One Big Happy Family

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Phil's POV:

"Dil! Wake up! Time for school," I yelled from the kitchen, putting an apple into the lunch box in front of me on the counter. I heard the opening of a door. "Papa, I'm 18. You don't have to make my lunch for me," Dil said with a yawn. He sat down in the black chair at the dinning table. I smiled, closing the box. I went to the stove, grabbed a plate of eggs on toast, and set it down on the table in front of Dil. "I know, but I've been doing it since you were little. Old habits die hard." Dil smiled and began to eat his breakfast. "Where's Dad?" As if on cue, Dan came out of the bedroom, shirtless. He yawned and ruffled Dil's hair. "Morning, Little Man. Ready for a day of school," he said with a big smile. "You bet Dad." I watched them with a big smile on my face. Dan looked at me and walked over. He hugged my tightly. "And how's my little Lion?"

"I'm fine." I pulled away and handed him a plate of food too. Dan went and sat down next to Dan. They were so close. Just like father and son should be. "Hey Dil, if you're not busy after school, do you want to go fishing," I said, cleaning up the kitchen counter. "That sounds great Papa! You wanna come too, Dad," Dil asked Dan. "Of course I do! Now go get ready for school." Dil smiled and ran off to his room. Dan shook his head laughing. "He hasn't changed a bit since he was 8. Still loves fishing and still loves his dads. I'm so glad we didn't go through that 'Troublesome Teen' thing with him," Dan said, grabbing his and Dil's empty plates and taking them to the sink. I smiled and began to wash the plates. Dan wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you too, Danny." I turned and kissed him. He smiled and I continued to wash the dishes. He kissed my cheek and walked off to the study room. Once the dishes were clean, Dil came out of his room, wearing his normal outfit. Except for one thing...

"Dil. Forgetting something?" I pointed to his feet. Dil looked down and face palmed. He still had on his bunny slippers. He walked back to his room and put on his black and white converses. Dan came out of the study and sat down on the sofa, turning on the TV. Dil walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He walked over to Dan and kissed his cheek, too. "See you after school. Can't wait to go fishing," Dil said, happily. Dan and I waved as he grabbed his bag and walked out the door to catch the bus. Dan chuckled and continued watching TV. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. I kissed his neck sweetly. I felt a shiver go down his back. He turned off the TV. "Get over here," he said, pulling me over the sofa. I squealed in surprise. I landed on top of him on the sofa. We both bust out laughing. I kissed the top of his forehead. "I," I said. I kissed his nose. "Love." I kissed his lips. "You." Dan smiled and grabbed my hips. He pulled them down to meet his. "You're so beautiful," he whispered. I blushed. "No I'm not," I said, looking away. Dan used one hand to grab my chin and turned my face back to his. "Yes you are Phillip. Not just in my eyes, but in everybody's. You may not believe it but I know it. You and Dil are the most beautiful things that have ever happened to me. You have no idea just how much I love you. Now, why don't we watch a movie?" I nodded. We put on some movie but I never really knew what it was. I was too busy watching Dan. I stared at him, as if I wanted to freeze his face in my memory. I didn't want to forget anything about him. His cute little dimples in his cheeks. The crinkles by his eyes when he smiled. His rosey red cheeks. His deep brown eyes. His juicy, irresistible lips. I leaned in and kissed them. He smiled against my lips and kissed me back. I ran my hand along his bare chest. We kisses for the rest of the movie, pulling back at some times to breath but diving right back in. It seemed like no time that we heard the front door open. Dan and I quickly broke apart and made it look like we were watching the movie. "When are we gonna go fishing," Dil said, bouncing up and down. We sighed and laughed.

A/N: Hey guyz. So I just finished this and I'm rereading it and I realized something. I based this on how I wish my childhood was like. You see, my dad left me and my mum so my only male in life is my older brother but he stays in jail alot. This is sorta like how I wished my family had been like or how I want my future family to be like. Sorry if this made you kinda sad. ~APRIL

Ps. The chapter may be a Smutt chapter *wink wink nudge nudge* ;P

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