulled back to catch my breath and Phil slowly moved his lips to my neck. He very gently kissed around my neck, obviously trying not to make me cringe. But he didn't need to worry. His touch was the only touch that didn't send discomfort through my body. Instead, it sent pleasure.

I moaned as he found my weak spot. He kissed there again, a little more forcefully this time. I moaned in response once again. He slowly began to start sucking and biting ever so gently. He was determined to leave his mark. Happiness and pleasure escaped my body in a deep, loud moan. I gently pushed Phil backwards until his back was pressed against the cool floor of our lounge and I was on top of him. I pinned his shoulders, gently, to the floor.  *A/N Just now noticing that I'm using the word 'gently' a lot. I'm just trying to emphasize the fact that they care about each other and are being very gentle with each other.* I had my knees on ether side of his hips, staring into those god damn eyes of his again. I placed kisses all over his face and once I knew there wasn't one spot that hadn't been kissed, I made my way to his neck. I found his sweet spot rather quickly. I nibbled and sucked just the way he had until I had left a love bite. I moved down to his chest, leaving a trail of kisses behind. I licked his nipple with my warm tongue. He moaned loudly. I blew on the newly wet spot and his nipples hardened. I slowly started sucking. He pushed my head down so I started sucking harder and caressed his other with my hand. I then did the same with the other nipple. Phil pulled at my hair and was moaning loudly with so much pleasure. Sorry Neighbors.

I was considering moving down to his jeans but I thought against it. I didn't want to rush anything. Sure we had done it last night while we were drunk, but we were sober now. I brought my face back up to his and kissed him on the lips again. I pulled away and he placed a hand on my cheek. I rubbed against his hand and purred like a kitten. Phil chuckled and used his hand to pull my face back down to his. We rested our noses against each other again and looked deep into each other's eyes. His eyes melted into a sea of blue and green with a hint of yellow. His pale skin was cherry pink. My eyes slowly slipped closed as we both started to lean in again.

"Hey we came to see if you guys are ok before we left. You guys were pretty dru- What the fuck?!??!"

Phil and I both turned to see PJ and Chris staring at us. I forgot they had a key to our apartment.

"God damn it, PJ," we said at the same time with the same tone.

The End :3

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