Would you die for us (part 2)

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Dan's POV:
I sat on my bed, staring at the cold floor. I've been in here for a full week. I was never smiling. I was always sad. I wasn't sad about being locked up in here. I was sad for abandoning Phil at the park. A single tear fell from my eye and to the floor where it stayed there.
 "Hey mate. Are you ok?"
 I looked up at the guard that comes by every night to take roll count. She was tall and slender with her brown hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. Her face was sad and so were her eyes. She was nice but if you got on her bad side, she could break your arm. Luckily, she liked me. Her name was Katherine, but I called her Kally. I shook my head and she leaned against the bars of my cell. "Wanna talk about it?" I shrugged my shoulders as another tear escaped my eye. "You're missing someone, aren't you?" She could read me like a book. I nodded slowly. "I'm sorry. Is it your mother, brother, girlfriend, boyfriend?" I chocked up at the last one. I had always liked Phil since the day I ran into him on the sidewalk. I'd actually liked him before that. I would watch him from across the classroom and try to get his attention. That's why I was always in trouble. I was always trying to get Phil to acknowledge me. And when we ran into each other, I was truly happy. And now we're best friends.
Best Friends. Friends. The word that haunts me. Because I know that's all we'll ever be.

"Dan? Dan? Dan. Are you ok?"
I didn't realize I had burst into hard tears. I buried my red face in my hands and felt the tears slip down my arms. I shook my head violently. I heard my cell door open and Kally stepped in. She sat down next to me and pulled me into a side hug. I cried onto her shoulder. She gently rubbed my back. After about five minutes, I pulled away and rubbed my eyes. "I'm... I'm sorry, Kally. It's just that... that I held back so many tears when I got arrested. I had to let them out. But I knew that I.. I had to stay strong in front of him. I didn't want to make him more upset," I said, slightly stuttering.
"Who is he, Dan, if you don't mind me asking?"
"My," my voice cracked. "Friend, Phillip."
"You wish he was more than just a friend, don't you?" I raised an eyebrow at her. "How can you read my mind like that?" She smiled and laughed. "I can't read your face but I can read your wall." Kally pointed over my shoulder to my wall. I blushed when I looked at it. I had wrote Phil's name on my wall in chalk. I had also drawn a heart around it. It gave me something to wake up to. It kept me going. I scratched the back of my neck nervously. "Hehe. Forgot about that," I muttered. "You really like him, don't you," Kally asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"I do. He's my best friend. I think I love him."
Just then, there was a loud exploding sound followed by an alarm, causing Kally and I to jump up. "What the hell was that," I asked.
"The Alarm. Ether someone's breaking out, or someone's breaking in," Kally said. Yelling could be heard down the stone corridor.
"Where is he," came a strong voice.
A gunshot went off. "Good luck like that. Now where is he?!"
The sound of running footsteps grew closer. Kally pushed me behind her and pulled out her gun. Just then a figure about as tall as me appeared. It was a boy with short black hair. His face was covered with a mask that looked like the face a white cat with black and blue swirls all over it. My breath got caught in my chest.
"Are you crazy," I yelled at him.
I could see him smile from behind his mask. "Crazy in love with you," he said back. I smiled and whispered into Kally's ear, "If you love me let me go." I pushed past her and towards him. He took my hand and we ran. I looked back once to see Kally talking to the other cops. I smiled and she winked at me. We ran outside and we didn't stop running. We ran all the way to the park. How we didn't get caught, I have no fucking idea. We ran to the tree. After we caught our breath, I reached over and pulled off his mask to reveal his beautiful pale face and rosey cheeks and blue eyes. "Would you really risk dying for us," I whispered to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I would die for us. I love you Dan," he said, grabbing my hips.
"And I love you, Phil."
We closed the gap between our lips. His lips tasted the exact way I thought they would. Sweet and sugary. We both pulled away and Phil reached into his pocket and handed me something. It was my pocket knife. I smiled and opened it. I drew a large heart around our names on the tree and put a + between our names. I nicked my finger and underlined my name and outlined half of the heart. Phil underlined his name and hid half of the heart. I put the knife away and kissed Phil again, this time, slipping my tongue into his mouth. He moaned.
Just then, a red and blue flash came in the  distance and so did a siren. Phil pulled away and walked to behind the tree. He picked up another mask. This one looked like the head of a black cat with white and light blue swirls on it. Phil helped me put it on and away we ran, never to be seen again.

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